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2017-06-09 17:29:26 +02:00

461 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

* This file is part of Luma3DS
* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
#include "firm.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "patches.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "emunand.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "fmt.h"
#include "../build/bundled.h"
static inline bool loadFirmFromStorage(FirmwareType firmType)
const char *firmwareFiles[] = {
*cetkFiles[] = {
u32 firmSize = fileRead(firm, firmType == NATIVE_FIRM1X2X ? firmwareFiles[0] : firmwareFiles[(u32)firmType], 0x400000 + sizeof(Cxi) + 0x200);
if(!firmSize) return false;
if(firmSize <= sizeof(Cxi) + 0x200) error("The FIRM in /luma is not valid.");
if(memcmp(firm, "FIRM", 4) != 0)
u8 cetk[0xA50];
if(fileRead(cetk, firmType == NATIVE_FIRM1X2X ? cetkFiles[0] : cetkFiles[(u32)firmType], sizeof(cetk)) != sizeof(cetk) ||
!decryptNusFirm((Ticket *)(cetk + 0x140), (Cxi *)firm, firmSize))
error("The FIRM in /luma is encrypted or corrupted.");
//Check that the FIRM is right for the console from the ARM9 section address
if((firm->section[3].offset != 0 ? firm->section[3].address : firm->section[2].address) != (ISN3DS ? (u8 *)0x8006000 : (u8 *)0x8006800))
error("The FIRM in /luma is not for this console.");
return true;
static inline void mergeSection0(FirmwareType firmType, bool loadFromStorage)
u32 srcModuleSize,
nbModules = 0;
char name[8];
u8 *src;
u32 size;
} moduleList[6];
//1) Parse info concerning Nintendo's modules
for(u8 *src = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[0].offset, *srcEnd = src + firm->section[0].size; src < srcEnd; src += srcModuleSize, nbModules++)
memcpy(moduleList[nbModules].name, ((Cxi *)src)->exHeader.systemControlInfo.appTitle, 8);
moduleList[nbModules].src = src;
srcModuleSize = moduleList[nbModules].size = ((Cxi *)src)->ncch.contentSize * 0x200;
if(firmType == NATIVE_FIRM)
//2) Merge that info with our own modules'
for(u8 *src = (u8 *)0x1FF60000; src < (u8 *)(0x1FF60000 + LUMA_SECTION0_SIZE); src += srcModuleSize)
const char *name = ((Cxi *)src)->exHeader.systemControlInfo.appTitle;
u32 i;
for(i = 0; i < 5 && memcmp(name, moduleList[i].name, 8) != 0; i++);
if(i == 5)
memcpy(moduleList[i].name, ((Cxi *)src)->exHeader.systemControlInfo.appTitle, 8);
moduleList[i].src = src;
srcModuleSize = moduleList[i].size = ((Cxi *)src)->ncch.contentSize * 0x200;
//3) Read or copy the modules
u8 *dst = firm->section[0].address;
const char *extModuleSizeError = "The external FIRM modules are too large.";
for(u32 i = 0, dstModuleSize, maxModuleSize = 0x60000; i < nbModules; i++, dst += dstModuleSize, maxModuleSize -= dstModuleSize)
char fileName[24];
//Read modules from files if they exist
sprintf(fileName, "sysmodules/%.8s.cxi", moduleList[i].name);
dstModuleSize = getFileSize(fileName);
if(dstModuleSize != 0)
if(dstModuleSize > maxModuleSize) error(extModuleSizeError);
if(dstModuleSize <= sizeof(Cxi) + 0x200 ||
fileRead(dst, fileName, dstModuleSize) != dstModuleSize ||
memcmp(((Cxi *)dst)->ncch.magic, "NCCH", 4) != 0 ||
memcmp(moduleList[i].name, ((Cxi *)dst)->exHeader.systemControlInfo.appTitle, sizeof(((Cxi *)dst)->exHeader.systemControlInfo.appTitle)) != 0)
error("An external FIRM module is invalid or corrupted.");
dstModuleSize = moduleList[i].size;
if(dstModuleSize > maxModuleSize) error(extModuleSizeError);
memcpy(dst, moduleList[i].src, dstModuleSize);
//4) Patch NATIVE_FIRM if necessary
if(nbModules == 6)
if(patchK11ModuleLoading(firm->section[0].size, dst - firm->section[0].address, (u8 *)firm + firm->section[1].offset, firm->section[1].size) != 0)
error("Failed to inject custom sysmodule");
u32 loadFirm(FirmwareType *firmType, FirmwareSource nandType, bool loadFromStorage, bool isSafeMode)
//Load FIRM from CTRNAND
u32 firmVersion = firmRead(firm, (u32)*firmType);
if(firmVersion == 0xFFFFFFFF) error("Failed to get the CTRNAND FIRM.");
bool mustLoadFromStorage = false;
if(!ISN3DS && *firmType == NATIVE_FIRM && !ISDEVUNIT)
if(firmVersion < 0x18)
//We can't boot < 3.x EmuNANDs
if(nandType != FIRMWARE_SYSNAND)
error("An old unsupported EmuNAND has been detected.\nLuma3DS is unable to boot it.");
if(isSafeMode) error("SAFE_MODE is not supported on 1.x/2.x FIRM.");
*firmType = NATIVE_FIRM1X2X;
//We can't boot a 3.x/4.x NATIVE_FIRM, load one from SD/CTRNAND
