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74 lines
1.5 KiB
74 lines
1.5 KiB
.create "build/k11MainHook.bin", 0
; hook __kernel_main to bind SGI0 for own purposes
push {r0-r4, lr}
sub sp, #16 ; 3 args passed through the stack + alignment
ldr r0, [interruptManager]
adr r1, interruptEvent
mov r2, #0
mrc p15, 0, r3, c0, c0, 5
and r3, #3
mov r4, #0
str r4, [sp]
str r4, [sp, #4]
str r4, [sp, #8]
ldr r12, [InterruptManager_mapInterrupt]
blx r12
cmp r0, #0
blt .
add sp, #16
pop {r0-r4, pc}
push {r4, lr}
mrs r4, cpsr
adr r0, customHandler
bl convertVAToPA
orr r0, #(1 << 31)
ldr r12, [r0]
blx r12
mov r0, #0
msr cpsr_cx, r4
pop {r4, pc}
mov r1, #0x1000
sub r1, #1
and r2, r0, r1
bic r0, r1
mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c8, 0 ; VA to PA translation with privileged read permission check
mrc p15, 0, r0, c7, c4, 0 ; read PA register
tst r0, #1 ; failure bit
bic r0, r1
addeq r0, r2
movne r0, #0
bx lr
; Result InterruptManager::mapInterrupt(InterruptManager *this, InterruptEvent *iEvent, u32 interruptID, u32 coreID, s32 priority, bool willBeMasked, bool isLevelHighActive);
InterruptManager_mapInterrupt: .ascii "bind"
_vtable: .word executeCustomHandler
interruptEvent: .word _vtable
customHandler: .ascii "hdlr"
interruptManager: .word 0
L2MMUTable: .word 0
funcs: .word 0,0,0
TTBCR: .word 0
L1MMUTableAddrs: .word 0,0,0,0
kernelVersion: .word 0
CFWInfo: .word 0,0,0,0