/* * fs.c */ #include "fs.h" #include "memory.h" #include "fatfs/ff.h" static FATFS sdFs, nandFs; u32 mountFs(void) { if(f_mount(&sdFs, "0:", 1) != FR_OK) return 0; f_mount(&nandFs, "1:", 0); return 1; } u32 fileRead(void *dest, const char *path, u32 size) { FRESULT fr; FIL fp; unsigned int br = 0; fr = f_open(&fp, path, FA_READ); if(fr == FR_OK) { if(!size) size = f_size(&fp); fr = f_read(&fp, dest, size, &br); } f_close(&fp); return fr ? 0 : 1; } u32 fileWrite(const void *buffer, const char *path, u32 size) { FRESULT fr; FIL fp; unsigned int br = 0; fr = f_open(&fp, path, FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS); if(fr == FR_OK) fr = f_write(&fp, buffer, size, &br); f_close(&fp); return fr ? 0 : 1; } u32 defPayloadExists(void) { DIR dir; FILINFO info; FRESULT result = f_findfirst(&dir, &info, "/luma/payloads", "def_*.bin"); f_closedir(&dir); return (result == FR_OK && info.fname[0]); } void findDumpFile(const char *path, char *fileName) { DIR dir; FILINFO info; u32 n = 0; while(f_findfirst(&dir, &info, path, fileName) == FR_OK && info.fname[0]) { u32 i = 18, tmp = ++n; while(tmp) { fileName[i--] = '0' + (tmp % 10); tmp /= 10; } } f_closedir(&dir); } void firmRead(void *dest, const char *firmFolder) { char path[48] = "1:/title/00040138/00000000/content"; memcpy(&path[18], firmFolder, 8); DIR dir; FILINFO info; f_opendir(&dir, path); u32 id = 0xFFFFFFFF; //Parse the target directory while(f_readdir(&dir, &info) == FR_OK && info.fname[0]) { //Not a cxi if(info.altname[9] != 'A') continue; //Convert the .app name to an integer u32 tempId = 0; for(char *tmp = info.altname; *tmp != '.'; tmp++) { tempId <<= 4; tempId += *tmp > '9' ? *tmp - 'A' + 10 : *tmp - '0'; } //Found an older cxi if(tempId < id) id = tempId; } f_closedir(&dir); //Complete the string with the .app name memcpy(&path[34], "/00000000.app", 14); //Last digit of the .app u32 i = 42; //Convert back the .app name from integer to array while(id) { static const char hexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; path[i--] = hexDigits[id & 0xF]; id >>= 4; } fileRead(dest, path, 0); }