/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include <3ds.h> #include "menu.h" #include "draw.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "memory.h" #include "ifile.h" #include "menus.h" #include "utils.h" #include "plgloader.h" #include "menus/n3ds.h" #include "menus/cheats.h" #include "minisoc.h" u32 waitInputWithTimeout(u32 msec) { bool pressedKey = false; u32 key = 0; u32 n = 0; //Wait for no keys to be pressed while(HID_PAD && !terminationRequest && (msec == 0 || n < msec)) { svcSleepThread(1 * 1000 * 1000LL); n++; } if(terminationRequest || (msec != 0 && n >= msec)) return 0; do { //Wait for a key to be pressed while(!HID_PAD && !terminationRequest && (msec == 0 || n < msec)) { svcSleepThread(1 * 1000 * 1000LL); n++; } if(terminationRequest || (msec != 0 && n >= msec)) return 0; key = HID_PAD; //Make sure it's pressed for(u32 i = 0x26000; i > 0; i --) { if(key != HID_PAD) break; if(i == 1) pressedKey = true; } } while(!pressedKey); return key; } u32 waitInput(void) { return waitInputWithTimeout(0); } u32 waitComboWithTimeout(u32 msec) { u32 key = 0; u32 n = 0; //Wait for no keys to be pressed while(HID_PAD && !terminationRequest && (msec == 0 || n < msec)) { svcSleepThread(1 * 1000 * 1000LL); n++; } if(terminationRequest || (msec != 0 && n >= msec)) return 0; do { svcSleepThread(1 * 1000 * 1000LL); n++; u32 tempKey = HID_PAD; for(u32 i = 0x26000; i > 0; i--) { if(tempKey != HID_PAD) break; if(i == 1) key = tempKey; } } while((!key || HID_PAD) && !terminationRequest && (msec == 0 || n < msec)); if(terminationRequest || (msec != 0 && n >= msec)) return 0; return key; } u32 waitCombo(void) { return waitComboWithTimeout(0); } static MyThread menuThread; static u8 ALIGN(8) menuThreadStack[THREAD_STACK_SIZE]; static u8 batteryLevel = 255; static u32 homeBtnPressed = 0; MyThread *menuCreateThread(void) { svcKernelSetState(0x10007, &homeBtnPressed); if(R_FAILED(MyThread_Create(&menuThread, menuThreadMain, menuThreadStack, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, 52, CORE_SYSTEM))) svcBreak(USERBREAK_PANIC); return &menuThread; } extern bool isN3DS; u32 menuCombo; u32 DispWarningOnHome(void); void menuThreadMain(void) { if(!isN3DS) { rosalinaMenu.nbItems--; for(u32 i = 0; i <= rosalinaMenu.nbItems; i++) rosalinaMenu.items[i] = rosalinaMenu.items[i+1]; } else N3DSMenu_UpdateStatus(); bool isAcURegistered = false; while(!terminationRequest) { if((HID_PAD & menuCombo) == menuCombo) { if (!isAcURegistered) isAcURegistered = R_SUCCEEDED(srvIsServiceRegistered(&isAcURegistered, "ac:u")) && isAcURegistered; else { menuEnter(); if(isN3DS) N3DSMenu_UpdateStatus(); PluginLoader__UpdateMenu(); menuShow(&rosalinaMenu); menuLeave(); } } else { if (HID_PAD & 0xFFF) { Cheat_ApplyKeyCheats(); } } // Check for home button on O3DS Mode3 with plugin loaded if (homeBtnPressed != 0) { if (DispWarningOnHome()) svcKernelSetState(7); ///< reboot is fine since exiting a mode3 game reboot anyway homeBtnPressed = 0; } svcSleepThread(50 * 1000 * 1000LL); } } static s32 menuRefCount = 0; void menuEnter(void) { if(AtomicPostIncrement(&menuRefCount) == 0) { svcKernelSetState(0x10000, 1); svcSleepThread(5 * 1000 * 100LL); Draw_SetupFramebuffer(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); } } void menuLeave(void) { svcSleepThread(50 * 1000 * 1000); if(AtomicDecrement(&menuRefCount) == 0) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_RestoreFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); svcKernelSetState(0x10000, 1); } } static void menuDraw(Menu *menu, u32 selected) { char versionString[16]; s64 out; u32 version, commitHash; bool isRelease; bool isMcuHwcRegistered; if(R_SUCCEEDED(srvIsServiceRegistered(&isMcuHwcRegistered, "mcu::HWC")) && isMcuHwcRegistered && R_SUCCEEDED(mcuHwcInit())) { if(R_FAILED(MCUHWC_GetBatteryLevel(&batteryLevel))) batteryLevel = 255; mcuHwcExit(); } else batteryLevel = 255; svcGetSystemInfo(&out, 0x10000, 0); version = (u32)out; svcGetSystemInfo(&out, 0x10000, 1); commitHash = (u32)out; svcGetSystemInfo(&out, 0x10000, 0x200); isRelease = (bool)out; if(GET_VERSION_REVISION(version) == 0) sprintf(versionString, "v%u.%u", GET_VERSION_MAJOR(version), GET_VERSION_MINOR(version)); else sprintf(versionString, "v%u.%u.