2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
* This file is part of Luma3DS
2019-02-24 18:04:32 -07:00
* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aurora Wright, TuxSH
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
/* This file was entirely written by fincs */
#include <3ds.h>
#include "hbloader.h"
#include "3dsx.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "csvc.h"
#include "memory.h"
#define MAP_BASE 0x10000000
static const char serviceList[32][8] =
static const u64 dependencyList[] =
0x0004013000002402LL, //ac
0x0004013000001502LL, //am
0x0004013000003402LL, //boss
0x0004013000001602LL, //camera
0x0004013000001702LL, //cfg
0x0004013000001802LL, //codec
0x0004013000002702LL, //csnd
0x0004013000002802LL, //dlp
0x0004013000001A02LL, //dsp
0x0004013000001B02LL, //gpio
0x0004013000001C02LL, //gsp
0x0004013000001D02LL, //hid
0x0004013000002902LL, //http
0x0004013000001E02LL, //i2c
0x0004013000003302LL, //ir
0x0004013000001F02LL, //mcu
0x0004013000002002LL, //mic
0x0004013000002B02LL, //ndm
0x0004013000003502LL, //news
0x0004013000002C02LL, //nim
0x0004013000002D02LL, //nwm
0x0004013000002102LL, //pdn
0x0004013000003102LL, //ps
0x0004013000002202LL, //ptm
0x0004013000003702LL, //ro
0x0004013000002E02LL, //socket
0x0004013000002302LL, //spi
0x0004013000002F02LL, //ssl
static const u32 kernelCaps[] =
0xFC00022C, // Kernel release version: 8.0 (necessary for using the new linear mapping)
0xFF81FF50, // RW static mapping: 0x1FF50000
0xFF81FF58, // RW static mapping: 0x1FF58000
0xFF81FF70, // RW static mapping: 0x1FF70000
0xFF81FF78, // RW static mapping: 0x1FF78000
0xFF91F000, // RO static mapping: 0x1F000000
0xFF91F600, // RO static mapping: 0x1F600000
0xFF002101, // Exflags: APPLICATION memtype + "Allow debug" + "Access core2"
0xFE000200, // Handle table size: 0x200
static inline void assertSuccess(Result res)
static u16 hbldrTarget[PATH_MAX+1];
static inline void error(u32* cmdbuf, Result rc)
cmdbuf[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(0, 1, 0);
cmdbuf[1] = rc;
static u16 *u16_strncpy(u16 *dest, const u16 *src, u32 size)
u32 i;
for (i = 0; i < size && src[i] != 0; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
while (i < size)
dest[i++] = 0;
return dest;
2019-03-16 23:40:43 +01:00
void HBLDR_HandleCommands(void *ctx)
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
2019-03-16 23:40:43 +01:00
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
Result res;
IFile file;
u32 *cmdbuf = getThreadCommandBuffer();
switch (cmdbuf[0] >> 16)
case 1:
if (cmdbuf[0] != IPC_MakeHeader(1, 6, 0))
error(cmdbuf, 0xD9001830);
u32 baseAddr = cmdbuf[1];
u32 flags = cmdbuf[2] & 0xF00;
u64 tid = (u64)cmdbuf[3] | ((u64)cmdbuf[4]<<32);
char name[8];
memcpy(name, &cmdbuf[5], sizeof(name));
if (hbldrTarget[0] == 0)
u16_strncpy(hbldrTarget, u"/boot.3dsx", PATH_MAX);
ldrArgvBuf[0] = 1;
strncpy((char*)&ldrArgvBuf[1], "sdmc:/boot.3dsx", sizeof(ldrArgvBuf)-4);
res = IFile_Open(&file, ARCHIVE_SDMC, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, hbldrTarget), FS_OPEN_READ);
hbldrTarget[0] = 0;
if (R_FAILED(res))
error(cmdbuf, res);
u32 totalSize = 0;
res = Ldr_Get3dsxSize(&totalSize, &file);
if (R_FAILED(res))
error(cmdbuf, res);
u32 tmp = 0;
res = svcControlMemoryEx(&tmp, MAP_BASE, 0, totalSize, MEMOP_ALLOC | flags, MEMPERM_READ | MEMPERM_WRITE, true);
if (R_FAILED(res))
error(cmdbuf, res);
Handle hCodeset = Ldr_CodesetFrom3dsx(name, (u32*)MAP_BASE, baseAddr, &file, tid);
if (!hCodeset)
svcControlMemory(&tmp, MAP_BASE, 0, totalSize, MEMOP_FREE, 0);
cmdbuf[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(1, 1, 2);
cmdbuf[1] = 0;
cmdbuf[2] = IPC_Desc_MoveHandles(1);
cmdbuf[3] = hCodeset;
case 2:
if (cmdbuf[0] != IPC_MakeHeader(2, 0, 2) || (cmdbuf[1] & 0x3FFF) != 0x0002)
