/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "synchronization.h" #include "utils.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "globals.h" extern SGI0Handler_t SGI0Handler; void executeFunctionOnCores(SGI0Handler_t handler, u8 targetList, u8 targetListFilter) { u32 coreID = getCurrentCoreID(); SGI0Handler = handler; if(targetListFilter == 0 && (targetListFilter & (1 << coreID)) != 0) __enable_irq(); // make sure interrupts aren't masked MPCORE_GID_SGI = (targetListFilter << 24) | (targetList << 16) | 0; } void KScheduler__TriggerCrossCoreInterrupt(KScheduler *this) { this->triggerCrossCoreInterrupt = false; for(s16 i = 0; i < (s16)getNumberOfCores(); i++) { if(this->coreNumber != i) MPCORE_GID_SGI = (1 << (16 + i)) | 8; } } void KThread__DebugReschedule(KThread *this, bool lock) { KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); u32 oldSchedulingMask = this->schedulingMask; if(lock) // the original k11 function discards the other flags this->schedulingMask |= 0x80; else this->schedulingMask &= ~0x80; KScheduler__AdjustThread(currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler, this, oldSchedulingMask); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); } bool rosalinaThreadLockPredicate(KThread *thread) { KProcess *process = thread->ownerProcess; if(process == NULL) return false; u64 titleId = codeSetOfProcess(process)->titleId; u32 highTitleId = (u32)(titleId >> 32), lowTitleId = (u32)titleId; return ((rosalinaState & 1) && idOfProcess(process) >= nbSection0Modules && (highTitleId != 0x00040130 || (highTitleId == 0x00040130 && (lowTitleId == 0x1A02 || lowTitleId == 0x1C02)))); } void rosalinaRescheduleThread(KThread *thread, bool lock) { KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); u32 oldSchedulingMask = thread->schedulingMask; if(lock) thread->schedulingMask |= 0x40; else thread->schedulingMask &= ~0x40; KScheduler__AdjustThread(currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler, thread, oldSchedulingMask); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); } void rosalinaLockThread(KThread *thread) { KThread *syncThread = synchronizationMutex->owner; if(syncThread == NULL || syncThread != thread) rosalinaRescheduleThread(thread, true); } void rosalinaLockAllThreads(void) { bool currentThreadsFound = false; KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if(!rosalinaThreadLockPredicate(thread)) continue; if(thread == coreCtxs[thread->coreId].objectContext.currentThread) currentThreadsFound = true; else rosalinaLockThread(thread); } if(currentThreadsFound) { for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if(!rosalinaThreadLockPredicate(thread)) continue; if(!(thread->schedulingMask & 0x40)) { rosalinaLockThread(thread); KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); if(thread->coreId != getCurrentCoreID()) { u32 cpsr = __get_cpsr(); __disable_irq(); coreCtxs[thread->coreId].objectContext.currentScheduler->triggerCrossCoreInterrupt = true; currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler->triggerCrossCoreInterrupt = true; __set_cpsr_cx(cpsr); } KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); } } KScheduler__TriggerCrossCoreInterrupt(currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler); } KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); } void rosalinaUnlockAllThreads(void) { for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if((thread->schedulingMask & 0xF) == 2) // thread is terminating continue; if(thread->schedulingMask & 0x40) rosalinaRescheduleThread(thread, false); } }