/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gdb/server.h" #include "gdb/net.h" #include "gdb/query.h" #include "gdb/verbose.h" #include "gdb/thread.h" #include "gdb/debug.h" #include "gdb/regs.h" #include "gdb/mem.h" #include "gdb/watchpoints.h" #include "gdb/breakpoints.h" #include "gdb/stop_point.h" Result GDB_InitializeServer(GDBServer *server) { Result ret = server_init(&server->super); if(ret != 0) return ret; server->super.host = 0; server->super.accept_cb = (sock_accept_cb)GDB_AcceptClient; server->super.data_cb = (sock_data_cb) GDB_DoPacket; server->super.close_cb = (sock_close_cb) GDB_CloseClient; server->super.alloc = (sock_alloc_func) GDB_GetClient; server->super.free = (sock_free_func) GDB_ReleaseClient; server->super.clients_per_server = 1; server->referenceCount = 0; svcCreateEvent(&server->statusUpdated, RESET_ONESHOT); for(u32 i = 0; i < sizeof(server->ctxs) / sizeof(GDBContext); i++) GDB_InitializeContext(server->ctxs + i); GDB_ResetWatchpoints(); return 0; } void GDB_FinalizeServer(GDBServer *server) { server_finalize(&server->super); svcCloseHandle(server->statusUpdated); } void GDB_IncrementServerReferenceCount(GDBServer *server) { AtomicPostIncrement(&server->referenceCount); } void GDB_DecrementServerReferenceCount(GDBServer *server) { if(AtomicDecrement(&server->referenceCount) == 0) GDB_FinalizeServer(server); } void GDB_RunServer(GDBServer *server) { server_bind(&server->super, GDB_PORT_BASE); server_bind(&server->super, GDB_PORT_BASE + 1); server_bind(&server->super, GDB_PORT_BASE + 2); server_run(&server->super); } int GDB_AcceptClient(GDBContext *ctx) { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); Result r = svcDebugActiveProcess(&ctx->debug, ctx->pid); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) { DebugEventInfo *info = &ctx->latestDebugEvent; ctx->state = GDB_STATE_CONNECTED; ctx->processExited = ctx->processEnded = false; ctx->latestSentPacketSize = 0; while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(info, ctx->debug)) && info->type != DBGEVENT_EXCEPTION && info->exception.type != EXCEVENT_ATTACH_BREAK) { GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(ctx, info); svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags); } } else { RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); return -1; } svcSignalEvent(ctx->clientAcceptedEvent); RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); return 0; } int GDB_CloseClient(GDBContext *ctx) { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->nbBreakpoints; i++) { if(!ctx->breakpoints[i].persistent) GDB_DisableBreakpointById(ctx, i); } memset(&ctx->breakpoints, 0, sizeof(ctx->breakpoints)); ctx->nbBreakpoints = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->nbWatchpoints; i++) { GDB_RemoveWatchpoint(ctx, ctx->watchpoints[i], WATCHPOINT_DISABLED); ctx->watchpoints[i] = 0; } ctx->nbWatchpoints = 0; svcKernelSetState(0x10002, ctx->pid, false); memset(ctx->svcMask, 0, 32); memset(ctx->memoryOsInfoXmlData, 0, sizeof(ctx->memoryOsInfoXmlData)); memset(ctx->processesOsInfoXmlData, 0, sizeof(ctx->processesOsInfoXmlData)); memset(ctx->threadListData, 0, sizeof(ctx->threadListData)); ctx->threadListDataPos = 0; svcClearEvent(ctx->clientAcceptedEvent); ctx->eventToWaitFor = ctx->clientAcceptedEvent; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); return 0; } GDBContext *GDB_GetClient(GDBServer *server, u16 port) { if(port < GDB_PORT_BASE || port >= GDB_PORT_BASE + sizeof(server->ctxs) / sizeof(GDBContext)) return NULL; GDBContext *ctx = &server->ctxs[port - GDB_PORT_BASE]; if(!