This commit is contained in:
Aurora 2016-10-07 14:27:54 +02:00
commit 7f314dfe11

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
# Notices displayed by works containing it.
__author__ = "TuxSH"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 TuxSH"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 TuxSH"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__version__ = "v1.0"
__version__ = "v1.2"
Parses Luma3DS exception dumps
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Parses Luma3DS exception dumps
import argparse
from struct import unpack_from
import os
import subprocess
# Source of hexdump:
# Credits for hexdump go to the original authors
# Slightly edited by TuxSH
@ -76,14 +79,14 @@ def hexdump(addr, src, length=16, sep='.' ):
text += chr(c)
text += sep
result.append(('%08X: %-'+str(length*(2+1)+1)+'s |%s|') % (addr + i, hexa, text))
result.append(('%08x: %-'+str(length*(2+1)+1)+'s |%s|') % (addr + i, hexa, text))
return '\n'.join(result)
def makeRegisterLine(A, rA, B, rB):
return "{0:<15}{1:<20}{2:<15}{3:<20}".format(A, "{0:08x}".format(rA), B, "{0:08x}".format(rB))
handledExceptionNames = ("FIQ", "undefined instruction", "prefetch abort", "data abort")
registerNames = tuple("r{0}".format(i) for i in range(13)) + ("sp", "lr", "pc", "cpsr") + ("dfsr", "ifsr", "far") + ("fpexc", "fpinst", "fpinst2")
svcBreakReasons = ("(svcBreak: panic)", "(svcBreak: assertion failed)", "(svcBreak: user-related)")
@ -96,23 +99,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(args.filename, "rb") as f: data =
if unpack_from("<2I", data) != (0xdeadc0de, 0xdeadcafe):
raise SystemExit("Invalid file format")
version, processor, exceptionType, _, nbRegisters, codeDumpSize, stackDumpSize, additionalDataSize = unpack_from("<8I", data, 8)
nbRegisters //= 4
if version < (1 << 16) | 2:
raise SystemExit("Incompatible format version, please use the appropriate parser.")
registers = unpack_from("<{0}I".format(nbRegisters), data, 40)
codeDump = data[40 + 4 * nbRegisters : 40 + 4 * nbRegisters + codeDumpSize]
stackOffset = 40 + 4 * nbRegisters + codeDumpSize
codeOffset = 40 + 4 * nbRegisters
codeDump = data[codeOffset : codeOffset + codeDumpSize]
stackOffset = codeOffset + codeDumpSize
stackDump = data[stackOffset : stackOffset + stackDumpSize]
addtionalDataOffset = stackOffset + stackDumpSize
additionalData = data[addtionalDataOffset : addtionalDataOffset + additionalDataSize]
if processor == 9: print("Processor: ARM9")
else: print("Processor: ARM11 (core {0})".format(processor >> 16))
typeDetailsStr = ""
if exceptionType == 2:
if (registers[16] & 0x20) == 0 and codeDumpSize >= 4:
@ -125,23 +129,41 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
instr = unpack_from("<I", codeDump[-4:])[0]
if instr == 0xdf3c:
typeDetailsStr = " " + (svcBreakReasons[registers[0]] if registers[0] < 3 else "(svcBreak)")
elif processor != 9 and (registers[20] & 0x80000000) != 0:
typeDetailsStr = " (VFP exception)"
print("Exception type: {0}{1}".format("unknown" if exceptionType >= len(handledExceptionNames) else handledExceptionNames[exceptionType], typeDetailsStr))
if additionalDataSize != 0:
print("Current process: {0} ({1:016x})".format(additionalData[:8].decode("ascii"), unpack_from("<Q", additionalData, 8)[0]))
print("\nRegister dump:\n")
for i in range(0, nbRegisters - (nbRegisters % 2), 2):
if i == 16: print("")
print(makeRegisterLine(registerNames[i], registers[i], registerNames[i+1], registers[i+1]))
if nbRegisters % 2 == 1: print("{0:<15}{1:<20}".format(registerNames[nbRegisters - 1], "{0:08x}".format(registers[nbRegisters - 1])))
thumb = registers[16] & 0x20 != 0
addr = registers[15] - codeDumpSize + (2 if thumb else 4)
print("\nCode dump:\n")
print(hexdump(registers[15] - codeDumpSize + (4 if (registers[16] & 0x20 == 0) else 2), codeDump))
objdump_res = ""
path = os.path.join(os.environ["DEVKITARM"], "bin", "arm-none-eabi-objdump")
if == "nt":
path = ''.join((path[1], ':', path[2:])).replace('/', '\\')
objdump_res = subprocess.check_output((
path, "-marm", "-b", "binary",
"--adjust-vma="+hex(addr - codeOffset), "--start-address="+hex(addr),
"--stop-address="+hex(addr + codeDumpSize), "-D", "-z", "-M",
"reg-names-std" + (",force-thumb" if thumb else ""), args.filename
objdump_res = '\n'.join(objdump_res[objdump_res.find('<.data+'):].split('\n')[1:])
except: objdump_res = ""
print(objdump_res if objdump_res != "" else hexdump(addr, codeDump))
print("\nStack dump:\n")
print(hexdump(registers[13], stackDump))