/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gdb.h" #include "gdb/net.h" #include "gdb/server.h" #include "gdb/debug.h" #include "gdb/watchpoints.h" #include "gdb/breakpoints.h" #include "gdb/stop_point.h" void GDB_InitializeContext(GDBContext *ctx) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(GDBContext)); RecursiveLock_Init(&ctx->lock); RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); svcCreateEvent(&ctx->continuedEvent, RESET_ONESHOT); svcCreateEvent(&ctx->processAttachedEvent, RESET_STICKY); ctx->eventToWaitFor = ctx->processAttachedEvent; ctx->continueFlags = (DebugFlags)(DBG_SIGNAL_FAULT_EXCEPTION_EVENTS | DBG_INHIBIT_USER_CPU_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS); RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); } void GDB_FinalizeContext(GDBContext *ctx) { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); svcClearEvent(ctx->processAttachedEvent); svcCloseHandle(ctx->processAttachedEvent); svcCloseHandle(ctx->continuedEvent); RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); } Result GDB_AttachToProcess(GDBContext *ctx) { Result r; // Two cases: attached during execution, or started attached // The second case will have, after RunQueuedProcess: attach process, debugger break, attach thread (with creator = 0) if (!(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_ATTACHED_AT_START)) r = svcDebugActiveProcess(&ctx->debug, ctx->pid); else { r = 0; } if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) { // Note: ctx->pid will be (re)set while processing 'attach process' DebugEventInfo *info = &ctx->latestDebugEvent; ctx->processExited = ctx->processEnded = false; if (!(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_ATTACHED_AT_START)) { while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(info, ctx->debug)) && info->type != DBGEVENT_EXCEPTION && info->exception.type != EXCEVENT_ATTACH_BREAK) { GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(ctx, info); svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags); } } else { // Attach process, debugger break for(u32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (R_FAILED(r = svcGetProcessDebugEvent(info, ctx->debug))) return r; GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(ctx, info); if (R_FAILED(r = svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags))) return r; } if(R_FAILED(r = svcWaitSynchronization(ctx->debug, -1LL))) return r; if (R_FAILED(r = svcGetProcessDebugEvent(info, ctx->debug))) return r; // Attach thread GDB_PreprocessDebugEvent(ctx, info); } } else return r; r = svcSignalEvent(ctx->processAttachedEvent); if (R_SUCCEEDED(r)) ctx->state = GDB_STATE_ATTACHED; return r; } void GDB_DetachFromProcess(GDBContext *ctx) { DebugEventInfo dummy; for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->nbBreakpoints; i++) { if(!ctx->breakpoints[i].persistent) GDB_DisableBreakpointById(ctx, i); } memset(&ctx->breakpoints, 0, sizeof(ctx->breakpoints)); ctx->nbBreakpoints = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->nbWatchpoints; i++) { GDB_RemoveWatchpoint(ctx, ctx->watchpoints[i], WATCHPOINT_DISABLED); ctx->watchpoints[i] = 0; } ctx->nbWatchpoints = 0; svcKernelSetState(0x10002, ctx->pid, false); memset(ctx->svcMask, 0, 32); memset(ctx->threadListData, 0, sizeof(ctx->threadListData)); ctx->threadListDataPos = 0; svcClearEvent(ctx->processAttachedEvent); ctx->eventToWaitFor = ctx->processAttachedEvent; //svcSignalEvent(server->statusUpdated); /* There's a possibility of a race condition with a possible user exception handler, but you shouldn't use 'kill' on APPLICATION titles in the first place (reboot hanging because the debugger is still running, etc). */ ctx->continueFlags = (DebugFlags)0; while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(&dummy, ctx->debug))); while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags))); if(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_TERMINATE_PROCESS) { svcTerminateDebugProcess(ctx->debug); ctx->processEnded = true; ctx->processExited = false; } while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcGetProcessDebugEvent(&dummy, ctx->debug))); while(R_SUCCEEDED(svcContinueDebugEvent(ctx->debug, ctx->continueFlags))); svcCloseHandle(ctx->debug); ctx->debug = 0; memset(&ctx->launchedProgramInfo, 0, sizeof(FS_ProgramInfo)); ctx->launchedProgramLaunchFlags = 0; ctx->eventToWaitFor = ctx->processAttachedEvent; ctx->continueFlags = (DebugFlags)(DBG_SIGNAL_FAULT_EXCEPTION_EVENTS | DBG_INHIBIT_USER_CPU_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS); ctx->pid = 0; ctx->currentThreadId = 0; ctx->selectedThreadId = 0; ctx->selectedThreadIdForContinuing = 0; ctx->nbThreads = 0; ctx->totalNbCreatedThreads = 0; memset(ctx->threadInfos, 0, sizeof(ctx->threadInfos)); ctx->currentHioRequestTargetAddr = 0; memset(&ctx->currentHioRequest, 0, sizeof(PackedGdbHioRequest)); ctx->state = GDB_STATE_CONNECTED; } Result GDB_CreateProcess(GDBContext *ctx, const FS_ProgramInfo *progInfo, u32 launchFlags) { Handle debug = 0; ctx->debug = 0; Result r = PMDBG_LaunchTitleDebug(&debug, progInfo, launchFlags); if(R_FAILED(r)) return r; ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_CREATED | GDB_FLAG_ATTACHED_AT_START; ctx->debug = debug; ctx->launchedProgramInfo = *progInfo; ctx->launchedProgramLaunchFlags = launchFlags; r = GDB_AttachToProcess(ctx); return r; } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(Unsupported) { return GDB_ReplyEmpty(ctx); } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(EnableExtendedMode) { if (ctx->localPort >= GDB_PORT_BASE && ctx->localPort < GDB_PORT_BASE + MAX_DEBUG) { ctx->flags |= GDB_FLAG_EXTENDED_REMOTE; return GDB_ReplyOk(ctx); } else return GDB_ReplyEmpty(ctx); }