#!/usr/bin/env python # Requires Python >= 3.2 or >= 2.7 # This is part of Luma3DS, see LICENSE.txt for details __author__ = "TuxSH" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 TuxSH" __license__ = "GPLv3" __version__ = "v1.0" """ Parses Luma3DS exception dumps """ import argparse from struct import unpack_from # Source of hexdump: https://gist.github.com/ImmortalPC/c340564823f283fe530b # Credits for hexdump go to the original authors # Slightly edited by TuxSH def hexdump(addr, src, length=16, sep='.' ): ''' @brief Return {src} in hex dump. @param[in] length {Int} Nb Bytes by row. @param[in] sep {Char} For the text part, {sep} will be used for non ASCII char. @return {Str} The hexdump @note Full support for python2 and python3 ! ''' result = [] # Python3 support try: xrange(0,1) except NameError: xrange = range for i in xrange(0, len(src), length): subSrc = src[i:i+length] hexa = '' isMiddle = False for h in xrange(0,len(subSrc)): if h == length/2: hexa += ' ' h = subSrc[h] if not isinstance(h, int): h = ord(h) h = hex(h).replace('0x','') if len(h) == 1: h = '0'+h hexa += h+' ' hexa = hexa.strip(' ') text = '' for c in subSrc: if not isinstance(c, int): c = ord(c) if 0x20 <= c < 0x7F: text += chr(c) else: text += sep result.append(('%08X: %-'+str(length*(2+1)+1)+'s |%s|') % (addr + i, hexa, text)) return '\n'.join(result) def makeRegisterLine(A, rA, B, rB): return "{0:<15}{1:<20}{2:<15}{3:<20}".format(A, "{0:08x}".format(rA), B, "{0:08x}".format(rB)) handledExceptionNames = ("FIQ", "undefined instruction", "prefetch abort", "data abort") registerNames = tuple("r{0}".format(i) for i in range(13)) + ("sp", "lr", "pc", "cpsr") + ("dfsr", "ifsr", "far") + ("fpexc", "fpinst", "fpinst2") svcBreakReasons = ("(svcBreak: panic)", "(svcBreak: assertion failed)", "(svcBreak: user-related)") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse Luma3DS exception dumps") parser.add_argument("filename") args = parser.parse_args() data = b"" with open(args.filename, "rb") as f: data = f.read() if unpack_from("<2I", data) != (0xdeadc0de, 0xdeadcafe): raise SystemExit("Invalid file format") version, processor, exceptionType, _, nbRegisters, codeDumpSize, stackDumpSize, additionalDataSize = unpack_from("<8I", data, 8) nbRegisters //= 4 if version < (1 << 16) | 1: raise SystemExit("Incompatible format version, please use the appropriate parser.") registers = unpack_from("<{0}I".format(nbRegisters), data, 40) codeDump = data[40 + 4 * nbRegisters : 40 + 4 * nbRegisters + codeDumpSize] stackOffset = 40 + 4 * nbRegisters + codeDumpSize stackDump = data[stackOffset : stackOffset + stackDumpSize] addtionalDataOffset = stackOffset + stackDumpSize additionalData = data[addtionalDataOffset : addtionalDataOffset + additionalDataSize] if processor == 9: print("Processor: ARM9") else: print("Processor: ARM11 (core {0})".format(processor >> 16)) typeDetailsStr = "" if exceptionType == 2 and (registers[16] & 0x20) == 0 and unpack_from("= len(handledExceptionNames) else handledExceptionNames[exceptionType], typeDetailsStr)) if additionalDataSize != 0: print("Current process: {0} ({1:016x})".format(additionalData[:8].decode("ascii"), unpack_from("