/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "kernel_extension.h" #include "kernel_extension_setup.h" #define MPCORE_REGS_BASE ((u32)PA_PTR(0x17E00000)) #define MPCORE_GID_REGS_BASE (MPCORE_REGS_BASE + 0x1000) #define MPCORE_GID_SGI (*(vu32 *)(MPCORE_GID_REGS_BASE + 0xF00)) struct Parameters { void (*SGI0HandlerCallback)(struct Parameters *, u32 *); void *interruptManager; u32 *L2MMUTable; // bit31 mapping void (*initFPU)(void); void (*mcuReboot)(void); void (*coreBarrier)(void); u32 TTBCR; u32 L1MMUTableAddrs[4]; u32 kernelVersion; struct CfwInfo { char magic[4]; u8 versionMajor; u8 versionMinor; u8 versionBuild; u8 flags; u32 commitHash; u32 config; } __attribute__((packed)) info; }; static void K_SGI0HandlerCallback(volatile struct Parameters *p) { u32 L1MMUTableAddr; vu32 *L1MMUTable; u32 coreId; __asm__ volatile("cpsid aif"); // disable interrupts p->coreBarrier(); __asm__ volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c0, c0, 5" : "=r"(coreId)); coreId &= 3; __asm__ volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 1" : "=r"(L1MMUTableAddr)); L1MMUTableAddr &= ~0x3FFF; p->L1MMUTableAddrs[coreId] = L1MMUTableAddr; L1MMUTable = (vu32 *)(L1MMUTableAddr | (1 << 31)); // Actually map the kernel ext u32 L2MMUTableAddr = (u32)(p->L2MMUTable) & ~(1 << 31); L1MMUTable[0x40000000 >> 20] = L2MMUTableAddr | 1; __asm__ __volatile__("mcr p15, 0, %[val], c7, c10, 4" :: [val] "r" (0) : "memory"); ((void (*)(volatile struct Parameters *))0x40000000)(p); p->coreBarrier(); } static u32 ALIGN(0x400) L2MMUTableFor0x40000000[256] = { 0 }; u32 TTBCR; static void K_ConfigureSGI0(void) { // see /patches/k11MainHook.s u32 *off; u32 *initFPU, *mcuReboot, *coreBarrier; // Search for stuff in the 0xFFFF0000 page for(initFPU = (u32 *)0xFFFF0000; initFPU < (u32 *)0xFFFF1000 && *initFPU != 0xE1A0D002; initFPU++); initFPU += 3; for(mcuReboot = initFPU; mcuReboot < (u32 *)0xFFFF1000 && *mcuReboot != 0xE3A0A0C2; mcuReboot++); mcuReboot--; coreBarrier = (u32 *)decodeARMBranch(mcuReboot - 4); for(off = mcuReboot; off < (u32 *)0xFFFF1000 && *off != 0x726C6468; off++); // "hdlr" volatile struct Parameters *p = (struct Parameters *)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(off); // Caches? What are caches? p->SGI0HandlerCallback = (void (*)(struct Parameters *, u32 *))PA_FROM_VA_PTR(K_SGI0HandlerCallback); p->L2MMUTable = (u32 *)PA_FROM_VA_PTR(L2MMUTableFor0x40000000); p->initFPU = (void (*) (void))initFPU; p->mcuReboot = (void (*) (void))mcuReboot; p->coreBarrier = (void (*) (void))coreBarrier; __asm__ volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 2" : "=r"(TTBCR)); p->TTBCR = TTBCR; p->kernelVersion = *(vu32 *)0x1FF80000; // Now let's configure the L2 table //4KB extended small pages: [SYS:RW USR:-- X TYP:NORMAL SHARED OUTER NOCACHE, INNER CACHED WB WA] for(u32 offset = 0; offset < kernel_extension_size; offset += 0x1000) L2MMUTableFor0x40000000[offset >> 12] = (u32)convertVAToPA(kernel_extension + offset) | 0x516; } static void K_SendSGI0ToAllCores(void) { MPCORE_GID_SGI = 0xF0000; // http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0360f/CACGDJJC.html } static inline void flushAllCaches(void) { svcUnmapProcessMemory(CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0, 0); // this SVC flush both caches entirely (and properly) even when returing an error } void installKernelExtension(void) { svc0x2F(K_ConfigureSGI0); flushAllCaches(); svc0x2F(K_SendSGI0ToAllCores); flushAllCaches(); }