/* * This file is part of Luma3DS * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Aurora Wright, TuxSH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include <3ds.h> #include <3ds/os.h> #include "menus.h" #include "menu.h" #include "draw.h" #include "menus/process_list.h" #include "menus/process_patches.h" #include "menus/n3ds.h" #include "menus/debugger.h" #include "menus/miscellaneous.h" #include "menus/sysconfig.h" #include "menus/screen_filters.h" #include "ifile.h" #include "memory.h" #include "fmt.h" Menu rosalinaMenu = { "Rosalina menu", .nbItems = 11, { { "New 3DS menu...", MENU, .menu = &N3DSMenu }, { "Cheats...", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_Cheats }, { "Process list", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_ProcessList }, { "Take screenshot (slow!)", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_TakeScreenshot }, { "Debugger options...", MENU, .menu = &debuggerMenu }, { "System configuration...", MENU, .menu = &sysconfigMenu }, { "Screen filters...", MENU, .menu = &screenFiltersMenu }, { "Miscellaneous options...", MENU, .menu = &miscellaneousMenu }, { "Power off", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_PowerOff }, { "Reboot", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_Reboot }, { "Credits", METHOD, .method = &RosalinaMenu_ShowCredits } } }; void RosalinaMenu_ShowCredits(void) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Rosalina -- Luma3DS credits"); u32 posY = Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Luma3DS (c) 2016-2020 AuroraWright, TuxSH") + SPACING_Y; posY = Draw_DrawString(10, posY + SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, "3DSX loading code by fincs"); posY = Draw_DrawString(10, posY + SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, "Networking code & basic GDB functionality by Stary"); posY = Draw_DrawString(10, posY + SPACING_Y, COLOR_WHITE, "InputRedirection by Stary (PoC by ShinyQuagsire)"); posY += 2 * SPACING_Y; Draw_DrawString(10, posY, COLOR_WHITE, ( "Special thanks to:\n" " Bond697, WinterMute, piepie62, yifanlu\n" " Luma3DS contributors, ctrulib contributors,\n" " other people" )); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } while(!(waitInput() & BUTTON_B) && !terminationRequest); } void RosalinaMenu_Reboot(void) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Rosalina menu"); Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Press A to reboot, press B to go back."); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); u32 pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(1000); if(pressed & BUTTON_A) { menuLeave(); APT_HardwareResetAsync(); return; } else if(pressed & BUTTON_B) return; } while(!terminationRequest); } void RosalinaMenu_PowerOff(void) // Soft shutdown. { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Rosalina menu"); Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Press A to power off, press B to go back."); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); u32 pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(1000); if(pressed & BUTTON_A) { menuLeave(); srvPublishToSubscriber(0x203, 0); return; } else if(pressed & BUTTON_B) return; } while(!terminationRequest); } #define TRY(expr) if(R_FAILED(res = (expr))) goto end; static s64 timeSpentConvertingScreenshot = 0; static s64 timeSpentWritingScreenshot = 0; static Result RosalinaMenu_WriteScreenshot(IFile *file, bool top, bool left) { u64 total; Result res = 0; u32 dimX = top ? 400 : 320; u32 lineSize = 3 * dimX; u32 remaining = lineSize * 240; u8 *framebufferCache = (u8 *)Draw_GetFramebufferCache(); u8 *framebufferCacheEnd = framebufferCache + Draw_GetFramebufferCacheSize(); u8 *buf = framebufferCache; Draw_CreateBitmapHeader(framebufferCache, dimX, 240); buf += 54; u32 y = 0; // Our buffer might be smaller than the size of the screenshot... while (remaining != 0) { s64 t0 = svcGetSystemTick(); u32 available = (u32)(framebufferCacheEnd - buf); u32 size = available < remaining ? available : remaining; u32 nlines = size / lineSize; Draw_ConvertFrameBufferLines(buf, y, nlines, top, left); s64 t1 = svcGetSystemTick(); timeSpentConvertingScreenshot += t1 - t0; TRY(IFile_Write(file, &total, framebufferCache, (y == 0 ? 