/* * draw.c * by Reisyukaku / Aurora Wright * Code to print to the screen by mid-kid @CakesFW * * Copyright (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved */ #include "draw.h" #include "fs.h" #include "memory.h" #include "font.h" #define SCREEN_TOP_WIDTH 400 #define SCREEN_TOP_HEIGHT 240 static const struct fb { u8 *top_left; u8 *top_right; u8 *bottom; } *const fb = (struct fb *)0x23FFFE00; static inline int strlen(const char *string) { char *stringEnd = (char *)string; while(*stringEnd) stringEnd++; return stringEnd - string; } void clearScreens(void) { memset32(fb->top_left, 0, 0x46500); memset32(fb->top_right, 0, 0x46500); memset32(fb->bottom, 0, 0x38400); } void loadSplash(void) { clearScreens(); //Don't delay boot if no splash image is on the SD if(fileRead(fb->top_left, "/aurei/splash.bin", 0x46500) + fileRead(fb->bottom, "/aurei/splashbottom.bin", 0x38400)) { u64 i = 0x1300000; while(--i) __asm("mov r0, r0"); //Less Ghetto sleep func } } void drawCharacter(char character, int posX, int posY, u32 color) { u8 *const select = fb->top_left; for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { char charPos = font[character * 8 + y]; for(int x = 7; x >= 0; x--) { int screenPos = (posX * SCREEN_TOP_HEIGHT * 3 + (SCREEN_TOP_HEIGHT - y - posY - 1) * 3) + (7 - x) * 3 * SCREEN_TOP_HEIGHT; if ((charPos >> x) & 1) { select[screenPos] = color >> 16; select[screenPos + 1] = color >> 8; select[screenPos + 2] = color; } } } } int drawString(const char *string, int posX, int posY, u32 color) { int length = strlen(string); for(int i = 0, line_i = 0; i < length; i++, line_i++) { if(string[i] == '\n') { posY += SPACING_Y; line_i = 0; i++; } else if(line_i >= (SCREEN_TOP_WIDTH - posX) / SPACING_X) { // Make sure we never get out of the screen. posY += SPACING_Y; line_i = 2; // Little offset so we know the same string continues. if(string[i] == ' ') i++; // Spaces at the start look weird } drawCharacter(string[i], posX + line_i * SPACING_X, posY, color); } return posY; }