/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gdb/mem.h" #include "gdb/net.h" #include "utils.h" static void *k_memcpy_no_interrupt(void *dst, const void *src, u32 len) { __asm__ volatile("cpsid aif"); return memcpy(dst, src, len); } Result GDB_ReadMemoryInPage(void *out, GDBContext *ctx, u32 addr, u32 len) { s64 TTBCR; svcGetSystemInfo(&TTBCR, 0x10002, 0); if(addr < (1u << (32 - (u32)TTBCR))) // Note: UB with user-mapped MMIO (uses memcpy). return svcReadProcessMemory(out, ctx->debug, addr, len); else if(!ctx->enableExternalMemoryAccess) return -1; else if(addr >= 0x80000000 && addr < 0xB0000000) { if(addr >= 0x90000000 && addr < 0x98000000) // IO { for(u32 off = 0; off < len; ) { if((addr + off) & 1) { *((u8 *)out + off) = *(vu8 *)(addr + off); off += 1; } else if((addr + off) & 3) { *((u16 *)out + off) = *(vu16 *)(addr + off); off += 2; } else { *((u32 *)out + off) = *(vu32 *)(addr + off); off += 4; } } } else memcpy(out, (const void *)addr, len); return 0; } else { u32 PA = svcConvertVAToPA((const void *)addr, false); if(PA == 0) return -1; else { svcCustomBackdoor(k_memcpy_no_interrupt, out, (const void *)addr, len); return 0; } } } Result GDB_WriteMemoryInPage(GDBContext *ctx, const void *in, u32 addr, u32 len) { s64 TTBCR; svcGetSystemInfo(&TTBCR, 0x10002, 0); if(addr < (1u << (32 - (u32)TTBCR))) return svcWriteProcessMemory(ctx->debug, in, addr, len); // not sure if it checks if it's IO or not. It probably does else if(!ctx->enableExternalMemoryAccess) return -1; else if(addr >= 0x80000000 && addr < 0xB0000000) { if(addr >= 0x90000000 && addr < 0x98000000) // IO { for(u32 off = 0; off < len; ) { if((addr + off) & 1) { *(vu8 *)(addr + off) = *((u8 *)in + off); off += 1; } else if((addr + off) & 3) { *(vu16 *)(addr + off) = *((u16 *)in + off); off += 2; } else { *(vu32 *)(addr + off) = *((u32 *)in + off); off += 4; } } } else memcpy((void *)addr, in, len); return 0; } else { u32 PA = svcConvertVAToPA((const void *)addr, true); if(PA != 0) { svcCustomBackdoor(k_memcpy_no_interrupt, (void *)addr, in, len); return 0; } else { // Unreliable, use at your own risk svcFlushEntireDataCache(); svcInvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); Result ret = GDB_WriteMemoryInPage(ctx, PA_FROM_VA_PTR(in), addr, len); svcFlushEntireDataCache(); svcInvalidateEntireInstructionCache(); return ret; } } } int GDB_SendMemory(GDBContext *ctx, const char *prefix, u32 prefixLen, u32 addr, u32 len) { char buf[GDB_BUF_LEN]; u8 membuf[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2]; if(prefix != NULL) memcpy(buf, prefix, prefixLen); else prefixLen = 0; if(prefixLen + 2 * len > GDB_BUF_LEN) // gdb shouldn't send requests which responses don't fit in a packet return prefix == NULL ? GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, ENOMEM) : -1; Result r = 0; u32 remaining = len, total = 0; do { u32 nb = (remaining > 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF)) ? 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF) : remaining; r = GDB_ReadMemoryInPage(membuf + total, ctx, addr, nb); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) { addr += nb; total += nb; remaining -= nb; } } while(remaining > 0 && R_SUCCEEDED(r)); if(total == 0) return prefix == NULL ? GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EFAULT) : -EFAULT; else { GDB_EncodeHex(buf + prefixLen, membuf, total); return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, buf, prefixLen + 2 * total); } } int GDB_WriteMemory(GDBContext *ctx, const void *buf, u32 addr, u32 len) { Result r = 0; u32 remaining = len, total = 0; do { u32 nb = (remaining > 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF)) ? 