else if(firmVersion < 0x25) mustLoadFromStorage = true;
if((loadFromStorage || mustLoadFromStorage) && loadFirmFromStorage(*firmType)) firmVersion = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if(mustLoadFromStorage) error("An old unsupported FIRM has been detected.\nCopy a firmware.bin in /luma to boot.");
if(!decryptExeFs((Cxi *)firm)) error("The CTRNAND FIRM is corrupted.");
if(ISDEVUNIT) firmVersion = 0xFFFFFFFF;
return firmVersion;
u32 patchNativeFirm(u32 firmVersion, FirmwareSource nandType, bool loadFromStorage, bool isSafeMode, bool doUnitinfoPatch)
u8 *arm9Section = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[2].offset,
*arm11Section1 = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[1].offset;
//Decrypt ARM9Bin and patch ARM9 entrypoint to skip kernel9loader
kernel9Loader((Arm9Bin *)arm9Section);
firm->arm9Entry = (u8 *)0x801B01C;
//Find the Process9 .code location, size and memory address
u32 process9Size,
u8 *process9Offset = getProcess9Info(arm9Section, firm->section[2].size, &process9Size, &process9MemAddr);
//Find the Kernel11 SVC table and handler, exceptions page and free space locations
u32 baseK11VA;
u8 *freeK11Space;
u32 *arm11SvcHandler,
*arm11SvcTable = getKernel11Info(arm11Section1, firm->section[1].size, &baseK11VA, &freeK11Space, &arm11SvcHandler, &arm11ExceptionsPage);
u32 kernel9Size = (u32)(process9Offset - arm9Section) - sizeof(Cxi) - 0x200,
ret = 0;
installMMUHook(arm11Section1, firm->section[1].size, &freeK11Space);
installK11MainHook(arm11Section1, firm->section[1].size, isSafeMode, baseK11VA, arm11SvcTable, arm11ExceptionsPage, &freeK11Space);
installSvcConnectToPortInitHook(arm11SvcTable, arm11ExceptionsPage, &freeK11Space);
installSvcCustomBackdoor(arm11SvcTable, &freeK11Space, arm11ExceptionsPage);
//Apply signature patches
ret += patchSignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
//Apply EmuNAND patches
if(nandType != FIRMWARE_SYSNAND) ret += patchEmuNand(arm9Section, kernel9Size, process9Offset, process9Size, firm->section[2].address);
//Apply FIRM0/1 writes patches on SysNAND to protect A9LH
else ret += patchFirmWrites(process9Offset, process9Size);
//Apply firmlaunch patches
ret += patchFirmlaunches(process9Offset, process9Size, process9MemAddr);
//Apply dev unit check patches related to NCCH encryption
ret += patchZeroKeyNcchEncryptionCheck(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += patchNandNcchEncryptionCheck(process9Offset, process9Size);
//11.0 FIRM patches
if(firmVersion >= (ISN3DS ? 0x21 : 0x52))
//Apply anti-anti-DG patches
ret += patchTitleInstallMinVersionChecks(process9Offset, process9Size, firmVersion);
//Apply UNITINFO patches
ret += patchUnitInfoValueSet(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
if(!ISDEVUNIT) ret += patchCheckForDevCommonKey(process9Offset, process9Size);
//ARM9 exception handlers
ret += patchArm9ExceptionHandlersInstall(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
ret += patchSvcBreak9(arm9Section, kernel9Size, (u32)firm->section[2].address);
ret += patchKernel9Panic(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
ret += patchP9AccessChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
mergeSection0(NATIVE_FIRM, loadFromStorage);
firm->section[0].size = 0;
return ret;
u32 patchTwlFirm(u32 firmVersion, bool loadFromStorage, bool doUnitinfoPatch)
u8 *arm9Section = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[3].offset;
//On N3DS, decrypt ARM9Bin and patch ARM9 entrypoint to skip kernel9loader
kernel9Loader((Arm9Bin *)arm9Section);
firm->arm9Entry = (u8 *)0x801301C;
//Find the Process9 .code location, size and memory address
u32 process9Size,
u8 *process9Offset = getProcess9Info(arm9Section, firm->section[3].size, &process9Size, &process9MemAddr);
u32 kernel9Size = (u32)(process9Offset - arm9Section) - sizeof(Cxi) - 0x200,
ret = 0;
ret += patchLgySignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += patchTwlInvalidSignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += patchTwlNintendoLogoChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += patchTwlWhitelistChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
if(ISN3DS || firmVersion > 0x11) ret += patchTwlFlashcartChecks(process9Offset, process9Size, firmVersion);
else if(!ISN3DS && firmVersion == 0x11) ret += patchOldTwlFlashcartChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += patchTwlShaHashChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
