/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs     (C)ChaN, 2014        */
/* If a working storage control module is available, it should be        */
/* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it.   */
/* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting      */
/* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API.       */

#include "diskio.h"		/* FatFs lower layer API */
#include "sdmmc/sdmmc.h"
#include "../crypto.h"
#include "../i2c.h"

/* Definitions of physical drive number for each media */
#define SDCARD        0
#define CTRNAND       1

/* Get Drive Status                                                      */

DSTATUS disk_status (
    BYTE pdrv		/* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
    return RES_OK;

/* Inidialize a Drive                                                    */

DSTATUS disk_initialize (
    BYTE pdrv				/* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
        static u32 sdmmcInitResult = 4;

        if(sdmmcInitResult == 4) sdmmcInitResult = sdmmc_sdcard_init();

    return ((pdrv == SDCARD && !(sdmmcInitResult & 2)) ||
            (pdrv == CTRNAND && !(sdmmcInitResult & 1) && !ctrNandInit())) ? 0 : STA_NOINIT;

/* Read Sector(s)                                                        */

DRESULT disk_read (
    BYTE pdrv,		/* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
    BYTE *buff,		/* Data buffer to store read data */
    DWORD sector,	/* Sector address in LBA */
    UINT count		/* Number of sectors to read */
    return ((pdrv == SDCARD && !sdmmc_sdcard_readsectors(sector, count, buff)) ||
            (pdrv == CTRNAND && !ctrNandRead(sector, count, buff))) ? RES_OK : RES_PARERR;

/* Write Sector(s)                                                       */

DRESULT disk_write (
    BYTE pdrv,			/* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
    const BYTE *buff,       	/* Data to be written */
    DWORD sector,		/* Sector address in LBA */
    UINT count			/* Number of sectors to write */
    return ((pdrv == SDCARD && (*(vu16 *)(SDMMC_BASE + REG_SDSTATUS0) & TMIO_STAT0_WRPROTECT) != 0 && !sdmmc_sdcard_writesectors(sector, count, buff)) ||
            (pdrv == CTRNAND && !ctrNandWrite(sector, count, buff))) ? RES_OK : RES_PARERR;

/* Miscellaneous Functions                                               */

DRESULT disk_ioctl (
    BYTE pdrv,		/* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
    BYTE cmd,		/* Control code */
    void *buff		/* Buffer to send/receive control data */
    return cmd == CTRL_SYNC ? RES_OK : RES_PARERR;

// From GodMode9
#define BCDVALID(b) (((b)<=0x99)&&(((b)&0xF)<=0x9)&&((((b)>>4)&0xF)<=0x9))
#define BCD2NUM(b)  (BCDVALID(b) ? (((b)&0xF)+((((b)>>4)&0xF)*10)) : 0xFF)
#define NUM2BCD(n)  ((n<99) ? (((n/10)*0x10)|(n%10)) : 0x99)
#define DSTIMEGET(bcd,n) (BCD2NUM((bcd)->n))

// see: http://3dbrew.org/wiki/I2C_Registers#Device_3 (register 30)
typedef struct DsTime {
    u8 bcd_s;
    u8 bcd_m;
    u8 bcd_h;
    u8 weekday;
    u8 bcd_D;
    u8 bcd_M;
    u8 bcd_Y;
    u8 leap_count;
} DsTime;

/* Get current FAT time                                                  */

DWORD get_fattime( void ) {
    DsTime dstime;
    I2C_readRegBuf(I2C_DEV_MCU, 0x30, (u8 *)&dstime, sizeof(DsTime));
    DWORD fattime =
        ((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_s)&0x3F) >> 1 ) |
        ((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_m)&0x3F) << 5 ) |
        ((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_h)&0x3F) << 11) |
        ((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_D)&0x1F) << 16) |
        ((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_M)&0x0F) << 21) |
        (((DSTIMEGET(&dstime, bcd_Y)+(2000-1980))&0x7F) << 25);
    return fattime;