# AuReiNand *A modification of the ReiNand custom firmware* **Compiling:** You'll need armips and [bin2c](https://sourceforge.net/projects/bin2c/) added to your Path. [HERE](http://www91.zippyshare.com/v/ePGpjk9r/file.html) is a pre-compiled version of armips. Lastly, just run Make and everything should work! Copy everything in 'out' folder to SD root and run! **Usage / Features:** See https://github.com/Reisyukaku/ReiNand and http://gbatemp.net/threads/reinand-mod-o3ds-n3ds-sysnand.411110 The FIRMs you need are [HERE](http://www99.zippyshare.com/v/kEIiQl0x/file.html). **Credits:** Rei as this is mostly his code. The offset to detect the console, and to calculate the O3DS NAND CTR are from Decrypt9. tiniVi suggested me a way to detect a A9LH environment, and figured out screen deinit. Delebile provided me with the FIRM writes blocking patch. A skilled reverser gave me the new reboot patch. The screen init code is from dark_samus, bil1s, Normmatt, delebile and everyone who contributed. The code for printing to the screen is from CakesFW.