/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include <3ds.h> #include "menus/process_list.h" #include "memory.h" #include "csvc.h" #include "draw.h" #include "menu.h" #include "utils.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "ifile.h" #include "gdb/server.h" #include "minisoc.h" #include #include typedef struct ProcessInfo { u32 pid; u64 titleId; char name[8]; bool isZombie; } ProcessInfo; static ProcessInfo infos[0x40] = {0}, infosPrev[0x40] = {0}; extern GDBServer gdbServer; static inline int ProcessListMenu_FormatInfoLine(char *out, const ProcessInfo *info) { const char *checkbox; u32 id = 0; if(gdbServer.super.running) { GDB_LockAllContexts(&gdbServer); for(id = 0; id < MAX_DEBUG && (!(gdbServer.ctxs[id].flags & GDB_FLAG_SELECTED) || gdbServer.ctxs[id].pid != info->pid); id++); checkbox = id < MAX_DEBUG ? "(x) " : "( ) "; } else checkbox = ""; char commentBuf[23 + 1] = { 0 }; // exactly the size of "Remote:" memset(commentBuf, ' ', 23); if(info->isZombie) memcpy(commentBuf, "Zombie", 7); else if(gdbServer.super.running && id < MAX_DEBUG) { if(gdbServer.ctxs[id].state >= GDB_STATE_CONNECTED && gdbServer.ctxs[id].state < GDB_STATE_CLOSING) { u8 *addr = (u8 *)&gdbServer.ctxs[id].super.addr_in.sin_addr; checkbox = "(A) "; sprintf(commentBuf, "Remote: %hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3]); } else { checkbox = "(W) "; sprintf(commentBuf, "Port: %hu", gdbServer.ctxs[id].localPort); } } if (gdbServer.super.running) GDB_UnlockAllContexts(&gdbServer); return sprintf(out, "%s%-4lu %-8.8s %s", checkbox, info->pid, info->name, commentBuf); // Theoritically PIDs are 32-bit ints, but we'll only justify 4 digits } static void ProcessListMenu_DumpMemory(const char *name, void *start, u32 size) { #define TRY(expr) if(R_FAILED(res = (expr))) goto end; Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Memory dump"); const char * wait_message = "Please wait, this may take a while..."; Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, wait_message); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); u64 total; IFile file; Result res; char filename[64] = {0}; FS_Archive archive; FS_ArchiveID archiveId; s64 out; bool isSdMode; if(R_FAILED(svcGetSystemInfo(&out, 0x10000, 0x203))) svcBreak(USERBREAK_ASSERT); isSdMode = (bool)out; archiveId = isSdMode ? ARCHIVE_SDMC : ARCHIVE_NAND_RW; res = FSUSER_OpenArchive(&archive, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, "")); if(R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/luma/dumps"), 0); if((u32)res == 0xC82044BE) // directory already exists res = 0; res = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/luma/dumps/memory"), 0); if((u32)res == 0xC82044BE) // directory already exists res = 0; FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); } unsigned int seconds, minutes, hours, days, year, month; u64 milliseconds = osGetTime(); seconds = milliseconds/1000; milliseconds %= 1000; minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60; days = hours / 24; hours %= 24; year = 1900; while(true) { bool leapYear = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)); unsigned int daysInYear = leapYear ? 366 : 365; if (days >= daysInYear) { days -= daysInYear; ++year; } else { const unsigned int daysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; for(month = 0; month < 12; ++month) { unsigned int dim = daysInMonth[month]; if (month == 1 && leapYear) ++dim; if (days >= dim) days -= dim; else break; } break; } } days++; month++; sprintf(filename, "/luma/dumps/memory/%.8s_0x%.8lx_%.4u-%.2u-%.2uT%.2u-%.2u-%.2u.bin", name, (u32)start, year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds); TRY(IFile_Open(&file, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, filename), FS_OPEN_CREATE | FS_OPEN_WRITE)); TRY(IFile_Write(&file, &total, start, size, 0)); TRY(IFile_Close(&file)); end: IFile_Close(&file); do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Memory dump"); Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "%*s", strlen(wait_message), " "); if(R_FAILED(res)) { Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Operation failed (0x%.8lx).", res); } else { Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Operation succeeded."); } Draw_DrawString(10, 30+SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, "Press B to go back."); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } while(!