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* This file is part of Luma3DS
* Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Aurora Wright, TuxSH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
#include <3ds.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "utils.h" // for makeArmBranch
#include "minisoc.h"
#include "input_redirection.h"
#include "process_patches.h"
#include "menus.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "sock_util.h"
bool inputRedirectionEnabled = false;
Handle inputRedirectionThreadStartedEvent;
static MyThread inputRedirectionThread;
static u8 ALIGN(8) inputRedirectionThreadStack[0x4000];
MyThread *inputRedirectionCreateThread(void)
if(R_FAILED(MyThread_Create(&inputRedirectionThread, inputRedirectionThreadMain, inputRedirectionThreadStack, 0x4000, 0x20, CORE_SYSTEM)))
return &inputRedirectionThread;
// local hid, local tsrd localcprd, localtswr, localcpwr, remote hid, remote ts, remote circle
static u32 hidData[] = { 0x00000FFF, 0x02000000, 0x007FF7FF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000FFF, 0x02000000, 0x007FF7FF };
// remote ir
static u32 irData[] = { 0x80800081 }; // Default: C-Stick at the center, no buttons.
int inputRedirectionStartResult;
void inputRedirectionThreadMain(void)
Result res = 0;
inputRedirectionStartResult = 0;
res = miniSocInit();
// Socket services broken
inputRedirectionStartResult = res;
// Still signal the event
int sock = socSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
u32 tries = 15;
while(sock == -1 && --tries > 0)
svcSleepThread(100 * 1000 * 1000LL);
sock = socSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (sock < -10000 || tries == 0) {
// Socket services broken
inputRedirectionStartResult = -1;
// Still signal the event
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
saddr.sin_port = htons(4950);
saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = socGethostid();
res = socBind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if(res != 0)
inputRedirectionStartResult = res;
// Still signal the event
inputRedirectionEnabled = true;
u32 *hidDataPhys = PA_FROM_VA_PTR(hidData);
hidDataPhys += 5; // skip to +20
u32 *irDataPhys = PA_FROM_VA_PTR(irData);
char buf[20];
u32 oldSpecialButtons = 0, specialButtons = 0;
while(inputRedirectionEnabled && !preTerminationRequested)
struct pollfd pfd;
pfd.fd = sock; = POLLIN;
pfd.revents = 0;
if (Sleep__Status())
while (!Wifi__IsConnected()
&& inputRedirectionEnabled && !preTerminationRequested)
int pollres = socPoll(&pfd, 1, 10);
if(pollres > 0 && (pfd.revents & POLLIN))
int n = socRecvfrom(sock, buf, 20, 0, NULL, 0);
if(n < 0)
else if(n < 12)
memcpy(hidDataPhys, buf, 12);
if(n >= 20)
memcpy(irDataPhys, buf + 12, 4);
oldSpecialButtons = specialButtons;
memcpy(&specialButtons, buf + 16, 4);
if(!(oldSpecialButtons & 1) && (specialButtons & 1)) // HOME button pressed
srvPublishToSubscriber(0x204, 0);
else if((oldSpecialButtons & 1) && !(specialButtons & 1)) // HOME button released
srvPublishToSubscriber(0x205, 0);
if(!(oldSpecialButtons & 2) && (specialButtons & 2)) // POWER button pressed
srvPublishToSubscriber(0x202, 0);
if(!(oldSpecialButtons & 4) && (specialButtons & 4)) // POWER button held long
srvPublishToSubscriber(0x203, 0);
else if(pollres < -10000)
inputRedirectionEnabled = false;
struct linger linger;
linger.l_onoff = 1;
linger.l_linger = 0;
socSetsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &linger, sizeof(struct linger));
void hidCodePatchFunc(void);
void irCodePatchFunc(void);
static Result InputRedirection_DoUndoIrPatches(Handle processHandle, bool doPatch)
static u32* hookLoc = NULL;
static u32* syncLoc = NULL;
static u32* cppFlagLoc = NULL;
static u32 origIrSync = 0;
static u32 origCppFlag = 0;
static bool patchPrepared = false;
static u32 irOrigReadingCode[5] = {
0xE5940000, // ldr r0, [r4]
0xE1A01005, // mov r1, r5
0xE3A03005, // mov r3, #5
0xE3A02011, // mov r2, #17
0x00000000 // (bl i2c_read_raw goes here)
static u32 irHook[] = {
0xE5940000, // ldr r0, [r4]
0xE1A01005, // mov r1, r5
0xE59FC000, // ldr r12, [pc] (actually +8)