error(cmdbuf, 0xD9001830);
ssize_t units = utf8_to_utf16(hbldrTarget, (const uint8_t*)cmdbuf[2], PATH_MAX);
if (units < 0 || units > PATH_MAX)
hbldrTarget[0] = 0;
error(cmdbuf, 0xD9001830);
hbldrTarget[units] = 0;
cmdbuf[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(2, 1, 0);
cmdbuf[1] = 0;
case 3:
if (cmdbuf[0] != IPC_MakeHeader(3, 0, 2) || (cmdbuf[1] & 0x3FFF) != (0x2 | (1<<10)))
error(cmdbuf, 0xD9001830);
// No need to do anything - the kernel already copied the data to our buffer
cmdbuf[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(3, 1, 0);
cmdbuf[1] = 0;
case 4:
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
if (cmdbuf[0] != IPC_MakeHeader(4, 0, 2) || cmdbuf[1] != IPC_Desc_Buffer(sizeof(ExHeader_Info), IPC_BUFFER_RW))
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
error(cmdbuf, 0xD9001830);
// Perform ExHeader patches
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
ExHeader_Info* exh = (ExHeader_Info*)cmdbuf[2];
u32 stacksize = 4096; // 3dsx/libctru don't require anymore than this
memcpy(exh->sci.codeset_info.name, "3dsx_app", 8);
memcpy(&exh->sci.codeset_info.stack_size, &stacksize, 4);
memset(&exh->sci.dependencies, 0, sizeof(exh->sci.dependencies));
memcpy(exh->sci.dependencies, dependencyList, sizeof(dependencyList));
2018-05-24 00:55:38 +02:00
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
ExHeader_Arm11SystemLocalCapabilities* localcaps0 = &exh->aci.local_caps;
2018-05-24 00:55:38 +02:00
localcaps0->core_info.core_version = 2;
localcaps0->core_info.use_cpu_clockrate_804MHz = false;
localcaps0->core_info.enable_l2c = false;
localcaps0->core_info.n3ds_system_mode = SYSMODE_N3DS_PROD;
localcaps0->core_info.ideal_processor = 0;
localcaps0->core_info.affinity_mask = BIT(0);
localcaps0->core_info.o3ds_system_mode = SYSMODE_O3DS_PROD;
localcaps0->core_info.priority = 0x30;
memset(localcaps0->reslimits, 0, sizeof(localcaps0->reslimits));
localcaps0->reslimits[0] = 0x9E; // Stuff needed to run stuff on core1
localcaps0->storage_info.fs_access_info = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Give access to everything
localcaps0->storage_info.no_romfs = true;
localcaps0->storage_info.use_extended_savedata_access = true; // Whatever
/* We have a patched SM, so whatever... */
memset(localcaps0->service_access, 0, sizeof(localcaps0->service_access));
memcpy(localcaps0->service_access, serviceList, sizeof(serviceList));
localcaps0->reslimit_category = RESLIMIT_CATEGORY_APPLICATION;
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
ExHeader_Arm11KernelCapabilities* kcaps0 = &exh->aci.kernel_caps;
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
memset(kcaps0->descriptors, 0xFF, sizeof(kcaps0->descriptors));
memcpy(kcaps0->descriptors, kernelCaps, sizeof(kernelCaps));
u64 lastdep = sizeof(dependencyList)/8;
if (osGetFirmVersion() >= SYSTEM_VERSION(2,50,0)) // 9.6+ FIRM
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
exh->sci.dependencies[lastdep++] = 0x0004013000004002ULL; // nfc
2018-05-24 00:55:38 +02:00
strncpy((char*)&localcaps0->service_access[0x20], "nfc:u", 8);
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
s64 dummy = 0;
bool isN3DS = svcGetSystemInfo(&dummy, 0x10001, 0) == 0;
if (isN3DS)
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
exh->sci.dependencies[lastdep++] = 0x0004013020004102ULL; // mvd
2018-05-24 00:55:38 +02:00
strncpy((char*)&localcaps0->service_access[0x21], "mvd:STD", 8);
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
cmdbuf[0] = IPC_MakeHeader(4, 1, 2);
cmdbuf[1] = 0;
2019-03-11 00:17:01 +01:00
cmdbuf[2] = IPC_Desc_Buffer(sizeof(ExHeader_Info), IPC_BUFFER_RW);
2017-06-05 02:02:04 +02:00
cmdbuf[3] = (u32)exh;
error(cmdbuf, 0xD900182F);