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF) : remaining; r = GDB_WriteMemoryInPage(ctx, (u8 *)buf + total, addr, nb); if(R_SUCCEEDED(r)) { addr += nb; total += nb; remaining -= nb; } } while(remaining > 0 && R_SUCCEEDED(r)); if(R_FAILED(r)) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EFAULT); else return GDB_ReplyOk(ctx); } u32 GDB_SearchMemory(bool *found, GDBContext *ctx, u32 addr, u32 len, const void *pattern, u32 patternLen) { u8 buf[0x1000 + 0x1000 * ((GDB_BUF_LEN + 0xFFF) / 0x1000)]; u32 maxNbPages = 1 + ((GDB_BUF_LEN + 0xFFF) / 0x1000); u32 curAddr = addr; s64 TTBCR; svcGetSystemInfo(&TTBCR, 0x10002, 0); while(curAddr < addr + len) { u32 nbPages; u32 addrBase = curAddr & ~0xFFF, addrDispl = curAddr & 0xFFF; for(nbPages = 0; nbPages < maxNbPages; nbPages++) { if(addr >= (1u << (32 - (u32)TTBCR))) { u32 PA = svcConvertVAToPA((const void *)addr, false); if(PA == 0 || (PA >= 0x10000000 && PA <= 0x18000000)) break; } if(R_FAILED(GDB_ReadMemoryInPage(buf + 0x1000 * nbPages, ctx, addrBase + nbPages * 0x1000, 0x1000))) break; } u8 *pos = NULL; if(addrDispl + patternLen <= 0x1000 * nbPages) pos = memsearch(buf + addrDispl, pattern, 0x1000 * nbPages - addrDispl, patternLen); if(pos != NULL) { *found = true; return addrBase + (pos - buf); } curAddr = addrBase + 0x1000; } *found = false; return 0; } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(ReadMemory) { u32 lst[2]; if(GDB_ParseHexIntegerList(lst, ctx->commandData, 2, 0) == NULL) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); u32 addr = lst[0]; u32 len = lst[1]; return GDB_SendMemory(ctx, NULL, 0, addr, len); } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(WriteMemory) { u32 lst[2]; const char *dataStart = GDB_ParseHexIntegerList(lst, ctx->commandData, 2, ':'); if(dataStart == NULL || *dataStart != ':') return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); dataStart++; u32 addr = lst[0]; u32 len = lst[1]; if(dataStart + 2 * len >= ctx->buffer + 4 + GDB_BUF_LEN) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, ENOMEM); u8 data[GDB_BUF_LEN / 2]; u32 n = GDB_DecodeHex(data, dataStart, len); if(n != len) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); return GDB_WriteMemory(ctx, data, addr, len); } GDB_DECLARE_HANDLER(WriteMemoryRaw) { u32 lst[2]; const char *dataStart = GDB_ParseHexIntegerList(lst, ctx->commandData, 2, ':'); if(dataStart == NULL || *dataStart != ':') return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); dataStart++; u32 addr = lst[0]; u32 len = lst[1]; if(dataStart + len >= ctx->buffer + 4 + GDB_BUF_LEN) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, ENOMEM); u8 data[GDB_BUF_LEN]; u32 n = GDB_UnescapeBinaryData(data, dataStart, len); if(n != len) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, n); return GDB_WriteMemory(ctx, data, addr, len); } GDB_DECLARE_QUERY_HANDLER(SearchMemory) { u32 lst[2]; u32 addr, len; u8 pattern[GDB_BUF_LEN]; const char *patternStart; u32 patternLen; bool found; u32 foundAddr; if(strncmp(ctx->commandData, "memory:", 7) != 0) return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); ctx->commandData += 7; patternStart = GDB_ParseIntegerList(lst, ctx->commandData, 2, ';', ';', 16, false); if(patternStart == NULL || *patternStart != ';') return GDB_ReplyErrno(ctx, EILSEQ); addr = lst[0]; len = lst[1]; patternStart++; patternLen = ctx->commandEnd - patternStart; patternLen = GDB_UnescapeBinaryData(pattern, patternStart, patternLen); foundAddr = GDB_SearchMemory(&found, ctx, addr, len, patternStart, patternLen); if(found) return GDB_SendFormattedPacket(ctx, "1,%x", foundAddr); else return GDB_SendPacket(ctx, "0", 1); }