0xE12FFF3C, // blx r12
0x00000000 // irCodePhys goes here
static u32 syncHookCode[] = {
0xE5900000, // ldr r0, [r0]
0xEF000024, // svc 0x24
0xE3A00000, // mov r0, #0
0xE51FF004, // ldr pc, [pc, #-4]
0x00000000, // (return address goes here)
// Find offsets for required patches
s64 startAddress, textTotalRoundedSize, rodataTotalRoundedSize, dataTotalRoundedSize;
u32 totalSize;
Result res;
svcGetProcessInfo(&textTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10002); // only patch .text + .data
svcGetProcessInfo(&rodataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10003);
svcGetProcessInfo(&dataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10004);
totalSize = (u32)(textTotalRoundedSize + rodataTotalRoundedSize + dataTotalRoundedSize);
svcGetProcessInfo(&startAddress, processHandle, 0x10005);
res = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0x00100000, processHandle, (u32) startAddress, totalSize);
if(R_SUCCEEDED(res) && !patchPrepared)
static const u32 irOrigWaitSyncCode[] = {
0xEF000024, // svc 0x24 (WaitSynchronization)
0xE1B01FA0, // movs r1, r0, lsr#31
0xE1A0A000, // mov r10, r0
}, irOrigWaitSyncCodeOld[] = {
0xE0AC6000, // adc r6, r12, r0
0xE5D70000, // ldrb r0, [r7]
}; // pattern for 8.1
static const u32 irOrigCppFlagCode[] = {
0xE3550000, // cmp r5, #0
0xE3A0B080, // mov r11, #0x80
svcGetProcessInfo(&startAddress, processHandle, 0x10005);
res = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0x00100000, processHandle, (u32) startAddress, totalSize);
u32 irDataPhys = (u32)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(irData);
u32 irCodePhys = (u32)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(&irCodePatchFunc);
u32 *off = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &irOrigReadingCode, totalSize, sizeof(irOrigReadingCode) - 4);
if(off == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -1;
u32 *off2 = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &irOrigWaitSyncCode, totalSize, sizeof(irOrigWaitSyncCode));
if(off2 == NULL)
off2 = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &irOrigWaitSyncCodeOld, totalSize, sizeof(irOrigWaitSyncCodeOld));
if(off2 == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -2;
u32 *off3 = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &irOrigCppFlagCode, totalSize, sizeof(irOrigCppFlagCode));
if(off3 == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -3;
origIrSync = *off2;
origCppFlag = *off3;
*(void **)(irCodePhys + 8) = decodeArmBranch(off + 4);
*(void **)(irCodePhys + 12) = (void*)irDataPhys;
irHook[4] = irCodePhys;
irOrigReadingCode[4] = off[4]; // Copy the branch.
syncHookCode[4] = (u32)off2 + 4; // Hook return address
hookLoc = PA_FROM_VA_PTR(off);
syncLoc = PA_FROM_VA_PTR(off2);
cppFlagLoc = PA_FROM_VA_PTR(off3);
patchPrepared = true;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res))
if (doPatch)
memcpy(hookLoc, &irHook, sizeof(irHook));
// We keep the WaitSynchronization1 to avoid general slowdown because of the high cpu load
if (*syncLoc == 0xEF000024) // svc 0x24 (WaitSynchronization)
syncLoc[-1] = 0xE51FF004;
syncLoc[0] = (u32)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(&syncHookCode);
// This "NOP"s out a WaitSynchronisation1 (on the event bound to the 'IR' interrupt) or the check of a previous one
*syncLoc = 0xE3A00000; // mov r0, #0
// This NOPs out a flag check in ir:user's CPP emulation
*cppFlagLoc = 0xE3150000; // tst r5, #0
memcpy(hookLoc, irOrigReadingCode, sizeof(irOrigReadingCode));
if (*syncLoc == 0xE3A00000)
*syncLoc = origIrSync;
syncLoc[-1] = 0xE5900000; // ldr r0, [r0]
syncLoc[0] = 0xEF000024; // svc 0x24
*cppFlagLoc = origCppFlag;
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return res;
static Result InputRedirection_DoUndoHidPatches(Handle processHandle, bool doPatches)
static const u32 hidOrigRegisterAndValue[] = { 0x1EC46000, 0x4001 };
static const u32 hidOrigCode[] = {
0xE92D4070, // push {r4-r6, lr}
0xE1A05001, // mov r5, r1
0xEE1D4F70, // mrc p15, 0, r4, c13, c0, 3
0xE3A01801, // mov r1, #0x10000
0xE5A41080, // str r1, [r4,#0x80]!
