/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "config.h" #include "memory.h" #include "fs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "screen.h" #include "draw.h" #include "emunand.h" #include "buttons.h" #include "pin.h" CfgData configData; ConfigurationStatus needConfig; static CfgData oldConfig; bool readConfig(void) { bool ret; if(fileRead(&configData, CONFIG_FILE, sizeof(CfgData)) != sizeof(CfgData) || memcmp(configData.magic, "CONF", 4) != 0 || configData.formatVersionMajor != CONFIG_VERSIONMAJOR || configData.formatVersionMinor != CONFIG_VERSIONMINOR) { memset(&configData, 0, sizeof(CfgData)); ret = false; } else ret = true; oldConfig = configData; return ret; } void writeConfig(bool isConfigOptions) { //If the configuration is different from previously, overwrite it. if(needConfig != CREATE_CONFIGURATION && ((isConfigOptions && configData.config == oldConfig.config && configData.multiConfig == oldConfig.multiConfig) || (!isConfigOptions && configData.bootConfig == oldConfig.bootConfig))) return; if(needConfig == CREATE_CONFIGURATION) { memcpy(configData.magic, "CONF", 4); configData.formatVersionMajor = CONFIG_VERSIONMAJOR; configData.formatVersionMinor = CONFIG_VERSIONMINOR; needConfig = MODIFY_CONFIGURATION; } if(!fileWrite(&configData, CONFIG_FILE, sizeof(CfgData))) error("Error writing the configuration file"); } void configMenu(bool oldPinStatus, u32 oldPinMode) { static const char *multiOptionsText[] = { "Default EmuNAND: 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( )", "Screen brightness: 4( ) 3( ) 2( ) 1( )", "Splash: Off( ) Before( ) After( ) payloads", "Splash duration: 1( ) 3( ) 5( ) 7( ) seconds", "PIN lock: Off( ) 4( ) 6( ) 8( ) digits", "New 3DS CPU: Off( ) Clock( ) L2( ) Clock+L2( )", }; static const char *singleOptionsText[] = { "( ) Autoboot EmuNAND", "( ) Use EmuNAND FIRM if booting with R", "( ) Enable loading external FIRMs and modules", "( ) Enable game patching", "( ) Show NAND or user string in System Settings", "( ) Show GBA boot screen in patched AGB_FIRM", "( ) Set developer UNITINFO", "( ) Disable ARM11 exception handlers", }; static const char *optionsDescription[] = { "Select the default EmuNAND.\n\n" "It will be booted when no\n" "directional pad buttons are pressed.", "Select the screen brightness.", "Enable splash screen support.\n\n" "\t* 'Before payloads' displays it\n" "before booting payloads\n" "(intended for splashes that display\n" "button hints).\n\n" "\t* 'After payloads' displays it\n" "afterwards.", "Select how long the splash screen\n" "displays.\n\n" "This has no effect if the splash\n" "screen is not enabled.", "Activate a PIN lock.\n\n" "The PIN will be asked each time\n" "Luma3DS boots.\n\n" "4, 6 or 8 digits can be selected.\n\n" "The ABXY buttons and the directional\n" "pad buttons can be used as keys.\n\n" "A message can also be displayed\n" "(refer to the wiki for instructions).", "Select the New 3DS CPU mode.\n\n" "This won't apply to\n" "New 3DS exclusive/enhanced games.\n\n" "'Clock+L2' can cause issues with some\n" "games.", "If enabled, an EmuNAND\n" "will be launched on boot.\n\n" "Otherwise, SysNAND will.\n\n" "Hold L on boot to switch NAND.\n\n" "To use a different EmuNAND from the\n" "default, hold a directional pad button\n" "(Up/Right/Down/Left equal EmuNANDs\n" "1/2/3/4).", "If enabled, when holding R on boot\n" "SysNAND will be booted with an\n" "EmuNAND FIRM.\n\n" "Otherwise, an EmuNAND will be booted\n" "with the SysNAND FIRM.\n\n" "To use a different EmuNAND from the\n" "default, hold a directional pad button\n" "(Up/Right/Down/Left equal EmuNANDs\n" "1/2/3/4), also add A if you have\n" "a matching payload.", "Enable loading external FIRMs and\n" "system modules.\n\n" "This isn't needed in most cases.\n\n" "Refer to the wiki for instructions.", "Enable overriding the region and\n" "language configuration and the usage\n" "of patched code binaries, exHeaders,\n" "IPS code patches and LayeredFS\n" "for specific games.