/* * firm.c * by Reisyukaku * Copyright (c) 2015 All Rights Reserved */ #include "firm.h" #include "patches.h" #include "memory.h" #include "fs.h" #include "emunand.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "draw.h" firmHeader *firmLocation = (firmHeader *)0x24000000; firmSectionHeader *section; u32 firmSize = 0; u8 mode = 1, console = 1, emuNAND = 0, a9lhSetup = 0, updatedSys = 0, usePatchedFirm = 0; u16 pressed; char *firmPathPatched = NULL; void setupCFW(void){ //Determine if booting with A9LH via PDN_SPI_CNT u8 a9lhBoot = (*(u8*)0x101401C0 == 0x0) ? 1 : 0; //Retrieve the last booted FIRM via CFG_BOOTENV u8 previousFirm = *(u8*)0x10010000; u8 overrideConfig = 0; char lastConfigPath[] = "rei/lastbootcfg"; //Detect the console being used if(PDN_MPCORE_CFG == 1) console = 0; //Get pressed buttons pressed = HID_PAD; //Determine if A9LH is installed if(a9lhBoot || fileExists("/rei/installeda9lh")){ a9lhSetup = 1; //Check flag for > 9.2 SysNAND if(fileExists("/rei/updatedsysnand")) updatedSys = 1; } //If booting with A9LH and it's a MCU reboot, try to force boot options if(a9lhBoot && previousFirm && fileExists(lastConfigPath)){ u8 tempConfig; fileRead((u8*)&tempConfig, lastConfigPath, 1); //Always force a sysNAND boot when quitting AGB_FIRM if(previousFirm == 0x7) { if(!updatedSys) mode = tempConfig & 0x1; overrideConfig = 1; //Else, force the last used boot options unless A is pressed } else if(!(pressed & BUTTON_A)) { mode = tempConfig & 0x1; emuNAND = (tempConfig >> 1) & 0x1; overrideConfig = 1; } } if(!overrideConfig){ /* If L is pressed, and on an updated SysNAND setup the SAFE MODE combo is not pressed, boot 9.0 FIRM */ if((pressed & BUTTON_L1) && !(updatedSys && pressed == SAFEMODE)) mode = 0; /* If L or R aren't pressed on a 9.0/9.2 SysNAND, or the 9.0 FIRM is selected or R is pressed on a > 9.2 SysNAND, boot emuNAND */ if((updatedSys && (!mode || ((pressed & BUTTON_R1) && pressed != SAFEMODE))) || (!updatedSys && mode && !(pressed & BUTTON_R1))) emuNAND = 1; //Write the current boot options on A9LH if(a9lhBoot){ u8 tempConfig = (mode | (emuNAND << 1)) & 0x3; fileWrite((u8*)&tempConfig, lastConfigPath, 1); } } if(mode) firmPathPatched = emuNAND ? "/rei/patched_firmware_emu.bin" : "/rei/patched_firmware_sys.bin"; //Skip decrypting and patching FIRM if(fileExists("/rei/usepatchedfw")){ //Only needed with this flag if(!mode) firmPathPatched = "/rei/patched_firmware90.bin"; if(fileExists(firmPathPatched)) usePatchedFirm = 1; } } //Load firm into FCRAM u8 loadFirm(void){ //If not using an A9LH setup or the patched FIRM, load 9.0 FIRM from NAND if(!usePatchedFirm && !a9lhSetup && !mode){ //Read FIRM from NAND and write to FCRAM firmSize = console ? 0xF2000 : 0xE9000; nandFirm0((u8*)firmLocation, firmSize, console); //Check for correct decryption if(memcmp((u8*)firmLocation, "FIRM", 4) != 0) return 1; } //Load FIRM from SD else{ char *path = usePatchedFirm ? firmPathPatched : (mode ? "/rei/firmware.bin" : "/rei/firmware90.bin"); firmSize = fileSize(path); if (!firmSize) return 1; fileRead((u8*)firmLocation, path, firmSize); } section = firmLocation->section; //Check that the loaded FIRM matches the console if((((u32)section[2].address >> 8) & 0xFF) != (console ? 