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2019-03-29 00:32:45 +01:00
#include <3ds.h>
#include "reslimit.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "manager.h"
2019-03-29 18:23:52 +01:00
#include "luma.h"
2019-03-29 00:32:45 +01:00
typedef s64 ReslimitValues[10];
static const ResourceLimitType g_reslimitInitOrder[10] = {
static u32 g_currentAppMemLimit = 0, g_defaultAppMemLimit;
static ReslimitValues g_o3dsReslimitValues[4] = {
0x4000000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
0x18, // Max. priority
32, // Threads
32, // Events
32, // Mutexes
8, // Semaphores
8, // Timers
16, // Shared memory objects
2, // Address arbiters
0, // Core1 CPU time
0x2606000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
14, // Threads
8, // Events
8, // Mutexes
4, // Semaphores
4, // Timers
8, // Shared memory objects
3, // Address arbiters
10000, // Core1 CPU time
0x0602000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
14, // Threads
8, // Events
8, // Mutexes
4, // Semaphores
4, // Timers
8, // Shared memory objects
1, // Address arbiters
10000, // Core1 CPU time
// OTHER (BASE sysmodules)
0x1682000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
202, // Threads
248, // Events
35, // Mutexes
64, // Semaphores
43, // Timers
30, // Shared memory objects
43, // Address arbiters
1000, // Core1 CPU time
static ReslimitValues g_n3dsReslimitValues[4] = {
0x7C00000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
0x18, // Max. priority
32, // Threads
32, // Events
32, // Mutexes
8, // Semaphores
8, // Timers
16, // Shared memory objects
2, // Address arbiters
0, // Core1 CPU time
0x5E06000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
29, // Threads
11, // Events
8, // Mutexes
4, // Semaphores
4, // Timers
8, // Shared memory objects
3, // Address arbiters
10000, // Core1 CPU time
0x0602000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
14, // Threads
8, // Events
8, // Mutexes
4, // Semaphores
4, // Timers
8, // Shared memory objects
1, // Address arbiters
10000, // Core1 CPU time
// OTHER (BASE sysmodules)
0x2182000, // Allocatable memory (dynamically calculated)
4, // Max priority
225, // Threads
264, // Events
37, // Mutexes
67, // Semaphores
44, // Timers
31, // Shared memory objects
45, // Address arbiters
1000, // Core1 CPU time
Most of the basic scheduler stuff is the same between the Switch and the 3DS:
- Multi-level queue with 64 levels, 0 being highest priority.
- Interrupt handling code mostly the same, same thing for the entire irq bottom-half
object hierarchy.
- There is the same global critical section object, although not fully a spinlock,
and critsec Leave code has the same logic w/r/t the scheduler and scheduler interrupts.
Some stuff is different:
- The thread selection is done core-per-core, and not all-at-once like on the Switch.
- No load balancing. SetThreadAffinityMask is not implemented either.
- When needed (thread creation), each scheduler has a thread queue;
other schedulers enqueue threads on these queues, triggering the scheduler
SGI when transferring a thread, to make sure threads run on the right core.
- Preemption stuff is different. Preemption is only on core1 when enabled.
- Only one time source, on core1.
- On 3DS, the process affinity mask (specified in exheader) IS NOT A LIMITER.
ThreadAffinityMask = processAffinityMask | (1 << coreId). processAffinityMask is only used
for cpuId < 0 in CreateThread.
Seemingly implemented since 2.1 (see pm workaround and kernel workaround for 1.0 titles below),
on 1.0, there was not any restriction on core1 usage (?).
There are 2 preemption modes, controlled by svcKernelSetState(6, 3, (u64)x) (switching fails
if any of those are still active).
Both rely on segregating running thread/processes in 3 categories: "application", "sysmodules"
and "exempted" (applets).
Cputime values have different meanings:
- 0: disables preemption. Prevent applications from spawning threads in core1.
Behavior is undefined if an 1..89 reslimit is still running. Intended to be ran before app creation only.
- 1..89: core1 cputime percentage. Enables preemption. Previous threads from the same
reslimit are not affected (bug?), but *all* threads with prio >= 16 from the "sysmodule" category
(reslimit value 1000, see below) are affected and possibly immediately setup for preemption, depending on their
current reslimit value.
