#include "svc/ControlProcess.h" #include "memory.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "synchronization.h" typedef bool (*ThreadPredicate)(KThread *thread); static void rosalinaLockThread(KThread *thread) { KThread *syncThread = synchronizationMutex->owner; if(syncThread == NULL || syncThread != thread) rosalinaRescheduleThread(thread, true); } Result ControlProcess(Handle processHandle, ProcessOp op, u32 varg2, u32 varg3) { Result res = 0; KProcess *process; KProcessHandleTable *handleTable = handleTableOfProcess(currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentProcess); if(processHandle == CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE) { process = currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentProcess; KAutoObject__AddReference((KAutoObject *)process); } else process = KProcessHandleTable__ToKProcess(handleTable, processHandle); if(process == NULL) return 0xD8E007F7; // invalid handle switch (op) { case PROCESSOP_GET_ALL_HANDLES: { KProcessHandleTable *table = handleTableOfProcess(process); u32 *originalHandleList = (u32 *)varg2; u32 count = 0; u32 searchForToken = varg3; HandleDescriptor *handleDesc = table->handleTable == NULL ? table->internalTable : table->handleTable; for (u32 idx = 0; idx < (u32)table->maxHandleCount; ++idx, ++handleDesc) { if (handleDesc->pointer == NULL) continue; if (searchForToken) { KClassToken token; handleDesc->pointer->vtable->GetClassToken(&token, handleDesc->pointer); if (searchForToken != token.flags) continue; } *originalHandleList++ = idx | ((handleDesc->info << 16) >> 1); ++count; } res = count; break; } case PROCESSOP_SET_MMU_TO_RWX: { KProcessHwInfo *hwInfo = hwInfoOfProcess(process); *KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, customFlags) |= ForceRWXPages; KProcessHwInfo__SetMMUTableToRWX(hwInfo); break; } case PROCESSOP_GET_ON_MEMORY_CHANGE_EVENT: { // Only accept current process for this command if (process != currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentProcess) { res = 0xD8E007F7; // invalid handle break; } Handle *onMemoryLayoutChangeEvent = KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, onMemoryLayoutChangeEvent); if (*onMemoryLayoutChangeEvent == 0) res = CreateEvent(onMemoryLayoutChangeEvent, RESET_ONESHOT); if (res >= 0) { *KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, customFlags) |= SignalOnMemLayoutChanges; KAutoObject * event = KProcessHandleTable__ToKAutoObject(handleTable, *onMemoryLayoutChangeEvent); createHandleForThisProcess((Handle *)varg2, event); ((KAutoObject *)event)->vtable->DecrementReferenceCount((KAutoObject *)event); ///< This avoid an extra operation on process exit ///< Closing the handle in the handle table will destroy the event } break; } case PROCESSOP_GET_ON_EXIT_EVENT: { // Only accept current process for this command if (process != currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentProcess) { res = 0xD8E007F7; // invalid handle break; } Handle *onProcessExitEvent = KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, onProcessExitEvent); Handle *resumeProcessExitEvent = KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, resumeProcessExitEvent); if (*onProcessExitEvent == 0) res = CreateEvent(onProcessExitEvent, RESET_ONESHOT); if (*resumeProcessExitEvent == 0) res |= CreateEvent(resumeProcessExitEvent, RESET_ONESHOT); if (res >= 0) { *KPROCESS_GET_PTR(process, customFlags) |= SignalOnExit; KAutoObject * event = KProcessHandleTable__ToKAutoObject(handleTable, *onProcessExitEvent); createHandleForThisProcess((Handle *)varg2, event); ((KAutoObject *)event)->vtable->DecrementReferenceCount((KAutoObject *)event); ///< See higher event = KProcessHandleTable__ToKAutoObject(handleTable, *resumeProcessExitEvent); createHandleForThisProcess((Handle *)varg3, event); ((KAutoObject *)event)->vtable->DecrementReferenceCount((KAutoObject *)event); ///< See higher } break; } case PROCESSOP_GET_PA_FROM_VA: { KProcessHwInfo *hwInfo = hwInfoOfProcess(process); u32 pa = KProcessHwInfo__GetPAFromVA(hwInfo, varg3); *(u32 *)varg2 = pa; if (pa == 0) res = 0xE0E01BF5; ///< Invalid address break; } case PROCESSOP_SCHEDULE_THREADS: { ThreadPredicate threadPredicate = (ThreadPredicate)varg3; KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); if (varg2 == 0) // Unlock { for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if((thread->schedulingMask & 0xF) == 2) // thread is terminating continue; if(thread->schedulingMask & 0x40) rosalinaRescheduleThread(thread, false); } } else // Lock { bool currentThreadsFound = false; for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if(thread->ownerProcess != process || (threadPredicate != NULL && !threadPredicate(thread))) continue; if(thread == coreCtxs[thread->coreId].objectContext.currentThread) currentThreadsFound = true; else rosalinaLockThread(thread); } if(currentThreadsFound) { for(KLinkedListNode *node = threadList->list.nodes.first; node != (KLinkedListNode *)&threadList->list.nodes; node = node->next) { KThread *thread = (KThread *)node->key; if(thread->ownerProcess != process || (threadPredicate != NULL && !threadPredicate(thread))) continue; if(!(thread->schedulingMask & 0x40)) { rosalinaLockThread(thread); KRecursiveLock__Lock(criticalSectionLock); if(thread->coreId != getCurrentCoreID()) { u32 cpsr = __get_cpsr(); __disable_irq(); coreCtxs[thread->coreId].objectContext.currentScheduler->triggerCrossCoreInterrupt = true; currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler->triggerCrossCoreInterrupt = true; __set_cpsr_cx(cpsr); } KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); } } KScheduler__TriggerCrossCoreInterrupt(currentCoreContext->objectContext.currentScheduler); } } KRecursiveLock__Unlock(criticalSectionLock); break; } default: res = 0xF8C007F4; } ((KAutoObject *)process)->vtable->DecrementReferenceCount((KAutoObject *)process); return res; }