54 : 0) + lineSize * nlines, 0)); // don't forget to write the header timeSpentWritingScreenshot += svcGetSystemTick() - t1; y += nlines; remaining -= lineSize * nlines; buf = framebufferCache; } end: return res; } void RosalinaMenu_TakeScreenshot(void) { IFile file; Result res = 0; char filename[64]; FS_Archive archive; FS_ArchiveID archiveId; s64 out; bool isSdMode; timeSpentConvertingScreenshot = 0; timeSpentWritingScreenshot = 0; if(R_FAILED(svcGetSystemInfo(&out, 0x10000, 0x203))) svcBreak(USERBREAK_ASSERT); isSdMode = (bool)out; archiveId = isSdMode ? ARCHIVE_SDMC : ARCHIVE_NAND_RW; Draw_Lock(); Draw_RestoreFramebuffer(); svcFlushEntireDataCache(); res = FSUSER_OpenArchive(&archive, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, "")); if(R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/luma/screenshots"), 0); if((u32)res == 0xC82044BE) // directory already exists res = 0; FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); } u32 seconds, minutes, hours, days, year, month; u64 milliseconds = osGetTime(); seconds = milliseconds/1000; milliseconds %= 1000; minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60; days = hours / 24; hours %= 24; year = 1900; // osGetTime starts in 1900 while(true) { bool leapYear = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)); u16 daysInYear = leapYear ? 366 : 365; if(days >= daysInYear) { days -= daysInYear; ++year; } else { static const u8 daysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; for(month = 0; month < 12; ++month) { u8 dim = daysInMonth[month]; if (month == 1 && leapYear) ++dim; if (days >= dim) days -= dim; else break; } break; } } days++; month++; sprintf(filename, "/luma/screenshots/%04lu-%02lu-%02lu_%02lu-%02lu-%02lu.%03llu_top.bmp", year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); TRY(IFile_Open(&file, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, filename), FS_OPEN_CREATE | FS_OPEN_WRITE)); TRY(RosalinaMenu_WriteScreenshot(&file, true, true)); TRY(IFile_Close(&file)); sprintf(filename, "/luma/screenshots/%04lu-%02lu-%02lu_%02lu-%02lu-%02lu.%03llu_bot.bmp", year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); TRY(IFile_Open(&file, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, filename), FS_OPEN_CREATE | FS_OPEN_WRITE)); TRY(RosalinaMenu_WriteScreenshot(&file, false, true)); TRY(IFile_Close(&file)); if((GPU_FB_TOP_FMT & 0x20) && (Draw_GetCurrentFramebufferAddress(true, true) != Draw_GetCurrentFramebufferAddress(true, false))) { sprintf(filename, "/luma/screenshots/%04lu-%02lu-%02lu_%02lu-%02lu-%02lu.%03llu_top_right.bmp", year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); TRY(IFile_Open(&file, archiveId, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, filename), FS_OPEN_CREATE | FS_OPEN_WRITE)); TRY(RosalinaMenu_WriteScreenshot(&file, true, false)); TRY(IFile_Close(&file)); } end: IFile_Close(&file); svcFlushEntireDataCache(); Draw_SetupFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "Screenshot"); if(R_FAILED(res)) Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Operation failed (0x%08lx).", (u32)res); else { u32 t1 = (u32)(1000 * timeSpentConvertingScreenshot / SYSCLOCK_ARM11); u32 t2 = (u32)(1000 * timeSpentWritingScreenshot / SYSCLOCK_ARM11); u32 posY = 30; posY = Draw_DrawString(10, posY, COLOR_WHITE, "Operation succeeded.\n\n"); posY = Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, posY, COLOR_WHITE, "Time spent converting: %5lums\n", t1); posY = Draw_DrawFormattedString(10, posY, COLOR_WHITE, "Time spent writing files: %5lums\n", t2); } Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); } while(!(waitInput() & BUTTON_B) && !terminationRequest); #undef TRY }