/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "utils.h" #include "globals.h" #include "synchronization.h" #include "fatalExceptionHandlers.h" #include "svc.h" #include "svc/ConnectToPort.h" #include "svcHandler.h" #include "memory.h" struct KExtParameters { u32 ALIGN(0x400) L2MMUTableFor0x40000000[256]; u32 basePA; void *originalHandlers[4]; u32 L1MMUTableAddrs[4]; CfwInfo cfwInfo; } kExtParameters = { .basePA = 0x12345678 }; // place this in .data void relocateAndSetupMMU(u32 coreId, u32 *L1Table) { struct KExtParameters *p0 = (struct KExtParameters *)((u32)&kExtParameters - 0x40000000 + 0x18000000); struct KExtParameters *p = (struct KExtParameters *)((u32)&kExtParameters - 0x40000000 + p0->basePA); if(coreId == 0) { // Relocate ourselves, and clear BSS memcpy((void *)p0->basePA, (const void *)0x18000000, __bss_start__ - __start__); memset32((u32 *)(p0->basePA + (__bss_start__ - __start__)), 0, __bss_end__ - __bss_start__); // Map the kernel ext to 0x40000000 // 4KB extended small pages: [SYS:RW USR:-- X TYP:NORMAL SHARED OUTER NOCACHE, INNER CACHED WB WA] for(u32 offset = 0; offset < (u32)(__end__ - __start__); offset += 0x1000) p->L2MMUTableFor0x40000000[offset >> 12] = (p0->basePA + offset) | 0x516; __asm__ __volatile__ ("sev"); } else __asm__ __volatile__ ("wfe"); // bit31 idea thanks to SALT // Maps physmem so that, if addr is in physmem(0, 0x30000000), it can be accessed uncached&rwx as addr|(1<<31) u32 attribs = 0x40C02; // supersection (rwx for all) of strongly ordered memory, shared for(u32 PA = 0; PA < 0x30000000; PA += 0x01000000) { u32 VA = (1 << 31) | PA; for(u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) L1Table[i + (VA >> 20)] = PA | attribs; } L1Table[0x40000000 >> 20] = (u32)p->L2MMUTableFor0x40000000 | 1; p->L1MMUTableAddrs[coreId] = (u32)L1Table; } void bindSGI0Hook(void) { if(InterruptManager__MapInterrupt(interruptManager, customInterruptEvent, 0, getCurrentCoreID(), 0, false, false) != 0) __asm__ __volatile__ ("bkpt 0xdead"); } void configHook(vu8 *cfgPage) { configPage = cfgPage; kernelVersion = *(vu32 *)configPage; *(vu32 *)(configPage + 0x40) = fcramLayout.applicationSize; *(vu32 *)(configPage + 0x44) = fcramLayout.systemSize; *(vu32 *)(configPage + 0x48) = fcramLayout.baseSize; *isDevUnit = true; // enable debug features } static void findUsefulSymbols(void) { u32 *off; for(off = (u32 *)0xFFFF0000; *off != 0xE1A0D002; off++); off += 3; initFPU = (void (*) (void))off; for(; *off != 0xE3A0A0C2; off++); mcuReboot = (void (*) (void))--off; coreBarrier = (void (*) (void))decodeARMBranch(off - 4); for(off = (u32 *)originalHandlers[2]; *off != 0xE1A00009; off++); svcFallbackHandler = (void (*)(u8))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(; *off != 0xE92D000F; off++); officialPostProcessSvc = (void (*)(void))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); KProcessHandleTable__ToKProcess = (KProcess * (*)(KProcessHandleTable *, Handle))decodeARMBranch(5 + (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x76]); for(off = (u32 *)KProcessHandleTable__ToKProcess; *off != 0xE1A00004; off++); KAutoObject__AddReference = (void (*)(KAutoObject *))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(; *off != 0xE320F000; off++); KProcessHandleTable__ToKAutoObject = (KAutoObject * (*)(KProcessHandleTable *, Handle))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(off = (u32 *)decodeARMBranch(3 + (u32 *)officialSVCs[9]); /* KThread::Terminate */ *off != 0xE5D42034; off++); off -= 2; criticalSectionLock = (KRecursiveLock *)off[2 + (off[0] & 0xFF) / 4]; KRecursiveLock__Lock = (void (*)(KRecursiveLock *))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); off += 4; for(; (*off >> 16) != 0xE59F; off++); KRecursiveLock__Unlock = (void (*)(KRecursiveLock *))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(; *off != 0xE5C4007D; off++); KSynchronizationObject__Signal = (void (*)(KSynchronizationObject *, bool))decodeARMBranch(off + 3); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x19]; *off != 0xE1A04005; off++); KEvent__Clear = (Result (*)(KEvent *))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(off = (u32 *)KEvent__Clear; *off != 0xE8BD8070; off++); synchronizationMutex = *(KObjectMutex **)(off + 1); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x24]; *off != 0xE59F004C; off++); WaitSynchronization1 = (Result (*)(void *, KThread *, KSynchronizationObject *, s64))decodeARMBranch(off + 6); for(off = (u32 *)decodeARMBranch(3 + (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x33]) /* OpenProcess */ ; *off != 0xE1A05000; off++); KProcessHandleTable__CreateHandle = (Result (*)(KProcessHandleTable *, Handle *, KAutoObject *, u8))decodeARMBranch(off - 1); for(off = (u32 *)decodeARMBranch(3 + (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x34]) /* OpenThread */; *off != 0xD9001BF7; off++); threadList = *(KObjectList **)(off + 1); KProcessHandleTable__ToKThread = (KThread * (*)(KProcessHandleTable *, Handle))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x37] + 3) /* GetThreadId */ + 5); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x50]; off[0] != 0xE1A05000 || off[1] != 0xE2100102 || off[2] != 0x5A00000B; off++); InterruptManager__MapInterrupt = (Result (*)(InterruptManager *, KBaseInterruptEvent *, u32, u32, u32, bool, bool))decodeARMBranch(--off); interruptManager = *(InterruptManager **)(off - 4 + (off[-6] & 0xFFF) / 4); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x54]; *off != 0xE8BD8008; off++); flushDataCacheRange = (void (*)(void *, u32))(*(u32 **)(off[1]) + 3); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x71]; *off != 0xE2101102; off++); KProcessHwInfo__MapProcessMemory = (Result (*)(KProcessHwInfo *, KProcessHwInfo *, void *, void *, u32))decodeARMBranch(off - 1); // From 4.x to 6.x the pattern will match but the result will be wrong for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x72]; *off != 0xE2041102; off++); KProcessHwInfo__UnmapProcessMemory = (Result (*)(KProcessHwInfo *, void *, u32))decodeARMBranch(off - 1); for(off = (u32 *)officialSVCs[0x7C]; *off != 0x03530000; off++); KObjectMutex__WaitAndAcquire = (void (*)(KObjectMutex *))decodeARMBranch(++off); for(; *off != 0xE320F000; off++); KObjectMutex__ErrorOccured = (void (*)(void))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(off = (u32 *)originalHandlers[4]; *off != (u32)exceptionStackTop; off++); kernelUsrCopyFuncsStart = (void *)off[1]; kernelUsrCopyFuncsEnd = (void *)off[2]; u32 n_cmp_0; for(off = (u32 *)kernelUsrCopyFuncsStart, n_cmp_0 = 1; n_cmp_0 <= 6; off++) { if(*off == 0xE3520000) { // We're missing some funcs switch(n_cmp_0) { case 1: usrToKernelMemcpy8 = (bool (*)(void *, const void *, u32))off; break; case 2: usrToKernelMemcpy32 = (bool (*)(u32 *, const u32 *, u32))off; break; case 3: usrToKernelStrncpy = (s32 (*)(char *, const char *, u32))off; break; case 4: kernelToUsrMemcpy8 = (bool (*)(void *, const void *, u32))off; break; case 5: kernelToUsrMemcpy32 = (bool (*)(u32 *, const u32 *, u32))off; break; case 6: kernelToUsrStrncpy = (s32 (*)(char *, const char *, u32))off; break; default: break; } n_cmp_0++; } } // The official prototype of ControlMemory doesn't have that extra param' ControlMemory = (Result (*)(u32 *, u32, u32, u32, MemOp, MemPerm, bool)) decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x01] + 5); SleepThread = (void (*)(s64))officialSVCs[0x0A]; CloseHandle = (Result (*)(Handle))officialSVCs[0x23]; GetHandleInfo = (Result (*)(s64 *, Handle, u32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x29] + 3); GetSystemInfo = (Result (*)(s64 *, s32, s32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x2A] + 3); GetProcessInfo = (Result (*)(s64 *, Handle, u32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x2B] + 3); GetThreadInfo = (Result (*)(s64 *, Handle, u32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x2C] + 3); ConnectToPort = (Result (*)(Handle *, const char*))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x2D] + 3); SendSyncRequest = (Result (*)(Handle))officialSVCs[0x32]; OpenProcess = (Result (*)(Handle *, u32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x33] + 3); GetProcessId = (Result (*)(u32 *, Handle))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x35] + 3); DebugActiveProcess = (Result (*)(Handle *, u32))decodeARMBranch((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x60] + 3); UnmapProcessMemory = (Result (*)(Handle, void *, u32))officialSVCs[0x72]; KernelSetState = (Result (*)(u32, u32, u32, u32))((u32 *)officialSVCs[0x7C] + 1); for(off = (u32 *)svcFallbackHandler; *off != 0xE8BD4010; off++); kernelpanic = (void (*)(void))decodeARMBranch(off + 1); for(off = (u32 *)0xFFFF0000; off[0] != 0xE3A01002 || off[1] != 0xE3A00004; off++); SignalDebugEvent = (Result (*)(DebugEventType type, u32 info, ...))decodeARMBranch(off + 2); for(; *off != 0x96007F9; off++); isDevUnit = *(bool **)(off - 1); /////////////////////////////////////////// // Shitty/lazy heuristic but it works on even 4.5, so... u32 textStart = ((u32)originalHandlers[2]) & ~0xFFFF; u32 rodataStart = (u32)(interruptManager->N3DS.privateInterrupts[1][0x1D].interruptEvent->vtable) & ~0xFFF; u32 textSize = rodataStart - textStart; for(off = (u32 *)textStart; off < (u32 *)(textStart + textSize - 12); off++) { if(off[0] == 0xE5D13034 && off[1] == 0xE1530002) KScheduler__AdjustThread = (void (*)(KScheduler *, KThread *, u32))off; else if(off[0] == (u32)interruptManager && off[1] == (u32)¤tCoreContext->objectContext) KScheduler__AttemptSwitchingThreadContext = (void (*)(KScheduler *))(off - 2); else if(off[0] == 0xE3510B1A && off[1] == 0xE3A06000) { u32 *off2; for(off2 = off; *off2 != 0xE92D40F8; off2--); invalidateInstructionCacheRange = (void (*)(void *, u32))off2; } } } void main(FcramLayout *layout, KCoreContext *ctxs) { struct KExtParameters *p = &kExtParameters; u32 TTBCR_; s64 nb; layout->systemSize -= __end__ - __start__; fcramLayout = *layout; coreCtxs = ctxs; __asm__ __volatile__("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 2" : "=r"(TTBCR_)); TTBCR = TTBCR_; isN3DS = getNumberOfCores() == 4; memcpy(L1MMUTableAddrs, (const void *)p->L1MMUTableAddrs, 16); exceptionStackTop = (u32 *)0xFFFF2000 + (1 << (32 - TTBCR - 20)); cfwInfo = p->cfwInfo; memcpy(originalHandlers + 1, p->originalHandlers, 16); void **arm11SvcTable = (void**)originalHandlers[2]; while(*arm11SvcTable != NULL) arm11SvcTable++; //Look for SVC0 (NULL) memcpy(officialSVCs, arm11SvcTable, 4 * 0x7E); findUsefulSymbols(); GetSystemInfo(&nb, 26, 0); nbSection0Modules = (u32)nb; rosalinaState = 0; hasStartedRosalinaNetworkFuncsOnce = false; }