/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include <string.h> #include "svc/KernelSetState.h" #include "synchronization.h" #include "ipc.h" #include "debug.h" #define MAX_DEBUG 3 static u32 nbEnabled = 0; static u32 maskedPids[MAX_DEBUG]; static u32 masks[MAX_DEBUG][8] = {0}; bool shouldSignalSyscallDebugEvent(KProcess *process, u8 svcId) { u32 pid = idOfProcess(process); u32 id; for(id = 0; id < nbEnabled && maskedPids[id] != pid; id++); if(id == MAX_DEBUG) return false; else return ((masks[id][svcId / 32] >> (31 - (svcId % 32))) & 1) != 0; } Result SetSyscallDebugEventMask(u32 pid, bool enable, const u32 *mask) { static KRecursiveLock syscallDebugEventMaskLock = { NULL }; u32 tmpMask[8]; if(enable && nbEnabled == MAX_DEBUG) return 0xC86018FF; // Out of resource (255) if(enable && !usrToKernelMemcpy8(&tmpMask, mask, 32)) return 0xE0E01BF5; KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); KRecursiveLock__Lock(&syscallDebugEventMaskLock); if(enable) { maskedPids[nbEnabled] = pid; memcpy(&masks[nbEnabled++], tmpMask, 32); } else { u32 id; for(id = 0; id < nbEnabled && maskedPids[id] != pid; id++); if(id == nbEnabled) { KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&syscallDebugEventMaskLock); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); return 0xE0E01BFD; // out of range (it's not fully technically correct but meh) } for(u32 i = id; i < nbEnabled - 1; i++) { maskedPids[i] = maskedPids[i + 1]; memcpy(&masks[i], &masks[i + 1], 32); } maskedPids[--nbEnabled] = 0; memset(&masks[nbEnabled], 0, 32); } KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&syscallDebugEventMaskLock); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); return 0; } Result KernelSetStateHook(u32 type, u32 varg1, u32 varg2, u32 varg3) { Result res = 0; switch(type) { case 0x10000: { do { __ldrex((s32 *)&rosalinaState); } while(__strex((s32 *)&rosalinaState, (s32)(rosalinaState ^ varg1))); __dmb(); if(rosalinaState & 2) hasStartedRosalinaNetworkFuncsOnce = true; // 1: all applet/app/gsp/dsp... threads 4: hid/ir if(varg1 & 1) { if (rosalinaState & 1) rosalinaLockThreads(1); else rosalinaUnlockThreads(1); } if(varg1 & 4) { if (rosalinaState & 4) rosalinaLockThreads(4); else rosalinaUnlockThreads(4); } break; } case 0x10001: { KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); KRecursiveLock__Lock(&processLangemuLock); u32 i; for(i = 0; i < 0x40 && processLangemuAttributes[i].titleId != 0ULL; i++); if(i < 0x40) { processLangemuAttributes[i].titleId = ((u64)varg3 << 32) | (u32)varg2; processLangemuAttributes[i].state = (u8)(varg1 >> 24); processLangemuAttributes[i].country = (u8)(varg1 >> 16); processLangemuAttributes[i].language = (u8)(varg1 >> 8); processLangemuAttributes[i].region = (u8)((varg1 >> 4) & 0xf); processLangemuAttributes[i].mask = (u8)(varg1 & 0xf); } else res = 0xD8609013; KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&processLangemuLock); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); break; } case 0x10002: { res = SetSyscallDebugEventMask(varg1, (bool)varg2, (const u32 *)varg3); break; } case 0x10003: { executeFunctionOnCores(enableMonitorModeDebugging, 0xF, 0); break; } case 0x10004: { KRecursiveLock__Lock(&dbgParamsLock); dbgParamWatchpointId = varg1; executeFunctionOnCores(disableWatchpoint, 0xF, 0); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&dbgParamsLock); break; } case 0x10005: { KRecursiveLock__Lock(&dbgParamsLock); dbgParamWatchpointId = 0; dbgParamDVA = varg1; dbgParamWCR = varg2; dbgParamContextId = varg3; executeFunctionOnCores(setWatchpointWithContextId, 0xF, 0); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&dbgParamsLock); break; } case 0x10006: { KRecursiveLock__Lock(&dbgParamsLock); dbgParamWatchpointId = 1; dbgParamDVA = varg1; dbgParamWCR = varg2; dbgParamContextId = varg3; executeFunctionOnCores(setWatchpointWithContextId, 0xF, 0); KRecursiveLock__Unlock(&dbgParamsLock); break; } default: { res = KernelSetState(type, varg1, varg2, varg3); break; } } return res; }