static bool patchPrepared = false;
static u32 *hidRegPatchOffsets[2];
static u32 *hidPatchJumpLoc;
// Find offsets for required patches
s64 startAddress, textTotalRoundedSize, rodataTotalRoundedSize, dataTotalRoundedSize;
u32 totalSize;
Result res;
svcGetProcessInfo(&textTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10002); // only patch .text + .data
svcGetProcessInfo(&rodataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10003);
svcGetProcessInfo(&dataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10004);
totalSize = (u32)(textTotalRoundedSize + rodataTotalRoundedSize + dataTotalRoundedSize);
svcGetProcessInfo(&startAddress, processHandle, 0x10005);
res = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0x00100000, processHandle, (u32) startAddress, totalSize);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res) && !patchPrepared)
u32 *off = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &hidOrigRegisterAndValue, totalSize, sizeof(hidOrigRegisterAndValue));
if(off == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -1;
u32 *off2 = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)off + sizeof(hidOrigRegisterAndValue), &hidOrigRegisterAndValue, totalSize - ((u32)off - 0x00100000), sizeof(hidOrigRegisterAndValue));
if(off2 == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -2;
u32 *off3 = (u32 *)memsearch((u8 *)0x00100000, &hidOrigCode, totalSize, sizeof(hidOrigCode));
if(off3 == NULL)
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return -3;
hidRegPatchOffsets[0] = off;
hidRegPatchOffsets[1] = off2;
hidPatchJumpLoc = off3;
patchPrepared = true;
if (doPatches)
u32 hidDataPhys = (u32)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(hidData);
u32 hidCodePhys = (u32)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(&hidCodePatchFunc);
u32 hidHook[] = {
0xE59F3004, // ldr r3, [pc, #4]
0xE59FC004, // ldr r12, [pc, #4]
0xE12FFF1C, // bx r12
*hidRegPatchOffsets[0] = *hidRegPatchOffsets[1] = hidDataPhys;
memcpy(hidPatchJumpLoc, &hidHook, sizeof(hidHook));
memcpy(hidRegPatchOffsets[0], &hidOrigRegisterAndValue, sizeof(hidOrigRegisterAndValue));
memcpy(hidRegPatchOffsets[1], &hidOrigRegisterAndValue, sizeof(hidOrigRegisterAndValue));
memcpy(hidPatchJumpLoc, &hidOrigCode, sizeof(hidOrigCode));
svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, totalSize);
return res;
Result InputRedirection_Disable(s64 timeout)
return 0;
Result res = InputRedirection_DoOrUndoPatches();
return res;
inputRedirectionEnabled = false;
res = MyThread_Join(&inputRedirectionThread, timeout);
return res;
Result InputRedirection_DoOrUndoPatches(void)
static bool hidPatched = false;
static bool irPatched = false;
Handle hidProcHandle = 0, irProcHandle = 0;
// Prevent hid and ir from running, in any case
svcKernelSetState(0x10000, 4);
Result res = OpenProcessByName("hid", &hidProcHandle);
if (R_FAILED(res))
goto cleanup;
res = OpenProcessByName("ir", &irProcHandle);
if (R_FAILED(res))
goto cleanup;
res = InputRedirection_DoUndoHidPatches(hidProcHandle, !hidPatched);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res))
hidPatched = !hidPatched;
if(R_SUCCEEDED(res) && GET_VERSION_MINOR(osGetKernelVersion()) >= 44)
res = InputRedirection_DoUndoIrPatches(irProcHandle, !irPatched);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res))
irPatched = !irPatched;
else if (!irPatched)
InputRedirection_DoUndoHidPatches(hidProcHandle, false);
hidPatched = false;
svcKernelSetState(0x10000, 4);
return res;