/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gdb/debug.h" #include "gdb/verbose.h" #include "gdb/net.h" #include "gdb/thread.h" #include "gdb/mem.h" #include "gdb/watchpoints.h" #include "fmt.h" #include #include /* Since we can't select particular threads to continue (and that's uncompliant behavior): - if we continue the current thread, continue all threads - otherwise, leaves all threads stopped but make the client believe it's continuing */ GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(Detach) { ctx->state = GDB_STATE_CLOSING; return GDB_ReplyOk(ctx); } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(Kill) { ctx->state = GDB_STATE_CLOSING; ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_TERMINATE_PROCESS; return 0; } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(Break) { if(!(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING)) return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, "S02", 3); else { ctx->flags &= ~GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING; return 0; } } static void GDB_ContinueExecution(GDBContext *ctx) { ctx->selectedThreadId = ctx->selectedThreadIdForContinuing = 0; svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags); ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING; } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(Continue) { char *addrStart = NULL; u32 addr = 0; if(ctx->selectedThreadIdForContinuing != 0 && ctx->selectedThreadIdForContinuing != ctx->currentThreadId) return 0; if(ctx->commandData[-1] == 'C') { if(ctx->commandData[0] == 0 || ctx->commandData[1] == 0 || (ctx->commandData[2] != 0 && ctx->commandData[2] == ';')) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); // Signal ignored... if(ctx->commandData[2] == ';') addrStart = ctx->commandData + 3; } else { if(ctx->commandData[0] != 0) addrStart = ctx->commandData; } if(addrStart != NULL && ctx->currentThreadId != 0) { ThreadContext regs; if(GDB_ParseHexIntegerList(&addr, ctx->commandData + 3, 1, 0) == NULL) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); Result r = svcGetDebugThreadContext(®s, ctx->debug, ctx->currentThreadId, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_CPU_SPRS); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) { regs.cpu_registers.pc = addr; r = svcSetDebugThreadContext(ctx->debug, ctx->currentThreadId, ®s, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_CPU_SPRS); } } GDB_ContinueExecution(ctx); return 0; } GDB_DECLARE_VERBOSE_HANDLER(Continue) { char *pos = ctx->commandData; bool currentThreadFound = false; while(pos != NULL && *pos != 0 && !currentThreadFound) { if(*pos != 'c' && *pos != 'C') return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EPERM); pos += *pos == 'C' ? 3 : 1; if(*pos++ != ':') // default action found { currentThreadFound = true; break; } char *nextpos = (char *)strchr(pos, ';'); if(strncmp(pos, "-1", 2) == 0) currentThreadFound = true; else { u32 threadId; if(GDB_ParseHexIntegerList(&threadId, pos, 1, ';') == NULL) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); currentThreadFound = currentThreadFound || threadId == ctx->currentThreadId; } pos = nextpos; } if(ctx->currentThreadId == 0 || currentThreadFound) GDB_ContinueExecution(ctx); return 0; } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(GetStopReason) { return GDB_SendStopReply(ctx, &ctx->latestDebugEvent); } static int GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(char *out, GDBContext *ctx, int sig) { u32 threadId = ctx->currentThreadId; ThreadContext regs; s64 dummy; u32 core; Result r = svcGetDebugThreadContext(®s, ctx->debug, threadId, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_ALL); int n = sprintf(out, "T%02xthread:%x;", sig, threadId); if(R_FAILED(r)) return n; r = svcGetDebugThreadParam(&dummy, &core, ctx->debug, ctx->currentThreadId, DBGTHREAD_PARAMETER_CPU_CREATOR); // Creator = "first ran, and running the thread" if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) n += sprintf(out + n, "core:%x;", core); if(ctx->isGDB) { for(u32 i = 0; i <= 12; i++) n += sprintf(out + n, "%x:%08x;", i, __builtin_bswap32(regs.cpu_registers.r[i])); } n += sprintf(out + n, "d:%08x;e:%08x;f:%08x;19:%08x;", __builtin_bswap32(regs.cpu_registers.sp), __builtin_bswap32(regs.cpu_registers.lr), __builtin_bswap32(regs.cpu_registers.pc), __builtin_bswap32(regs.cpu_registers.cpsr)); if(ctx->isGDB) { for(u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { u64 val; memcpy(&val, ®s.fpu_registers.d[i], 8); n += sprintf(out + n, "%x:%016llx;", 26 + i, __builtin_bswap64(val)); } n += sprintf(out + n, "2a:%08x;2b:%08x;", __builtin_bswap32(regs.fpu_registers.fpscr), __builtin_bswap32(regs.fpu_registers.fpexc)); } return n; } void GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(GDBContext *ctx, DebugEventInfo *info) { switch(info->type) { case DBGEVENT_ATTACH_THREAD: { if(ctx->nbThreads == MAX_DEBUG_THREAD) svcBreak(USERBREAK_ASSERT); else { ctx->threadInfos[ctx->nbThreads].id = info->thread_id; ctx->threadInfos[ctx->nbThreads++].tls = info->attach_thread.thread_local_storage; } break; } case DBGEVENT_EXIT_THREAD: { u32 i; for(i = 0; i < ctx->nbThreads && ctx->threadInfos[i].id != info->thread_id; i++); if(i == ctx->nbThreads || ctx->threadInfos[i].id != info->thread_id) svcBreak(USERBREAK_ASSERT); else { for(u32 j = i; j < ctx->nbThreads - 1; j++) memcpy(ctx->threadInfos + j, ctx->threadInfos + j + 1, sizeof(ThreadInfo)); memset(ctx->threadInfos + --ctx->nbThreads, 0, sizeof(ThreadInfo)); } break; } case DBGEVENT_EXIT_PROCESS: { ctx->processEnded = true; ctx->processExited = info->exit_process.reason == EXITPROCESS_EVENT_EXIT; break; } case DBGEVENT_OUTPUT_STRING: { if(info->output_string.string_addr >= 0xFFFFFFFE) { u32 sz = info->output_string.string_size, addr = info->output_string.string_addr, threadId = info->thread_id; memset(info, 0, sizeof(DebugEventInfo)); info->type = (addr == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? DBGEVENT_SYSCALL_OUT : DBGEVENT_SYSCALL_IN; info->thread_id = threadId; info->flags = 1; info->syscall.syscall = sz; } break; } case DBGEVENT_EXCEPTION: { switch(info->exception.type) { case EXCEVENT_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION: { // kernel bugfix for thumb mode ThreadContext regs; Result r = svcGetDebugThreadContext(®s, ctx->debug, info->thread_id, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_CPU_SPRS); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r) && (regs.cpu_registers.cpsr & 0x20) != 0) { regs.cpu_registers.pc += 2; r = svcSetDebugThreadContext(ctx->debug, info->thread_id, ®s, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_CPU_SPRS); } break; } default: break; } } default: break; } } int GDB_SendStopReply(GDBContext *ctx, const DebugEventInfo *info) { char buffer[GDB_BUF_LEN + 1]; switch(info->type) { case DBGEVENT_ATTACH_PROCESS: break; // Dismissed case DBGEVENT_ATTACH_THREAD: { if(info->attach_thread.creator_thread_id == 0 || !ctx->catchThreadEvents) break; // Dismissed else { ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, "T05create:;", 10); } } case DBGEVENT_EXIT_THREAD: { if(ctx->catchThreadEvents && info->exit_thread.reason < EXITTHREAD_EVENT_EXIT_PROCESS) { // no signal, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT (process exited), SIGTERM (process terminated) static int threadExitRepliesSigs[] = { 0, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM }; return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "w%02x;%x", threadExitRepliesSigs[(u32)info->exit_thread.reason], info->thread_id); } break; } case DBGEVENT_EXIT_PROCESS: { // exited (no error / unhandled exception), SIGTERM (process terminated) * 2 static const char *processExitReplies[] = { "W00", "X0f", "X0f" }; return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, processExitReplies[(u32)info->exit_process.reason], 3); } case DBGEVENT_EXCEPTION: { ExceptionEvent exc = info->exception; switch(exc.type) { case EXCEVENT_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION: case EXCEVENT_PREFETCH_ABORT: // doesn't include hardware breakpoints case EXCEVENT_DATA_ABORT: // doesn't include hardware watchpoints case EXCEVENT_UNALIGNED_DATA_ACCESS: case EXCEVENT_UNDEFINED_SYSCALL: { u32 signum = exc.type == EXCEVENT_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION ? SIGILL : (exc.type == EXCEVENT_UNDEFINED_SYSCALL ? SIGSYS : SIGSEGV); ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, signum); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%s", buffer); } case EXCEVENT_ATTACH_BREAK: return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, "S00", 3); case EXCEVENT_STOP_POINT: { ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; switch(exc.stop_point.type) { case STOPPOINT_SVC_FF: { GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGTRAP); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%sswbreak:;", buffer); break; } case STOPPOINT_BREAKPOINT: { // /!