(waitInput() & BUTTON_B) && !terminationRequest); #undef TRY } static void ProcessListMenu_MemoryViewer(const ProcessInfo *info) { Handle processHandle; Result res = OpenProcessByName(info->name, &processHandle); if(R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { u32 codeStartAddress, heapStartAddress; u32 codeDestAddress, heapDestAddress; u32 codeTotalSize, heapTotalSize; s64 textStartAddress, textTotalRoundedSize, rodataTotalRoundedSize, dataTotalRoundedSize; svcGetProcessInfo(&textTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10002); svcGetProcessInfo(&rodataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10003); svcGetProcessInfo(&dataTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10004); svcGetProcessInfo(&textStartAddress, processHandle, 0x10005); codeTotalSize = (u32)(textTotalRoundedSize + rodataTotalRoundedSize + dataTotalRoundedSize); codeStartAddress = (u32)textStartAddress; //should be 0x00100000, rarely 0x14000000 codeDestAddress = 0x00100000; MemInfo mem; PageInfo out; heapDestAddress = heapStartAddress = 0x08000000; svcQueryProcessMemory(&mem, &out, processHandle, heapStartAddress); heapTotalSize = mem.size; Result codeRes = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, codeDestAddress, codeStartAddress, codeTotalSize); Result heapRes = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, heapDestAddress, heapStartAddress, heapTotalSize); bool codeAvailable = R_SUCCEEDED(codeRes); bool heapAvailable = R_SUCCEEDED(heapRes); if(codeAvailable || heapAvailable) { #define ROWS_PER_SCREEN 0x10 #define BYTES_PER_ROW 0x10 #define VIEWER_PAGE_SIZE (ROWS_PER_SCREEN*BYTES_PER_ROW) #define totalRows ((menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max - (menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max % BYTES_PER_ROW))/ROWS_PER_SCREEN) enum MenuModes { MENU_MODE_NORMAL = 0, MENU_MODE_GOTO, MENU_MODE_SEARCH, MENU_MODE_MAX, }; typedef struct { u32 selected; u8 * buf; u32 starti; u32 max; } MenuData; bool editing; MenuData menus[MENU_MODE_MAX] = {0}; int menuMode = MENU_MODE_NORMAL; bool checkMode(int newMode) { if(menuMode == newMode) { menuMode = MENU_MODE_NORMAL; return true; } else { menuMode = newMode; return false; } } // Editing void selectedByteIncrement(void) { menus[menuMode].buf[menus[menuMode].selected]++; } void selectedByteDecrement(void) { menus[menuMode].buf[menus[menuMode].selected]--; } void selectedByteAdd0x10(void) { menus[menuMode].buf[menus[menuMode].selected] += 0x10; } void selectedByteSub0x10(void) { menus[menuMode].buf[menus[menuMode].selected] -= 0x10; } // ------------------------------------------ // Movement #define SELECTED_DEC(decval) do { \ if(menus[menuMode].selected >= decval) \ menus[menuMode].selected -= decval; \ } while(0) #define SELECTED_INC(incval) do { \ if(menus[menuMode].selected < (menus[menuMode].max - incval)) \ menus[menuMode].selected += incval; \ } while(0) void selectedMoveLeft(void) { SELECTED_DEC(1); } void selectedMoveRight(void) { SELECTED_INC(1); } void selectedMoveUp(void) { SELECTED_DEC(BYTES_PER_ROW); } void selectedMoveDown(void) { SELECTED_INC(BYTES_PER_ROW); } // ------------------------------------------ // Viewing void viewHeap(void) { if(!heapAvailable) return; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected = 0; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf = (u8*)heapDestAddress; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max = heapTotalSize; } void viewCode(void) { if(!codeAvailable) return; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected = 0; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf = (u8*)codeDestAddress; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max = codeTotalSize; } if(heapAvailable) viewHeap(); else viewCode(); // ------------------------------------------ // Jumping u32 gotoAddress = 0; void finishJumping(void) { gotoAddress = __builtin_bswap32(gotoAddress); // The data is edited in reverse, so it needs to be swapped before usage u32 codeEndAddress = codeStartAddress + codeTotalSize; u32 heapEndAddress = heapStartAddress + heapTotalSize; if(gotoAddress >= codeStartAddress && gotoAddress < codeEndAddress) viewCode(); else if(gotoAddress >= heapStartAddress && gotoAddress < heapEndAddress) viewHeap(); gotoAddress -= (u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected = gotoAddress; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].starti = totalRows; } menus[MENU_MODE_GOTO].buf = (u8*)&gotoAddress; menus[MENU_MODE_GOTO].max = sizeof(gotoAddress); // ------------------------------------------ // Searching #define searchPatternSize menus[MENU_MODE_SEARCH].max #define searchPatternMaxSize (u32)VIEWER_PAGE_SIZE u8 searchPattern[searchPatternMaxSize] = {0}; void searchPatternEnlarge(void) { searchPatternSize++; if(searchPatternSize > searchPatternMaxSize) searchPatternSize = 1; } void searchPatternReduce(void) { searchPatternSize--; if(searchPatternSize < 1) searchPatternSize = searchPatternMaxSize; } void finishSearching(void) { u8 * startpos = (u8*)((u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf + menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected); u32 size = menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max - menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected; if (size >= searchPatternSize) menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected = (u32)memsearch(startpos, searchPattern, size, searchPatternSize) - (u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf; } menus[MENU_MODE_SEARCH].buf = searchPattern; menus[MENU_MODE_SEARCH].max = 1; // ------------------------------------------ void drawMenu(void) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Memory viewer"); // Instructions const u32 instructionsY = 30; u32 viewerY = instructionsY + SPACING_Y + 6; Draw_DrawString(10, instructionsY, COLOR_WHITE, "D-PAD to move, X to jump, Y to search, A to edit."); switch(menuMode) { case MENU_MODE_NORMAL: Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 9, instructionsY, COLOR_GREEN, "move"); break; case MENU_MODE_GOTO: Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 20, instructionsY, COLOR_GREEN, "jump"); break; case MENU_MODE_SEARCH: Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 31, instructionsY, COLOR_GREEN, "search"); break; default: break; } if(editing) Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 44, instructionsY, COLOR_RED, "edit"); // ------------------------------------------ // Location if(codeAvailable && heapAvailable) { const u32 infoY = instructionsY + SPACING_Y; viewerY += SPACING_Y; Draw_DrawString(10, infoY, COLOR_WHITE, "Press L or R to switch between heap and code."); if((u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf == heapDestAddress) Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 31, infoY, COLOR_GREEN, "heap"); if((u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf == codeDestAddress) Draw_DrawString(10 + SPACING_X * 40, infoY, COLOR_GREEN, "code"); } // ------------------------------------------ for(u32 row = menus[menuMode].starti; row < (menus[menuMode].starti + ROWS_PER_SCREEN); row++) { u32 offset = row - menus[menuMode].starti; u32 y = viewerY + offset*SPACING_Y; u32 address = row*BYTES_PER_ROW; Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, y, COLOR_TITLE, "%.8lx | ", address + ((menuMode == MENU_MODE_NORMAL) ? (u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf : 0)); for(int cursor = 0; cursor < BYTES_PER_ROW; cursor++, address++) { u32 x = 10+66 + cursor*14 + (cursor >= BYTES_PER_ROW/2)*10; if(address < menus[menuMode].max) { Draw_DrawFormattedString(x, y, address == menus[menuMode].selected ? (editing ? COLOR_RED : COLOR_GREEN) : COLOR_WHITE, "%.2x", menus[menuMode].buf[address]); } else Draw_DrawString(x, y, COLOR_WHITE, " "); } } Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } void clearMenu(void) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } void handleScrolling(void) { for(u32 i = totalRows; i > 0 ; i--) { u32 scroll = menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].starti; u32 selectedRow = (menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected - (menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected % BYTES_PER_ROW))/BYTES_PER_ROW; if(scroll > selectedRow) scroll--; if((i <= selectedRow) && \ ((selectedRow - scroll) >= ROWS_PER_SCREEN) && \ (scroll != (totalRows - ROWS_PER_SCREEN))) scroll++; menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].starti = scroll; } if (menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].starti > (totalRows - ROWS_PER_SCREEN)) menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].starti = totalRows - ROWS_PER_SCREEN; } clearMenu(); do { if(menuMode == MENU_MODE_NORMAL) handleScrolling(); drawMenu(); u32 pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(1000); if(pressed & BUTTON_A) editing = !editing; else if(pressed & BUTTON_X) { if(checkMode(MENU_MODE_GOTO)) finishJumping(); else gotoAddress = __builtin_bswap32(((u32)menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf) + menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].selected); } else if(pressed & BUTTON_Y) { if(checkMode(MENU_MODE_SEARCH)) finishSearching(); } else if(pressed & BUTTON_SELECT) { clearMenu(); ProcessListMenu_DumpMemory(info->name, menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].buf, menus[MENU_MODE_NORMAL].max); clearMenu(); } if(editing) { // Edit the highlighted byte if(pressed & BUTTON_LEFT) selectedByteAdd0x10(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_RIGHT) selectedByteSub0x10(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_UP) selectedByteIncrement(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_DOWN) selectedByteDecrement(); } else { // Move the cursor if(pressed & BUTTON_LEFT) selectedMoveLeft(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_RIGHT) selectedMoveRight(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_UP) selectedMoveUp(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_DOWN) selectedMoveDown(); else