\n\n" "Also makes certain DLCs\n" "for out-of-region games work.\n\n" "Refer to the wiki for instructions.", "Enable showing the current NAND/FIRM:\n\n" "\t* Sys = SysNAND\n" "\t* Emu = EmuNAND 1\n" "\t* EmuX = EmuNAND X\n" "\t* SysE = SysNAND with EmuNAND 1 FIRM\n" "\t* SyEX = SysNAND with EmuNAND X FIRM\n" "\t* EmuS = EmuNAND 1 with SysNAND FIRM\n" "\t* EmXS = EmuNAND X with SysNAND FIRM\n\n" "or a user-defined custom string in\n" "System Settings.\n\n" "Refer to the wiki for instructions.", "Enable showing the GBA boot screen\n" "when booting GBA games.", "Make the console be always detected\n" "as a development unit, and conversely.\n" "(which breaks online features, amiibo\n" "and retail CIAs, but allows installing\n" "and booting some developer software).\n\n" "Only select this if you know what you\n" "are doing!", "Disables the fatal error exception\n" "handlers for the ARM11 CPU.\n\n" "Note: Disabling the exception handlers\n" "will disqualify you from submitting\n" "issues or bug reports to the Luma3DS\n" "GitHub repository!" }; FirmwareSource nandType = FIRMWARE_SYSNAND; if(isSdMode) { nandType = FIRMWARE_EMUNAND; locateEmuNand(&nandType); } struct multiOption { u32 posXs[4]; u32 posY; u32 enabled; bool visible; } multiOptions[] = { { .visible = nandType == FIRMWARE_EMUNAND }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = ISN3DS }, }; struct singleOption { u32 posY; bool enabled; bool visible; } singleOptions[] = { { .visible = nandType == FIRMWARE_EMUNAND }, { .visible = nandType == FIRMWARE_EMUNAND }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true }, { .visible = true } }; //Calculate the amount of the various kinds of options and pre-select the first single one u32 multiOptionsAmount = sizeof(multiOptions) / sizeof(struct multiOption), singleOptionsAmount = sizeof(singleOptions) / sizeof(struct singleOption), totalIndexes = multiOptionsAmount + singleOptionsAmount - 1, selectedOption = 0, singleSelected = 0; bool isMultiOption = false; //Parse the existing options for(u32 i = 0; i < multiOptionsAmount; i++) { //Detect the positions where the "x" should go u32 optionNum = 0; for(u32 j = 0; optionNum < 4 && j < strlen(multiOptionsText[i]); j++) if(multiOptionsText[i][j] == '(') multiOptions[i].posXs[optionNum++] = j + 1; while(optionNum < 4) multiOptions[i].posXs[optionNum++] = 0; multiOptions[i].enabled = MULTICONFIG(i); } for(u32 i = 0; i < singleOptionsAmount; i++) singleOptions[i].enabled = CONFIG(i); initScreens(); static const char *bootTypes[] = { "B9S", "B9S (ntrboot)", "FIRM0", "FIRM1" }; drawString(true, 10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, CONFIG_TITLE); drawString(true, 10, 10 + SPACING_Y, COLOR_TITLE, "Press A to select, START to save"); drawFormattedString(false, 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 * SPACING_Y, COLOR_YELLOW, "Booted from %s via %s", isSdMode ? "SD" : "CTRNAND", bootTypes[(u32)bootType]); //Character to display a selected option char selected = 'x'; u32 endPos = 10 + 2 * SPACING_Y; //Display all the multiple choice options in white for(u32 i = 0; i < multiOptionsAmount; i++) { if(!multiOptions[i].visible) continue; multiOptions[i].posY = endPos + SPACING_Y; endPos = drawString(true, 10, multiOptions[i].posY, COLOR_WHITE, multiOptionsText[i]); drawCharacter(true, 10 + multiOptions[i].posXs[multiOptions[i].enabled] * SPACING_X, multiOptions[i].posY, COLOR_WHITE, selected); } endPos += SPACING_Y / 2; //Display all the normal options in white except for the first one for(u32 i = 0, color = COLOR_RED; i < singleOptionsAmount; i++) { if(!singleOptions[i].visible) continue; singleOptions[i].posY = endPos + SPACING_Y; endPos = drawString(true, 10, singleOptions[i].posY, color, singleOptionsText[i]); if(singleOptions[i].enabled) drawCharacter(true, 10 + SPACING_X, singleOptions[i].posY, color, selected); if(color == COLOR_RED) { singleSelected = i; selectedOption = i + multiOptionsAmount; color = COLOR_WHITE; } } drawString(false, 10, 10, COLOR_WHITE, optionsDescription[selectedOption]); //Boring configuration menu while(true) { u32 pressed; do { pressed = waitInput(true) & MENU_BUTTONS; } while(!pressed); if(pressed == BUTTON_START) break; if(pressed != BUTTON_A) { //Remember the previously selected option u32 oldSelectedOption = selectedOption; while(true) { switch(pressed) { case BUTTON_UP: selectedOption = !selectedOption ? totalIndexes : selectedOption - 1; break; case BUTTON_DOWN: selectedOption = selectedOption == totalIndexes ? 