/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gdb/remote_command.h" #include "gdb/net.h" #include "csvc.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "gdb/breakpoints.h" struct { const char *name; GDBCommandHandler handler; } remoteCommandHandlers[] = { { "syncrequestinfo" , GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(SyncRequestInfo) }, { "translatehandle" , GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(TranslateHandle) }, { "getmmuconfig" , GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(GetMmuConfig) }, { "getmemregions" , GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(GetMemRegions) }, { "flushcaches" , GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(FlushCaches) }, { "toggleextmemaccess", GDB_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(ToggleExternalMemoryAccess) }, }; static const char *GDB_SkipSpaces(const char *pos) { const char *nextpos; for(nextpos = pos; *nextpos != 0 && ((*nextpos >= 9 && *nextpos <= 13) || *nextpos == ' '); nextpos++); return nextpos; } GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(SyncRequestInfo) { char outbuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; Result r; int n; if(ctx->commandData[0] != 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); if(ctx->selectedThreadId == 0) ctx->selectedThreadId = ctx->currentThreadId; if(ctx->selectedThreadId == 0) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Cannot run this command without a selected thread.\n"); goto end; } u32 id; u32 cmdId; ThreadContext regs; u32 instr; Handle process; r = svcOpenProcess(&process, ctx->pid); if(R_FAILED(r)) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid process (wtf?)\n"); goto end; } for(id = 0; id < MAX_DEBUG_THREAD && ctx->threadInfos[id].id != ctx->selectedThreadId; id++); r = svcGetDebugThreadContext(®s, ctx->debug, ctx->selectedThreadId, THREADCONTEXT_CONTROL_CPU_REGS); if(R_FAILED(r) || id == MAX_DEBUG_THREAD) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid or running thread.\n"); goto end; } r = svcReadProcessMemory(&cmdId, ctx->debug, ctx->threadInfos[id].tls + 0x80, 4); if(R_FAILED(r)) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid or running thread.\n"); goto end; } r = svcReadProcessMemory(&instr, ctx->debug, regs.cpu_registers.pc, (regs.cpu_registers.cpsr & 0x20) ? 2 : 4); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r) && (((regs.cpu_registers.cpsr & 0x20) && instr == BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_THUMB) || instr == BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_ARM)) { u32 savedInstruction; if(GDB_GetBreakpointInstruction(&savedInstruction, ctx, regs.cpu_registers.pc) == 0) instr = savedInstruction; } if(R_FAILED(r) || ((regs.cpu_registers.cpsr & 0x20) && !(instr == 0xDF32 || (instr == 0xDFFE && regs.cpu_registers.r[12] == 0x32))) || (!(regs.cpu_registers.cpsr & 0x20) && !(instr == 0xEF000032 || (instr == 0xEF0000FE && regs.cpu_registers.r[12] == 0x32)))) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "The selected thread is not currently performing a sync request (svc 0x32).\n"); goto end; } char name[12]; Handle handle; r = svcCopyHandle(&handle, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, (Handle)regs.cpu_registers.r[0], process); if(R_FAILED(r)) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid handle.\n"); goto end; } r = svcControlService(SERVICEOP_GET_NAME, name, handle); if(R_FAILED(r)) name[0] = 0; n = sprintf(outbuf, "%s 0x%x, 0x%08x\n", name, cmdId, ctx->threadInfos[id].tls + 0x80); end: svcCloseHandle(handle); svcCloseHandle(process); return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, outbuf, n); } GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(TranslateHandle) { bool ok; u32 val; char *end; int n; Result r; u32 kernelAddr; Handle handle, process; s64 refcountRaw; u32 refcount; char classBuf[32], serviceBuf[12] = { 0 }; char outbuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; if(ctx->commandData[0] == 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); val = xstrtoul(ctx->commandData, &end, 0, true, &ok); if(!ok) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); end = (char *)GDB_SkipSpaces(end); if(*end != 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); r = svcOpenProcess(&process, ctx->pid); if(R_FAILED(r)) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid process (wtf?)\n"); goto end; } r = svcCopyHandle(&handle, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, (Handle)val, process); if(R_FAILED(r)) { n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid handle.