//Apply UNITINFO patch
if(doUnitinfoPatch) ret += patchUnitInfoValueSet(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
mergeSection0(TWL_FIRM, true);
firm->section[0].size = 0;
return ret;
u32 patchAgbFirm(bool loadFromStorage, bool doUnitinfoPatch)
u8 *arm9Section = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[3].offset;
//On N3DS, decrypt ARM9Bin and patch ARM9 entrypoint to skip kernel9loader
kernel9Loader((Arm9Bin *)arm9Section);
firm->arm9Entry = (u8 *)0x801301C;
//Find the Process9 .code location, size and memory address
u32 process9Size,
u8 *process9Offset = getProcess9Info(arm9Section, firm->section[3].size, &process9Size, &process9MemAddr);
u32 kernel9Size = (u32)(process9Offset - arm9Section) - sizeof(Cxi) - 0x200,
ret = 0;
ret += patchLgySignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
if(CONFIG(SHOWGBABOOT)) ret += patchAgbBootSplash(process9Offset, process9Size);
//Apply UNITINFO patch
if(doUnitinfoPatch) ret += patchUnitInfoValueSet(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
mergeSection0(AGB_FIRM, true);
firm->section[0].size = 0;
return ret;
u32 patch1x2xNativeAndSafeFirm(void)
u8 *arm9Section = (u8 *)firm + firm->section[2].offset;
//Decrypt ARM9Bin and patch ARM9 entrypoint to skip kernel9loader
kernel9Loader((Arm9Bin *)arm9Section);
firm->arm9Entry = (u8 *)0x801B01C;
//Find the Process9 .code location, size and memory address
u32 process9Size,
u8 *process9Offset = getProcess9Info(arm9Section, firm->section[2].size, &process9Size, &process9MemAddr);
u32 kernel9Size = (u32)(process9Offset - arm9Section) - sizeof(Cxi) - 0x200,
ret = 0;
ret += ISN3DS ? patchFirmWrites(process9Offset, process9Size) : patchOldFirmWrites(process9Offset, process9Size);
ret += ISN3DS ? patchSignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size) : patchOldSignatureChecks(process9Offset, process9Size);
//ARM9 exception handlers
ret += patchArm9ExceptionHandlersInstall(arm9Section, kernel9Size);
ret += patchSvcBreak9(arm9Section, kernel9Size, (u32)firm->section[2].address);
return ret;
static __attribute__((noinline)) bool overlaps(u32 as, u32 ae, u32 bs, u32 be)
if(as <= bs && bs <= ae)
return true;
if(bs <= as && as <= be)
return true;
return false;
static __attribute__((noinline)) bool inRange(u32 as, u32 ae, u32 bs, u32 be)
if(as >= bs && ae <= be)
return true;
return false;
bool checkFirmPayload(u32 payloadSize)
if(memcmp(firm->magic, "FIRM", 4) != 0 || firm->arm9Entry == NULL) //Allow for the ARM11 entrypoint to be zero in which case nothing is done on the ARM11 side
return false;
bool arm9EpFound = false,
arm11EpFound = false;
u32 size = 0x200;
for(u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
size += firm->section[i].size;
if(size != payloadSize) return false;
for(u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
FirmSection *section = &firm->section[i];
//Allow empty sections
if(section->size == 0)
if((section->offset < 0x200) ||
(section->address + section->size < section->address) || //Overflow check
((u32)section->address & 3) || (section->offset & 0x1FF) || (section->size & 0x1FF) || //Alignment check
(overlaps((u32)section->address, (u32)section->address + section->size, (u32)firm, (u32)firm + size)) ||
((!inRange((u32)section->address, (u32)section->address + section->size, 0x08000000, 0x08000000 + 0x00100000)) &&
(!inRange((u32)section->address, (u32)section->address + section->size, 0x18000000, 0x18000000 + 0x00600000)) &&
(!inRange((u32)section->address, (u32)section->address + section->size, 0x1FF00000, 0x1FFFFC00)) &&
(!inRange((u32)section->address, (u32)section->address + section->size, 0x20000000, 0x20000000 + 0x8000000))))
return false;
__attribute__((aligned(4))) u8 hash[0x20];
sha(hash, (u8 *)firm + section->offset, section->size, SHA_256_MODE);
if(memcmp(hash, section->hash, 0x20) != 0)
return false;
if(firm->arm9Entry >= section->address && firm->arm9Entry < (section->address + section->size))
arm9EpFound = true;
if(firm->arm11Entry >= section->address && firm->arm11Entry < (section->address + section->size))
arm11EpFound = true;
return arm9EpFound && (firm->arm11Entry == NULL || arm11EpFound);
void launchFirm(int argc, char **argv)
u32 *chainloaderAddress = (u32 *)0x01FF9000;
memcpy(chainloaderAddress, chainloader_bin, chainloader_bin_size);
// No need to flush caches here, the chainloader is in ITCM
((void (*)(int, char **, u32))chainloaderAddress)(argc, argv, 0x0000BEEF);