A list of known Expansion repositories and their issue trackers can be found [here](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/discussions/510#discussion-63812).
The easiest way to provide those information is through the `/papi dump` command which posts the required information to https://paste.helpch.at and gives a URL to share.
If you want changes to be made towards the Wiki, would we encourage you to [Make a Pull request](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/pulls).
You can find more information about this process on the [Wiki's Readme](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/blob/master/wiki/README.md).
- The Pull request is based on AND targets the [`wiki`](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/tree/wiki) branch of the Repository.
- You followed the general Styling Guidelines mentioned in the wiki's [README](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/blob/wiki/README.md) file.
The issue you encounter is not considered a bug and rather an intentional behaviour of PlaceholderAPI and/or one of its expansions.
If you still believe that it is a bug, provide more information and a maintainer of this repository may look at it more closely.
Before providing more info, always make sure to use the latest version of PlaceholderAPI, as the issue you encounter might already be fixed in a newer version.
Optionally can you also try out [development builds](https://ci.extendedclip.com/job/PlaceholderAPI/) and see if the issue was fixed there.
The issue has been marked as **inactive** which means it didn't recieve any responses from the Author ({{ issue.user.login }}) for a long period of time.
To keep the issue-tracker clean and up to date do we close issues that haven't received any responses for a long time.
If you're the Author of this issue and the reported problem is still present, make sure to respond with additional info to this issue, so that we can reopen it.
We would like to inform you, that we have [Discussions](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/discussions) that you can use for asking questions.