\n"); goto end; } svcTranslateHandle(&kernelAddr, classBuf, handle); svcGetHandleInfo(&refcountRaw, handle, 1); svcControlService(SERVICEOP_GET_NAME, serviceBuf, handle); refcount = (u32)(refcountRaw - 1); if(serviceBuf[0] != 0) n = sprintf(outbuf, "(%s *)0x%08x /* %s handle, %u %s */\n", classBuf, kernelAddr, serviceBuf, refcount, refcount == 1 ? "reference" : "references"); else n = sprintf(outbuf, "(%s *)0x%08x /* %u %s */\n", classBuf, kernelAddr, refcount, refcount == 1 ? "reference" : "references"); end: svcCloseHandle(handle); svcCloseHandle(process); return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, outbuf, n); } extern bool isN3DS; GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(GetMmuConfig) { int n; char outbuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; Result r; Handle process; if(ctx->commandData[0] != 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); r = svcOpenProcess(&process, ctx->pid); if(R_FAILED(r)) n = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid process (wtf?)\n"); else { s64 TTBCR, TTBR0; svcGetSystemInfo(&TTBCR, 0x10002, 0); svcGetProcessInfo(&TTBR0, process, 0x10008); n = sprintf(outbuf, "TTBCR = %u\nTTBR0 = 0x%08x\nTTBR1 =", (u32)TTBCR, (u32)TTBR0); for(u32 i = 0; i < (isN3DS ? 4 : 2); i++) { s64 TTBR1; svcGetSystemInfo(&TTBR1, 0x10002, 1 + i); if(i == (isN3DS ? 3 : 1)) n += sprintf(outbuf + n, " 0x%08x\n", (u32)TTBR1); else n += sprintf(outbuf + n, " 0x%08x /", (u32)TTBR1); } svcCloseHandle(process); } return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, outbuf, n); } static const char *FormatMemPerm(u32 perm) { if (perm == MEMPERM_DONTCARE) return "???"; static char buf[4] = {0}; buf[0] = perm & MEMPERM_READ ? 'r' : '-'; buf[1] = perm & MEMPERM_WRITE ? 'w' : '-'; buf[2] = perm & MEMPERM_EXECUTE ? 'x' : '-'; return buf; } static const char *FormatMemState(u32 state) { if (state > 11) return "Unknown"; static const char *states[12] = { "Free", "Reserved", "IO", "Static", "Code", "Private", "Shared", "Continuous", "Aliased", "Alias", "AliasCode", "Locked" }; return states[state]; } GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(GetMemRegions) { u32 address = 0; u32 posInBuffer = 0; u32 maxPosInBuffer = GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 - 35; ///< 35 is the maximum length of a formatted region Handle handle; MemInfo memi; PageInfo pagei; char outbuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; if(R_FAILED(svcOpenProcess(&handle, ctx->pid))) { posInBuffer = sprintf(outbuf, "Invalid process (wtf?)\n"); goto end; } while (address < 0x40000000 ///< Limit to check for regions && posInBuffer < maxPosInBuffer && R_SUCCEEDED(svcQueryProcessMemory(&memi, &pagei, handle, address))) { // Update the address for next region address = memi.base_addr + memi.size; // If region isn't FREE then add it to the list if (memi.state != MEMSTATE_FREE) { const char *perm = FormatMemPerm(memi.perm); const char *state = FormatMemState(memi.state); posInBuffer += sprintf(outbuf + posInBuffer, "%08X - %08X %s %s\n", memi.base_addr, address, perm, state); } } svcCloseHandle(handle); end: return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, outbuf, posInBuffer); } GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(FlushCaches) { if(ctx->commandData[0] != 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); svcFlushEntireDataCache(); svcInvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); return GDB_ReplyOk(ctx); } GDB_DECLARE_REMOTE_COMMAND_HANDLER(ToggleExternalMemoryAccess) { int n; char outbuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; ctx->enableExternalMemoryAccess = !ctx->enableExternalMemoryAccess; n = sprintf(outbuf, "External memory access %s successfully.\n", ctx->enableExternalMemoryAccess ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, outbuf, n); } GDB_DECLARE_QUERY_HANDLER(Rcmd) { char commandData[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2 + 1]; char *endpos; const char *errstr = "Unrecognized command.\n"; u32 len = strlen(ctx->commandData); if(len == 0 || (len % 2) == 1 || GDB_DecodeHex(commandData, ctx->commandData, len / 2) != len / 2) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); commandData[len / 2] = 0; for(endpos = commandData; !(*endpos >= 9 && *endpos <= 13) && *endpos != ' ' && *endpos != 0; endpos++); char *nextpos = (char *)GDB_SkipSpaces(endpos); *endpos = 0; for(u32 i = 0; i < sizeof(remoteCommandHandlers) / sizeof(remoteCommandHandlers[0]); i++) { if(strcmp(commandData, remoteCommandHandlers[i].name) == 0) { ctx->commandData = nextpos; return remoteCommandHandlers[i].handler(ctx); } } return GDB_SendHexPacket(ctx, errstr, strlen(errstr)); }