- 1000: Sets the "sysmodule" preemption info to point to the current reslimit's,
for when something else (application cputime reslimit being set by PM) is set to 1..89.
- 10000 and above: exempted from preemption.
- other values: buggy/possibly undefined?
For the following, time durations might be off by a factor of 2 (?), and nothing was tested.
Please check on hardware/emu code. Really really needs proofreading/prooftesting, especially mode0.
The timers are updated on scheduler thread reselection.
Both modes pause threads they don't want to run in thread selection, and unpause them when needed.
If the threads that are intended to be paused is running an SVC, the pause will happen *after* SVC return.
Mode0 (unsure)
Starting by "sysmodule" threads, alternatively allow (if preemptible) only sysmodule threads,
and then only application threads to run.
The latter has an exception; if "sysmodule" threads have run for less than 2usec, they
are unpaused an allowed to run instead.
This happens at a rate of 1ms * (cpuTime/100).
When this mode is enabled, only one application thread is allowed to be created on core1.
This divides the core1 time into slices of 12.5ms.
The "application" thread is given cpuTime% of the slice.
The "sysmodules" threads are given a total of (90 - cpuTime)% of the slice.
10% remain for other threads.
static const struct {
u32 titleUid;
u32 value;
} g_startCpuTimeOverrides[] = {
Region-incoherent? CHN/KOR/TWN consistently missing.
This seems to be here to replace a 2.0+ kernel workaround for 1.0 titles (maybe?).
It seems like 1.0 kernel didn't implement cputime reslimit & you could freely access core1.
2.1+ kernel returns an error if you try to start an application thread on core1 with cputime=0,
except for 1.0 titles for which it automatically sets cputime to 25.
{ 0x205, 10000 }, // 3DS sound (JPN)
{ 0x215, 10000 }, // 3DS sound (USA)
{ 0x225, 10000 }, // 3DS sound (EUR)
{ 0x304, 10000 }, // Star Fox 64 3D (JPN)
{ 0x32E, 10000 }, // Super Monkey Ball 3D (JPN)
{ 0x334, 30 }, // Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina 3D (JPN)
{ 0x335, 30 }, // The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (USA)
{ 0x336, 30 }, // The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (EUR)
{ 0x348, 10000 }, // Doctor Lautrec to Boukyaku no Kishidan (JPN)
{ 0x349, 10000 }, // Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 (JPN)
{ 0x368, 10000 }, // Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (USA)
{ 0x370, 10000 }, // Super Monkey Ball 3D (USA)
{ 0x389, 10000 }, // Super Monkey Ball 3D (EUR)
{ 0x490, 10000 }, // Star Fox 64 3D (USA)
{ 0x491, 10000 }, // Star Fox 64 3D (EUR)
{ 0x562, 10000 }, // Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (EUR)
static ReslimitValues *fixupReslimitValues(void)
// Fixup "commit" reslimit
2019-03-29 18:23:52 +01:00
u32 sysmemalloc = SYSMEMALLOC + getKExtSize();
2019-03-29 00:32:45 +01:00
ReslimitValues *values = !IS_N3DS ? g_o3dsReslimitValues : g_n3dsReslimitValues;
static const u32 minAppletMemAmount = 0x1200000;
u32 defaultMemAmount = !IS_N3DS ? 0x2C00000 : 0x6400000;
u32 otherMinOvercommitAmount = !IS_N3DS ? 0x280000 : 0x180000;
u32 baseRegionSize = !IS_N3DS ? 0x1400000 : 0x2000000;
if (sysmemalloc < minAppletMemAmount) {
values[1][0] = SYSMEMALLOC - minAppletMemAmount / 3;
values[2][0] = 0;
values[3][0] = baseRegionSize + otherMinOvercommitAmount;
} else {
