2018-03-21 14:15:51 +01:00
# PlaceholderAPI
2018-03-22 20:15:47 +01:00
PlaceholderAPI is a library that allows servers to use placeholders from a wide range of your favorite plugins, such as
Essentials, Factions, LuckPerms, Vault, AutoSell, GriefPrevention, and many more!
You can display information from your favorite plugins in any plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI.
Through the use of the Expansion cloud, PAPI effectively and efficiently allows you to pick and choose which placeholders you want to install.
The Expansion cloud allows you to receive new placeholders, updates to existing placeholder expansions, and much more directly from your server
without updating the actual plugin. With over 100,000 downloads, PlaceholderAPI is a must have for a server of any type or scale.
[![Build Status](http://ci.extendedclip.com/buildStatus/icon?job=PlaceholderAPI)](http://ci.extendedclip.com/job/PlaceholderAPI/)
It'd be cool to include more information here
in the future, such as how to contribute, how
to build, documentation? (wikis aren't enabled
as of writing this), etc. I know there are people
with brighter imaginations than me here