0x60 : 0x68)) return 1; if(console && !usePatchedFirm) decArm9Bin((u8*)firmLocation + section[2].offset, mode); return 0; } //Nand redirection u8 loadEmu(void){ u32 emuOffset = 0, emuHeader = 0, emuRead = 0, emuWrite = 0, sdmmcOffset = 0, mpuOffset = 0, emuCodeOffset = 0; //Read emunand code from SD char path[] = "/rei/emunand/emunand.bin"; u32 size = fileSize(path); if (!size) return 1; if(!console || !mode) nandRedir[5] = 0xA4; //Find offset for emuNAND code from the offset in nandRedir u8 *emuCodeTmp = &nandRedir[4]; emuCodeOffset = *(u32*)emuCodeTmp - (u32)section[2].address + section[2].offset + (u32)firmLocation; fileRead((u8*)emuCodeOffset, path, size); //Find and patch emunand related offsets u32 *pos_sdmmc = memsearch((u32*)emuCodeOffset, "SDMC", size, 4); u32 *pos_offset = memsearch((u32*)emuCodeOffset, "NAND", size, 4); u32 *pos_header = memsearch((u32*)emuCodeOffset, "NCSD", size, 4); getSDMMC(firmLocation, &sdmmcOffset, firmSize); getEmunandSect(&emuOffset, &emuHeader); getEmuRW(firmLocation, firmSize, &emuRead, &emuWrite); getMPU(firmLocation, &mpuOffset, firmSize); *pos_sdmmc = sdmmcOffset; *pos_offset = emuOffset; *pos_header = emuHeader; //Patch emuNAND code in memory for O3DS and 9.0 N3DS if(!console || !mode){ u32 *pos_instr = memsearch((u32*)emuCodeOffset, "\xA6\x01\x08\x30", size, 4); memcpy((u8*)pos_instr, emuInstr, sizeof(emuInstr)); } //Add emunand hooks memcpy((u8*)emuRead, nandRedir, sizeof(nandRedir)); memcpy((u8*)emuWrite, nandRedir, sizeof(nandRedir)); //Set MPU for emu code region memcpy((u8*)mpuOffset, mpu, sizeof(mpu)); return 0; } //Patches u8 patchFirm(void){ //Skip patching if(usePatchedFirm) return 0; //Apply emuNAND patches if(emuNAND){ if (loadEmu()) return 1; } else if (a9lhSetup){ //Patch FIRM partitions writes on SysNAND to protect A9LH u32 writeOffset = 0; getFIRMWrite(firmLocation, firmSize, &writeOffset); memcpy((u8*)writeOffset, FIRMblock, sizeof(FIRMblock)); } //Disable signature checks u32 sigOffset = 0, sigOffset2 = 0; getSignatures(firmLocation, firmSize, &sigOffset, &sigOffset2); memcpy((u8*)sigOffset, sigPat1, sizeof(sigPat1)); memcpy((u8*)sigOffset2, sigPat2, sizeof(sigPat2)); //Patch ARM9 entrypoint on N3DS to skip arm9loader if(console){ u32 *arm9 = (u32*)&firmLocation->arm9Entry; *arm9 = 0x801B01C; } //Patch FIRM reboots, not on 9.0 FIRM as it breaks firmlaunchhax if(mode){ u32 rebootOffset = 0, fOpenOffset = 0; //Read reboot code from SD char path[] = "/rei/reboot/reboot.bin"; u32 size = fileSize(path); if (!size) return 1; getReboot(firmLocation, firmSize, &rebootOffset); fileRead((u8*)rebootOffset, path, size); //Calculate the fOpen offset and put it in the right location u32 *pos_fopen = memsearch((u32*)rebootOffset, "OPEN", size, 4); getfOpen(firmLocation, firmSize, &fOpenOffset); *pos_fopen = fOpenOffset; //Patch path for emuNAND-patched FIRM if(emuNAND){ u32 *pos_path = memsearch((u32*)rebootOffset, L"sy", size, 4); memcpy((u8*)pos_path, L"emu", 5); } } //Write patched FIRM to SD if needed if(firmPathPatched) if(fileWrite((u8*)firmLocation, firmPathPatched, firmSize) != 0) return 1; return 0; } void launchFirm(void){ if(console && mode) setKeyXs((u8*)firmLocation + section[2].offset); //Copy firm partitions to respective memory locations memcpy(section[0].address, (u8*)firmLocation + section[0].offset, section[0].size); memcpy(section[1].address, (u8*)firmLocation + section[1].offset, section[1].size); memcpy(section[2].address, (u8*)firmLocation + section[2].offset, section[2].size); //Run ARM11 screen stuff vu32 *arm11 = (vu32*)0x1FFFFFF8; *arm11 = (u32)shutdownLCD; while (*arm11); //Set ARM11 kernel *arm11 = (u32)firmLocation->arm11Entry; //Final jump to arm9 binary ((void (*)())firmLocation->arm9Entry)(); }