u32 excess = sysmemalloc < defaultMemAmount ? 0 : sysmemalloc - defaultMemAmount;
values[1][0] = 3 * excess / 4 + sysmemalloc - minAppletMemAmount / 3;
values[2][0] = 1 * excess / 4 + minAppletMemAmount / 3;
values[3][0] = baseRegionSize + (otherMinOvercommitAmount + excess / 4);
values[0][0] = APPMEMALLOC;
g_defaultAppMemLimit = APPMEMALLOC;
return values;
Result initializeReslimits(void)
Result res = 0;
ReslimitValues *values = fixupReslimitValues();
for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
TRY(svcSetResourceLimitValues(g_manager.reslimits[i], g_reslimitInitOrder, values[i], 10));
return res;
Result setAppMemLimit(u32 limit)
if (g_currentAppMemLimit == g_defaultAppMemLimit) {
return 0;
ResourceLimitType category = RESLIMIT_COMMIT;
s64 value = limit | ((u64)limit << 32); // high u32 is the value written to APPMEMALLOC
return svcSetResourceLimitValues(g_manager.reslimits[0], &category, &value, 1);
Result resetAppMemLimit(void)
return setAppMemLimit(g_defaultAppMemLimit);
Result setAppCpuTimeLimit(s64 limit)
ResourceLimitType category = RESLIMIT_CPUTIME;
return svcSetResourceLimitValues(g_manager.reslimits[0], &category, &limit, 1);
static Result getAppCpuTimeLimit(s64 *limit)
ResourceLimitType category = RESLIMIT_CPUTIME;
return svcGetResourceLimitLimitValues(limit, g_manager.reslimits[0], &category, 1);
void setAppCpuTimeLimitAndSchedModeFromDescriptor(u64 titleId, u16 descriptor)
Two main cases here:
- app has a non-0 cputime descriptor in exhdr: current core1 cputime reslimit,
and maximum, and scheduling mode are set to it. SetAppResourceLimit is *not* needed
to use core1.
- app has a 0 cputime descriptor: maximum is set to 80.
Current reslimit is set to 0, and SetAppResourceLimit *is* needed
to use core1, **EXCEPT** for an hardcoded set of titles.
u8 cpuTime = (u8)descriptor;
g_manager.cpuTimeBase = 0;
if (cpuTime != 0) {
// Set core1 scheduling mode
g_manager.maxAppCpuTime = cpuTime & 0x7F;
assertSuccess(svcKernelSetState(6, 3, (cpuTime & 0x80) ? 1LL : 0LL));
} else {
u32 titleUid = ((u32)titleId >> 8) & 0xFFFFF;
g_manager.maxAppCpuTime = 80;
static const u32 numOverrides = sizeof(g_startCpuTimeOverrides) / sizeof(g_startCpuTimeOverrides[0]);
if (titleUid >= g_startCpuTimeOverrides[0].titleUid && titleUid <= g_startCpuTimeOverrides[numOverrides - 1].titleUid) {
u32 i = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < numOverrides && titleUid < g_startCpuTimeOverrides[i].titleUid; i++);
if (i < numOverrides) {
if (g_startCpuTimeOverrides[i].value > 100 && g_startCpuTimeOverrides[i].value < 200) {
assertSuccess(svcKernelSetState(6, 3, 0LL));
assertSuccess(setAppCpuTimeLimit(g_startCpuTimeOverrides[i].value - 100));
} else {
assertSuccess(svcKernelSetState(6, 3, 1LL));
Result SetAppResourceLimit(u32 mbz, ResourceLimitType category, u32 value, u64 mbz2)
if (mbz != 0 || mbz2 != 0 || category != RESLIMIT_CPUTIME || value > (u32)g_manager.maxAppCpuTime) {
return 0xD8E05BF4;
value += value < 5 ? 0 : g_manager.cpuTimeBase;
return setAppCpuTimeLimit(value);
Result GetAppResourceLimit(s64 *value, u32 mbz, ResourceLimitType category, u32 mbz2, u64 mbz3)
if (mbz != 0 || mbz2 != 0 || mbz3 != 0 || category != RESLIMIT_CPUTIME) {
return 0xD8E05BF4;
Result res = getAppCpuTimeLimit(value);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res) && *value >= 5) {
*value = *value >= g_manager.cpuTimeBase ? *value - g_manager.cpuTimeBase : 0;
return res;