(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_USED) && (ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_SELECTED)) { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_USED; ctx->state = GDB_STATE_CONNECTED; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); return ctx; } return NULL; } void GDB_ReleaseClient(GDBServer *server, GDBContext *ctx) { DebugEventInfo dummy; svcSignalEvent(server->statusUpdated); RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); /* There's a possibility of a race condition with a possible user exception handler, but you shouldn't use 'kill' on APPLICATION titles in the first place (reboot hanging because the debugger is still running, etc). */ ctx->continueFlags = (DebugFlags)0; while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(&dummy, ctx->debug))); while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags))); if(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_TERMINATE_PROCESS) { svcTerminateDebugProcess(ctx->debug); ctx->processEnded = true; ctx->processExited = false; } while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(&dummy, ctx->debug))); while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags))); svcCloseHandle(ctx->debug); ctx->debug = 0; ctx->flags = (GDBFlags)0; ctx->state = GDB_STATE_DISCONNECTED; ctx->eventToWaitFor = ctx->clientAcceptedEvent; ctx->continueFlags = (DebugFlags)(DBG_SIGNAL_FAULT_EXCEPTION_EVENTS | DBG_INHIBIT_USER_CPU_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS); ctx->pid = 0; ctx->currentThreadId = ctx->selectedThreadId = ctx->selectedThreadIdForContinuing = 0; ctx->nbThreads = 0; memset(ctx->threadInfos, 0, sizeof(ctx->threadInfos)); ctx->catchThreadEvents = false; ctx->isGDB = false; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); } static const struct { char command; GDBCommandHandler handler; } gdbCommandHandlers[] = { { '?', GDB_HANDLER(GetStopReason) }, { 'c', GDB_HANDLER(Continue) }, { 'C', GDB_HANDLER(Continue) }, { 'D', GDB_HANDLER(Detach) }, { 'g', GDB_HANDLER(ReadRegisters) }, { 'G', GDB_HANDLER(WriteRegisters) }, { 'H', GDB_HANDLER(SetThreadId) }, { 'k', GDB_HANDLER(Kill) }, { 'm', GDB_HANDLER(ReadMemory) }, { 'M', GDB_HANDLER(WriteMemory) }, { 'p', GDB_HANDLER(ReadRegister) }, { 'P', GDB_HANDLER(WriteRegister) }, { 'q', GDB_HANDLER(ReadQuery) }, { 'Q', GDB_HANDLER(WriteQuery) }, { 'T', GDB_HANDLER(IsThreadAlive) }, { 'v', GDB_HANDLER(VerboseCommand) }, { 'X', GDB_HANDLER(WriteMemoryRaw) }, { 'z', GDB_HANDLER(ToggleStopPoint) }, { 'Z', GDB_HANDLER(ToggleStopPoint) }, }; static inline GDBCommandHandler GDB_GetCommandHandler(char command) { static const u32 nbHandlers = sizeof(gdbCommandHandlers) / sizeof(gdbCommandHandlers[0]); u32 i; for(i = 0; i < nbHandlers && gdbCommandHandlers[i].command != command; i++); return i < nbHandlers ? gdbCommandHandlers[i].handler : GDB_HANDLER(Unsupported); } int GDB_DoPacket(GDBContext *ctx) { int ret; RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); GDBFlags oldFlags = ctx->flags; if(ctx->state == GDB_STATE_DISCONNECTED) return -1; int r = GDB_ReceivePacket(ctx); if(r == 0) ret = 0; else if(r == -1) ret = -1; else if(ctx->buffer[0] == '\x03') { GDB_HandleBreak(ctx); ret = 0; } else if(ctx->buffer[0] == '$') { GDBCommandHandler handler = GDB_GetCommandHandler(ctx->buffer[1]); ctx->commandData = ctx->buffer + 2; ret = handler(ctx); } else ret = 0; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); if(ctx->state == GDB_STATE_CLOSING) return -1; if((oldFlags & GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING) && !(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING)) { if(R_FAILED(svcBreakDebugProcess(ctx->debug))) ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING; } else if(!(oldFlags & GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING) && (ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING)) svcSignalEvent(ctx->continuedEvent); return ret; }