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2015-08-04 21:57:37 -04:00
rwildcard = $(foreach d, $(wildcard $1*), $(filter $(subst *, %, $2), $d) $(call rwildcard, $d/, $2))
# This should be set externally
name ?= reiNand.dat
path ?=
dir_out ?= .
CC := arm-none-eabi-gcc
AS := arm-none-eabi-as
LD := arm-none-eabi-ld
OC := arm-none-eabi-objcopy
dir_source := source
dir_build := build
ARM9FLAGS := -mcpu=arm946e-s -march=armv5te
ARM11FLAGS := -mcpu=mpcore
ASFLAGS := -mlittle-endian
CFLAGS := -marm $(ASFLAGS) -O2 -std=c11 -MMD -MP -fno-builtin -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wextra -Wno-main -DLAUNCHER_PATH='"$(path)$(name)"'
get_objects = $(patsubst $(dir_source)/%.s, $(dir_build)/%.o, \
$(patsubst $(dir_source)/%.c, $(dir_build)/%.o, $1))
objects := $(call get_objects, $(wildcard $(dir_source)/*.s $(dir_source)/*.c))
objects_payload := $(call get_objects, \
$(call rwildcard, $(dir_source)/payload, *.s *.c))
versions := mset_4x mset_4x_dg mset_6x
rops := $(foreach ver, $(versions), $(dir_build)/$(ver)/rop.dat)
.PHONY: all
all: launcher
.PHONY: launcher
launcher: $(dir_out)/$(name)
.PHONY: bigpayload
bigpayload: $(dir_build)/bigpayload.built
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(dir_out)/$(name) $(dir_build)
# Big payload
$(dir_build)/bigpayload.built: $(dir_out)/$(name) $(dir_build)/payload/main.bin
dd if=$(dir_build)/payload/main.bin of=$(dir_out)/$(name) bs=512 seek=144
@touch $@
# Throw everything together
$(dir_out)/$(name): $(rops) $(dir_build)/mset/main.bin $(dir_build)/spider/main.bin
touch $@
dd if=$(dir_build)/spider/main.bin of=$@ bs=512 seek=0
dd if=$(dir_build)/mset_4x/rop.dat of=$@ bs=512 seek=32
dd if=$(dir_build)/mset_4x_dg/rop.dat of=$@ bs=512 seek=34
dd if=$(dir_build)/mset_6x/rop.dat of=$@ bs=512 seek=40
dd if=$(dir_build)/mset/main.bin of=$@ bs=512 seek=64
$(dir_build)/mset_%/rop.dat: rop_param = MSET_$(shell echo $* | tr a-z A-Z)
@make -C rop3ds LoadCodeMset.dat ASFLAGS="-D$(rop_param) -DARM_CODE_OFFSET=0x8000"
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
@mv rop3ds/LoadCodeMset.dat $@
# Create bin from elf
$(dir_build)/%/main.bin: $(dir_build)/%/main.elf
$(OC) -S -O binary $< $@
# Different flags for different things
$(dir_build)/payload/main.elf: ASFLAGS := $(ARM9FLAGS) $(ASFLAGS)
$(dir_build)/payload/main.elf: CFLAGS := $(ARM9FLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
$(dir_build)/payload/main.elf: $(objects_payload)
# FatFs requires libgcc for __aeabi_uidiv
$(CC) -nostartfiles $(LDFLAGS) -T linker_payload.ld $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $^
# The arm11 payloads
$(dir_build)/%/main.elf: ASFLAGS := $(ARM11FLAGS) $(ASFLAGS)
$(dir_build)/mset/main.elf: CFLAGS := -DENTRY_MSET $(ARM11FLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
$(dir_build)/mset/main.elf: $(patsubst $(dir_build)/%, $(dir_build)/mset/%, $(objects))
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T linker_mset.ld $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $^
$(dir_build)/spider/main.elf: CFLAGS := -DENTRY_SPIDER $(ARM11FLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
$(dir_build)/spider/main.elf: $(patsubst $(dir_build)/%, $(dir_build)/spider/%, $(objects))
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T linker_spider.ld $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $^
# Fatfs requires to be built in thumb
$(dir_build)/payload/fatfs/%.o: $(dir_source)/payload/fatfs/%.c
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
$(COMPILE.c) -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -Wno-unused-function $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<
$(dir_build)/payload/fatfs/%.o: $(dir_source)/payload/fatfs/%.s
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
$(COMPILE.s) -mthumb -mthumb-interwork $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<
$(dir_build)/payload/%.o: $(dir_source)/payload/%.c
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
$(dir_build)/payload/%.o: $(dir_source)/payload/%.s
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
$(dir_build)/%.o: $(dir_source)/$$(notdir $$*).c
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
$(dir_build)/%.o: $(dir_source)/$$(notdir $$*).s
@mkdir -p "$(@D)"
include $(call rwildcard, $(dir_build), *.d)