\ Not actually implemented (and will never be) GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGTRAP); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%shwbreak:;", buffer); break; } case STOPPOINT_WATCHPOINT: { const char *kinds = "arwa"; WatchpointKind kind = GDB_GetWatchpointKind(ctx, exc.stop_point.fault_information); if(kind == WATCHPOINT_DISABLED) GDB_SendDebugString(ctx, "Warning: unknown watchpoint encountered!\n"); GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGTRAP); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%s%cwatch:%08x;", buffer, kinds[(u32)kind], exc.stop_point.fault_information); break; } default: break; } } case EXCEVENT_USER_BREAK: { ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGINT); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%s", buffer); //TODO } case EXCEVENT_DEBUGGER_BREAK: { u32 threadIds[4]; u32 nbThreads = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(exc.debugger_break.thread_ids[i] > 0) threadIds[nbThreads++] = (u32)exc.debugger_break.thread_ids[i]; } u32 currentThreadId = nbThreads > 0 ? GDB_GetCurrentThreadFromList(ctx, threadIds, nbThreads) : GDB_GetCurrentThread(ctx); s64 dummy; u32 mask = 0; svcGetDebugThreadParam(&dummy, &mask, ctx->debug, currentThreadId, DBGTHREAD_PARAMETER_SCHEDULING_MASK_LOW); if(mask == 1) { ctx->currentThreadId = currentThreadId; GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGINT); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%s", buffer); } else return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, "S02", 3); } default: break; } } case DBGEVENT_SYSCALL_IN: { ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGTRAP); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%ssyscall_entry:%02x;", buffer, info->syscall.syscall); } case DBGEVENT_SYSCALL_OUT: { ctx->currentThreadId = info->thread_id; GDB_ParseCommonThreadInfo(buffer, ctx, SIGTRAP); return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "%ssyscall_return:%02x;", buffer, info->syscall.syscall); } case DBGEVENT_OUTPUT_STRING: { u32 addr = info->output_string.string_addr; u32 remaining = info->output_string.string_size; u32 sent = 0; int total = 0; while(remaining > 0) { u32 pending = (GDB_BUF_LEN - 1) / 2; pending = pending < remaining ? pending : remaining; int res = GDB_SendMemory(ctx, "O", 1, addr + sent, pending); if(res < 0 || (u32) res != 5 + 2 * pending) break; sent += pending; remaining -= pending; total += res; } return total; } default: break; } return 0; } /* Only 1 blocking event can be enqueued at a time: they preempt all the other threads. The only "non-blocking" event that is implemented is EXIT PROCESS (but it's a very special case) */ int GDB_HandleDebugEvents(GDBContext *ctx) { if(ctx->state == GDB_STATE_CLOSING) return -1; DebugEventInfo info; Result rdbg = svcGetProcessDebugEvent(&info, ctx->debug); if(R_FAILED(rdbg)) return -1; GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(ctx, &info); int ret = 0; bool continueAutomatically = info.type == DBGEVENT_OUTPUT_STRING || info.type == DBGEVENT_ATTACH_PROCESS || (info.type == DBGEVENT_ATTACH_THREAD && (info.attach_thread.creator_thread_id == 0 || !ctx->catchThreadEvents)) || (info.type == DBGEVENT_EXIT_THREAD && (info.exit_thread.reason >= EXITTHREAD_EVENT_EXIT_PROCESS || !ctx->catchThreadEvents)) || info.type == DBGEVENT_EXIT_PROCESS || !(info.flags & 1); if(continueAutomatically) { Result r = 0; ret = GDB_SendStopReply(ctx, &info); if(info.flags & 1) r = svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags); if(r == (Result)0xD8A02008) // process ended return -2; return -ret - 3; } else { int ret; if(ctx->processEnded) return -2; ctx->latestDebugEvent = info; ret = GDB_SendStopReply(ctx, &info); ctx->flags &= ~GDB_FLAG_PROCESS_CONTINUING; return ret; } }