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; This file is part of Luma3DS
; Copyright (C) 2016 Aurora Wright, TuxSH
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
; Additional Terms 7.b of GPLv3 applies to this file: Requiring preservation of specified
; reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
; Notices displayed by works containing it.
; Code originally from Subv
.create "build/k11modules.bin", 0
; This code searches the sm module for a specific byte pattern and patches some of the instructions
; in the code to disable service access checks when calling srv:GetServiceHandle
; It also searches the fs module for archive access check code
; Save the registers we'll be using
; Register contents:
; r4: Pointer to a pointer to the exheader of the current NCCH
; r6: Constant 0
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
; SP + 4: Pointer to the memory location where the NCCH text was loaded
; Execute the instruction we overwrote in our detour
ldr r0, [r4]
; Save the value of the register we use
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
push {r0-r4}
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldr r1, [sp, #24] ; Load the .text address
ldr r2, [r0, #0x200] ; Load the low title id of the current NCCH
ldr r0, [r0, #0x18] ; Load the size of the .text
add r0, r1, r0 ; Max bounds of the memory region
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldr r3, =0x1002 ; Low title id of the sm module
cmp r2, r3 ; Compare the low title id to the id of the sm module
bne fs_patch ; Skip if they're not the same
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldr r2, =0xE1A01006 ; mov r1, r6
2016-08-15 21:20:31 +02:00
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
cmp r0, r1
blo die ; Check if we didn't go past the bounds of the memory region
ldr r3, [r1]
cmp r3, r2
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldreqh r3, [r1, #4]
cmpeq r3, #5
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
addne r1, #4
2016-08-15 21:20:31 +02:00
bne loop
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
; r1 now contains the start address of the pattern we found
ldr r0, =0xE3A00001 ; mov r0, #1
str r0, [r1, #8] ; Patch the bl
2016-08-15 21:20:31 +02:00
b out
fs_patch: ; patch adapted from BootNTR
ldr r3, =0x1102 ; Low title id of the fs module
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
cmp r2, r3 ; Compare the low title id to the id of the sm module
bne out ; Skip if they're not the same
2016-10-17 23:39:13 +02:00
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldr r2, =0x7401 ; strb r1, [r0, #16]
ldr r3, =0x2000 ; movs r0, #0
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
cmp r0, r1
blo die
ldrh r4, [r1]
cmp r4, r2
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
ldreqh r4, [r1, #2]
cmpeq r4, r3
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
addeq r1, #8
addne r1, #2
bne loop_fs
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
; r1 now contains the start address of the pattern we found
ldr r0, =0x2001 ; mov r0, #1
ldr r2, =0x4770 ; bx lr
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
strh r0, [r1]
strh r2, [r1, #2]
2016-10-15 15:04:48 +02:00
pop {r0-r4} ; Restore the registers we used
bx lr ; Jump back to whoever called us
b die