if(pressed & BUTTON_L1) { if(menuMode == MENU_MODE_NORMAL) viewHeap(); else if(menuMode == MENU_MODE_SEARCH) searchPatternReduce(); } else if(pressed & BUTTON_R1) { if(menuMode == MENU_MODE_NORMAL) viewCode(); else if(menuMode == MENU_MODE_SEARCH) searchPatternEnlarge(); } } if(pressed & BUTTON_B) // go back to the list, or the simple viewer { if(menuMode != MENU_MODE_NORMAL) { menuMode = MENU_MODE_NORMAL; editing = false; } else break; } if(menus[menuMode].selected >= menus[menuMode].max) menus[menuMode].selected = menus[menuMode].max - 1; } while(!terminationRequest); clearMenu(); } if(codeAvailable) svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, codeDestAddress, codeTotalSize); if(heapAvailable) svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, heapDestAddress, heapTotalSize); svcCloseHandle(processHandle); } } static inline void ProcessListMenu_HandleSelected(const ProcessInfo *info) { if(!gdbServer.super.running || info->isZombie) { ProcessListMenu_MemoryViewer(info); return; } GDB_LockAllContexts(&gdbServer); u32 id; for(id = 0; id < MAX_DEBUG && (!(gdbServer.ctxs[id].flags & GDB_FLAG_SELECTED) || gdbServer.ctxs[id].pid != info->pid); id++); if(id < MAX_DEBUG) { GDBContext *ctx = &gdbServer.ctxs[id]; if(ctx->flags & GDB_FLAG_USED) { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); ctx->super.should_close = true; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); while(ctx->super.should_close) svcSleepThread(12 * 1000 * 1000LL); } else { RecursiveLock_Lock(&ctx->lock); ctx->flags &= ~GDB_FLAG_SELECTED; ctx->localPort = 0; RecursiveLock_Unlock(&ctx->lock); } } else { GDBContext *ctx = GDB_SelectAvailableContext(&gdbServer, GDB_PORT_BASE, GDB_PORT_BASE + MAX_DEBUG); if (ctx != NULL) ctx->pid = info->pid; } GDB_UnlockAllContexts(&gdbServer); } s32 ProcessListMenu_FetchInfo(void) { u32 pidList[0x40]; s32 processAmount; svcGetProcessList(&processAmount, pidList, 0x40); for(s32 i = 0; i < processAmount; i++) { Handle processHandle; Result res = svcOpenProcess(&processHandle, pidList[i]); if(R_FAILED(res)) continue; infos[i].pid = pidList[i]; svcGetProcessInfo((s64 *)&infos[i].name, processHandle, 0x10000); svcGetProcessInfo((s64 *)&infos[i].titleId, processHandle, 0x10001); infos[i].isZombie = svcWaitSynchronization(processHandle, 0) == 0; svcCloseHandle(processHandle); } return processAmount; } void RosalinaMenu_ProcessList(void) { s32 processAmount = ProcessListMenu_FetchInfo(); s32 selected = 0, page = 0, pagePrev = 0; nfds_t nfdsPrev; do { nfdsPrev = gdbServer.super.nfds; memcpy(infosPrev, infos, sizeof(infos)); Draw_Lock(); if(page != pagePrev) Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Process list"); if(gdbServer.super.running) { char ipBuffer[17]; u32 ip = gethostid(); u8 *addr = (u8 *)&ip; int n = sprintf(ipBuffer, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3]); Draw_DrawString(SCREEN_BOT_WIDTH - 10 - SPACING_X * n, 10, COLOR_WHITE, ipBuffer); } for(s32 i = 0; i < PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE && page * PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE + i < processAmount; i++) { char buf[65] = {0}; ProcessListMenu_FormatInfoLine(buf, &infos[page * PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE + i]); Draw_DrawString(30, 30 + i * SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, buf); Draw_DrawCharacter(10, 30 + i * SPACING_Y, COLOR_TITLE, page * PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE + i == selected ? '>' : ' '); } Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); if(terminationRequest) break; u32 pressed; do { pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(50); if(pressed != 0 || nfdsPrev != gdbServer.super.nfds) break; processAmount = ProcessListMenu_FetchInfo(); if(memcmp(infos, infosPrev, sizeof(infos)) != 0) break; } while(pressed == 0 && !terminationRequest); if(pressed & BUTTON_B) break; else if(pressed & BUTTON_A) ProcessListMenu_HandleSelected(&infos[selected]); else if(pressed & BUTTON_DOWN) selected++; else if(pressed & BUTTON_UP) selected--; else if(pressed & BUTTON_LEFT) selected -= PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE; else if(pressed & BUTTON_RIGHT) { if(selected + PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE < processAmount) selected += PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE; else if((processAmount - 1) / PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE == page) selected %= PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE; else selected = processAmount - 1; } if(selected < 0) selected = processAmount - 1; else if(selected >= processAmount) selected = 0; pagePrev = page; page = selected / PROCESSES_PER_MENU_PAGE; } while(!terminationRequest); }