0 : selectedOption + 1; break; case BUTTON_LEFT: pressed = BUTTON_DOWN; selectedOption = 0; break; case BUTTON_RIGHT: pressed = BUTTON_UP; selectedOption = totalIndexes; break; default: break; } if(selectedOption < multiOptionsAmount) { if(!multiOptions[selectedOption].visible) continue; isMultiOption = true; break; } else { singleSelected = selectedOption - multiOptionsAmount; if(!singleOptions[singleSelected].visible) continue; isMultiOption = false; break; } } if(selectedOption == oldSelectedOption) continue; //The user moved to a different option, print the old option in white and the new one in red. Only print 'x's if necessary if(oldSelectedOption < multiOptionsAmount) { drawString(true, 10, multiOptions[oldSelectedOption].posY, COLOR_WHITE, multiOptionsText[oldSelectedOption]); drawCharacter(true, 10 + multiOptions[oldSelectedOption].posXs[multiOptions[oldSelectedOption].enabled] * SPACING_X, multiOptions[oldSelectedOption].posY, COLOR_WHITE, selected); } else { u32 singleOldSelected = oldSelectedOption - multiOptionsAmount; drawString(true, 10, singleOptions[singleOldSelected].posY, COLOR_WHITE, singleOptionsText[singleOldSelected]); if(singleOptions[singleOldSelected].enabled) drawCharacter(true, 10 + SPACING_X, singleOptions[singleOldSelected].posY, COLOR_WHITE, selected); } if(isMultiOption) drawString(true, 10, multiOptions[selectedOption].posY, COLOR_RED, multiOptionsText[selectedOption]); else drawString(true, 10, singleOptions[singleSelected].posY, COLOR_RED, singleOptionsText[singleSelected]); drawString(false, 10, 10, COLOR_BLACK, optionsDescription[oldSelectedOption]); drawString(false, 10, 10, COLOR_WHITE, optionsDescription[selectedOption]); } else { //The selected option's status changed, print the 'x's accordingly if(isMultiOption) { u32 oldEnabled = multiOptions[selectedOption].enabled; drawCharacter(true, 10 + multiOptions[selectedOption].posXs[oldEnabled] * SPACING_X, multiOptions[selectedOption].posY, COLOR_BLACK, selected); multiOptions[selectedOption].enabled = (oldEnabled == 3 || !multiOptions[selectedOption].posXs[oldEnabled + 1]) ? 0 : oldEnabled + 1; if(selectedOption == BRIGHTNESS) updateBrightness(multiOptions[BRIGHTNESS].enabled); } else { bool oldEnabled = singleOptions[singleSelected].enabled; singleOptions[singleSelected].enabled = !oldEnabled; if(oldEnabled) drawCharacter(true, 10 + SPACING_X, singleOptions[singleSelected].posY, COLOR_BLACK, selected); } } //In any case, if the current option is enabled (or a multiple choice option is selected) we must display a red 'x' if(isMultiOption) drawCharacter(true, 10 + multiOptions[selectedOption].posXs[multiOptions[selectedOption].enabled] * SPACING_X, multiOptions[selectedOption].posY, COLOR_RED, selected); else if(singleOptions[singleSelected].enabled) drawCharacter(true, 10 + SPACING_X, singleOptions[singleSelected].posY, COLOR_RED, selected); } //Parse and write the new configuration configData.multiConfig = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < multiOptionsAmount; i++) configData.multiConfig |= multiOptions[i].enabled << (i * 2); configData.config = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < singleOptionsAmount; i++) configData.config |= (singleOptions[i].enabled ? 1 : 0) << i; writeConfig(true); u32 newPinMode = MULTICONFIG(PIN); if(newPinMode != 0) newPin(oldPinStatus && newPinMode == oldPinMode, newPinMode); else if(oldPinStatus) { if(!fileDelete(PIN_FILE)) error("Unable to delete PIN file"); } while(HID_PAD & PIN_BUTTONS); wait(2000ULL); }