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TuxSH adda19ecb2 so bascially rosalina's image...
was in BASE (hardcoded by kernel) while its heaps were in SYSTEM. Fix this; also put the kext where BASE was.
2020-05-18 01:15:44 +01:00

116 lines
4.8 KiB

* This file is part of Luma3DS
* Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Aurora Wright, TuxSH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
#include "globals.h"
KRecursiveLock *criticalSectionLock;
KObjectList *threadList;
KObjectMutex *synchronizationMutex;
void (*KRecursiveLock__Lock)(KRecursiveLock *this);
void (*KRecursiveLock__Unlock)(KRecursiveLock *this);
void (*KAutoObject__AddReference)(KAutoObject *this);
KProcess * (*KProcessHandleTable__ToKProcess)(KProcessHandleTable *this, Handle processHandle);
KThread * (*KProcessHandleTable__ToKThread)(KProcessHandleTable *this, Handle threadHandle);
KAutoObject * (*KProcessHandleTable__ToKAutoObject)(KProcessHandleTable *this, Handle handle);
void (*KSynchronizationObject__Signal)(KSynchronizationObject *this, bool isPulse);
Result (*WaitSynchronization1)(void *this_unused, KThread *thread, KSynchronizationObject *syncObject, s64 timeout);
Result (*KProcessHandleTable__CreateHandle)(KProcessHandleTable *this, Handle *out, KAutoObject *obj, u8 token);
Result (*KProcessHwInfo__MapProcessMemory)(KProcessHwInfo *this, KProcessHwInfo *other, void *dst, void *src, u32 nbPages);
Result (*KProcessHwInfo__UnmapProcessMemory)(KProcessHwInfo *this, void *addr, u32 nbPages);
Result (*KEvent__Clear)(KEvent *this);
void (*KObjectMutex__WaitAndAcquire)(KObjectMutex *this);
void (*KObjectMutex__ErrorOccured)(void);
void (*KScheduler__AdjustThread)(KScheduler *this, KThread *thread, u32 oldSchedulingMask);
void (*KScheduler__AttemptSwitchingThreadContext)(KScheduler *this);
Result (*ControlMemory)(u32 *addrOut, u32 addr0, u32 addr1, u32 size, MemOp op, MemPerm perm, bool isLoader);
void (*SleepThread)(s64 ns);
Result (*CloseHandle)(Handle handle);
Result (*GetHandleInfo)(s64 *out, Handle handle, u32 type);
Result (*GetSystemInfo)(s64 *out, s32 type, s32 param);
Result (*GetProcessInfo)(s64 *out, Handle processHandle, u32 type);
Result (*GetThreadInfo)(s64 *out, Handle threadHandle, u32 type);
Result (*ConnectToPort)(Handle *out, const char *name);
Result (*SendSyncRequest)(Handle handle);
Result (*OpenProcess)(Handle *out, u32 processId);
Result (*GetProcessId)(u32 *out, Handle process);
Result (*DebugActiveProcess)(Handle *out, u32 processId);
Result (*UnmapProcessMemory)(Handle processHandle, void *dst, u32 size);
Result (*KernelSetState)(u32 type, u32 varg1, u32 varg2, u32 varg3);
void (*flushDataCacheRange)(void *addr, u32 len);
void (*invalidateInstructionCacheRange)(void *addr, u32 len);
bool (*usrToKernelMemcpy8)(void *dst, const void *src, u32 len);
bool (*usrToKernelMemcpy32)(u32 *dst, const u32 *src, u32 len);
s32 (*usrToKernelStrncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, u32 len);
bool (*kernelToUsrMemcpy8)(void *dst, const void *src, u32 len);
bool (*kernelToUsrMemcpy32)(u32 *dst, const u32 *src, u32 len);
s32 (*kernelToUsrStrncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, u32 len);
void (*svcFallbackHandler)(u8 svcId);
void (*kernelpanic)(void);
void (*officialPostProcessSvc)(void);
Result (*SignalDebugEvent)(DebugEventType type, u32 info, ...);
bool isN3DS;
u32 *exceptionStackTop;
u32 TTBCR;
u32 L1MMUTableAddrs[4];
void *kernelUsrCopyFuncsStart, *kernelUsrCopyFuncsEnd;
bool *isDevUnit;
vu8 *configPage;
u32 kernelVersion;
FcramLayout fcramLayout;
KCoreContext *coreCtxs;
void *originalHandlers[8] = {NULL};
u32 nbSection0Modules;
Result (*InterruptManager__MapInterrupt)(InterruptManager *manager, KBaseInterruptEvent *iEvent, u32 interruptID,
u32 coreID, u32 priority, bool disableUponReceipt, bool levelHighActive);
InterruptManager *interruptManager;
void (*initFPU)(void);
void (*mcuReboot)(void);
void (*coreBarrier)(void);
CfwInfo cfwInfo;
u32 kextBasePa;
u32 stolenSystemMemRegionSize;
vu32 rosalinaState;
bool hasStartedRosalinaNetworkFuncsOnce;