%u", GET_VERSION_MAJOR(version), GET_VERSION_MINOR(version), GET_VERSION_REVISION(version)); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, menu->title); for(u32 i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if(i >= menu->nbItems) break; Draw_DrawString(30, 30 + i * SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, menu->items[i].title); Draw_DrawCharacter(10, 30 + i * SPACING_Y, COLOR_TITLE, i == selected ? '>' : ' '); } if(miniSocEnabled) { char ipBuffer[17]; u32 ip = gethostid(); u8 *addr = (u8 *)&ip; int n = sprintf(ipBuffer, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3]); Draw_DrawString(SCREEN_BOT_WIDTH - 10 - SPACING_X * n, 10, COLOR_WHITE, ipBuffer); } Draw_DrawFormattedString(SCREEN_BOT_WIDTH - 10 - 4 * SPACING_X, SCREEN_BOT_HEIGHT - 20, COLOR_WHITE, " "); if(batteryLevel != 255) Draw_DrawFormattedString(SCREEN_BOT_WIDTH - 10 - 4 * SPACING_X, SCREEN_BOT_HEIGHT - 20, COLOR_WHITE, "%02hhu%%", batteryLevel); else Draw_DrawString(SCREEN_BOT_WIDTH - 10 - 4 * SPACING_X, SCREEN_BOT_HEIGHT - 20, COLOR_WHITE, " "); if(isRelease) Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, SCREEN_BOT_HEIGHT - 20, COLOR_TITLE, "Luma3DS %s", versionString); else Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, SCREEN_BOT_HEIGHT - 20, COLOR_TITLE, "Luma3DS %s-%08x", versionString, commitHash); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); } void menuShow(Menu *root) { u32 selectedItem = 0; Menu *currentMenu = root; u32 nbPreviousMenus = 0; Menu *previousMenus[0x80]; u32 previousSelectedItems[0x80]; Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); menuDraw(currentMenu, selectedItem); Draw_Unlock(); do { u32 pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(1000); if(pressed & BUTTON_A) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); switch(currentMenu->items[selectedItem].action_type) { case METHOD: if(currentMenu->items[selectedItem].method != NULL) currentMenu->items[selectedItem].method(); break; case MENU: previousSelectedItems[nbPreviousMenus] = selectedItem; previousMenus[nbPreviousMenus++] = currentMenu; currentMenu = currentMenu->items[selectedItem].menu; selectedItem = 0; break; } Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } else if(pressed & BUTTON_B) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); if(nbPreviousMenus > 0) { currentMenu = previousMenus[--nbPreviousMenus]; selectedItem = previousSelectedItems[nbPreviousMenus]; } else break; } else if(pressed & BUTTON_DOWN) { if(++selectedItem >= currentMenu->nbItems) selectedItem = 0; } else if(pressed & BUTTON_UP) { if(selectedItem-- <= 0) selectedItem = currentMenu->nbItems - 1; } Draw_Lock(); menuDraw(currentMenu, selectedItem); Draw_Unlock(); } while(!terminationRequest); } static const char *__press_b_to_close = "Press [B] to close"; void DispMessage(const char *title, const char *message) { menuEnter(); Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, title); Draw_DrawString(30, 30, COLOR_WHITE, message); Draw_DrawString(200, 220, COLOR_TITLE, __press_b_to_close); u32 keys = 0; do { keys = waitComboWithTimeout(1000); }while (!terminationRequest && !(keys & BUTTON_B)); Draw_Unlock(); ///< Keep it locked until we exit the message menuLeave(); } u32 DispErrMessage(const char *title, const char *message, const Result error) { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "Error code: 0x%08X", error); menuEnter(); Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, title); u32 posY = Draw_DrawString(30, 30, COLOR_WHITE, message); Draw_DrawString(30, posY + 20, COLOR_RED, buf); Draw_DrawString(200, 220, COLOR_TITLE, __press_b_to_close); u32 keys = 0; do { keys = waitComboWithTimeout(1000); }while (!terminationRequest && !(keys & BUTTON_B)); Draw_Unlock(); ///< Keep it locked until we exit the message menuLeave(); return error; } u32 DispWarningOnHome(void) { menuEnter(); Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Warning"); u32 posY = Draw_DrawString(30, 40, COLOR_WHITE, "Due to memory shortage the home button\nis disabled."); Draw_DrawString(30, posY + 20, COLOR_WHITE, "Press [DPAD UP + B] to exit the application."); Draw_DrawString(200, 220, COLOR_TITLE, __press_b_to_close); u32 keys = 0; do { keys = waitComboWithTimeout(1000); }while (!terminationRequest && !(keys & BUTTON_B)); Draw_Unlock(); ///< Keep it locked until we exit the message menuLeave(); return (keys & BUTTON_UP) > 0; } typedef char string[50]; #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) void DisplayPluginMenu(u32 *cmdbuf) { u32 cursor = 0; u32 nbItems = cmdbuf[1]; u8 *states = (u8 *)cmdbuf[3]; char buffer[60]; const char *title = (const char *)cmdbuf[5]; const string *items = (const string *)cmdbuf[7]; const string *hints = (const string *)cmdbuf[9]; menuEnter(); Draw_Lock(); do { // Draw the menu { // Clear screen Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); // Draw title Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, title); // Draw items u32 i = MAX(0, (int)cursor - 7); u32 end = MIN(nbItems, i + 16); u32 posY = 30; for (; i < end; ++i, posY += 10) { sprintf(buffer, "[ ] %s", items[i]); Draw_DrawString(30, posY, COLOR_WHITE, buffer); if (i == cursor) Draw_DrawCharacter(10, posY, COLOR_TITLE, '>'); if (states[i]) Draw_DrawCharacter(36, posY, COLOR_LIME, 'x'); } // Draw hint if (hints[cursor]) Draw_DrawString(10, 200, COLOR_TITLE, hints[cursor]); } // Wait for input u32 pressed = waitInput(); if (pressed & BUTTON_A) states[cursor] = !states[cursor]; if (pressed & BUTTON_B) break; if (pressed & BUTTON_DOWN) if (++cursor >= nbItems) cursor = 0; if (pressed & BUTTON_UP) if (--cursor >= nbItems) cursor = nbItems - 1; } while (true); Draw_Unlock(); menuLeave(); }